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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. My motto is: if you can't find a good free VST, buy a good non-free VST instead. Unless it's super-expensive. "Good" is a little subjective, so I'll just share which flutes I got for free: Fluffy Audio Simple Flute Orchestral Tools SINEfactory - Lucent and Mistral Every now and then Apache - Native American Flute by New Nation is free somewhere I believe synful has flutes. Synful used to cost money but has become free recently. Vivace Legacy has some woodwinds. If you use Ableton Live: Abletunes Foundation Woodwinds has flutes If you use Ableton Live Suite: Check the stock instruments that are included, such as the Orchestral Woodwind pack
  2. Haha, yeah. I've already turned my back on them once, when I realized that I had to pay to re-download the sounds that I already owned. I totally loved them again when I bought Total Studio 3.5 MAX because I got so much value for my money. I still like them and I don't really need the upgrade that much. Still, would have been nice to get a better price. The good thing about this is that I save money. Too many temptations everywhere already.
  3. I find it frustrating that I don't get a bigger discount as an owner of Total Studio 3.5 MAX. People who only spent 40$ on the cheapest Max product get the same price for the Maxgrade, yet I get so much less in addition to what I already have. I'll wait for Total Studio 8 MAX. Then I can get the upgrade for the same price as someone who already bought 4 Maxgrades for 168$ each.
  4. I have so many piano libraries, I think most of them sound great and none really stands out that much that I'd say "You absolutely have to have THIS piano". Same here. Good to have options though, to see which one best fits my idea of how I want it to sound. But if I ran out of space on my external drive, I might kick it out. I didn't like the other two at all, Hybrid Rhythms and Ambient Guitar. They gave me Rigid Audio vibes. Ambient Guitar has some nice phrases but they're unusable for me, because changing notes also changes the tempo. How useless is that? Sure, they're free, so can't complain that much, but I still wish I hadn't wasted my time to download and install them.
  5. removed my comment ... never mind
  6. Slappy is a delay plugin My crusher is - you guessed it - a bitcrusher Bad tape is - who would have thought - a lofi effect You get all three for free. You only have to give them your email address.
  7. Cool, Cinema Pro includes Abstract Marimba and Abstract Marimba. One is "Cinematic, experimental wooden mallets", the other one is "aksjdh kasdkasd kjash dkjahs kdjhask jdhaskj daksjhd kajshd kjahs dkjahsk djas"
  8. I got an email today to tell me that it's now officially released. The product name is now "Supertone Clear". Beta testers can get it for 29$ with the coupon code that they sent per email.
  9. No list list is complete without this: https://www.audiopluginguy.com/all-the-black-friday-plugin-deals/
  10. Damn, that's already the second month in succession where they offer a freebie that I already have. It's a great freebie though. I love the sound of Super 8.
  11. True. The actual saying goes "you can't have enough WAP!"
  12. I don't know if they advertise when they update them, but they have the link to the current spreadsheet in the newsletter.
  13. $4.99? How? The only thing that I see for $4.99 is the subscription.
  14. Ah. I knew I saw it super-cheap somewhere. I thought it was Loot Audio, but it must have been Pulse.
  15. Cheaper at PB: https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/55-Kontakt-Instrument/11323-Quaternion
  16. And you're not happy with it anymore? Btw. one thing that I have to recommend to all Cubase users: Tonepusher on Patreon. For just 5€ you get a whole lot of Cubase project files. They're the ones that Tonepusher used to create the demos for the soundbanks. You need Serum though. I got myself Cubase LE just to be able to load them.
  17. You'll probably find people you respect for every DAW. Hans Zimmer uses Cubase, for example. Personally, I wouldn't want to go through the pain of switching to a new DAW and having to un- and realearn everything. Out of curiosity: Which DAW are you currently using?
  18. Same here. Even though, even $5 didn't tempt me. I'm usually the first one to jump on a price error, but not this time.
  19. Is there something you would recommend getting instead?
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