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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. You're right ? I got it on the 21st of November 2022. And I don't even remember it.
  2. Hm. I don't see any free Clone when I add Tape to the cart. Maybe the 1,000 free licenses are already used up.
  3. I believe the first version was already able to connect with Captain Plugins Epic (you could sync it to Captain Chords). I didn't mind the UI, except for the aesthetics of the avatars. But it was the results of the AI generated melodies that I didn't like. I found that Captain Plugins did a much better job with that. You have more control there too. If you buy Pop Foundation, I'd love to hear a review from you. Do you know how long their Black Friday deals will last?
  4. The user interfaces are what kept me from buying MSoundFactoryLE when it was discounted on WA Production. 24€ is tempting though. But I really don't know if I can cope with using these interfaces. I wish I could use it with my eyes closed.
  5. https://www.modernproducers.com/ Use BFMP50 at checkout to get 50% off. Ends in 2 days and 21 hours from now.
  6. It's not lower than ever before, it's just never been lower than that. It was 24$ in September last year at JRR Shop.
  7. I believe it's the lowest price that they've had so far for Pilot Plugins. I didn't like Volume 1 "Futurism". I think it's the only plugin where I ever made use of the 30 day money back guarantee. But I paid 49€. Might have kept it for 24.50€. Since when do they have Volume 2 "Pop Foundation"? That must be brand-new. I wonder if it's better. Captain Plugins Epic is epic though. I'm a huge fan.
  8. The cheapest I found was Harpsichord by Sonivox for 2.98€ https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/1-Instruments/64-Virtual-Instrument/2013-Harpsichord It's a VSTi, a harpsichord, obviously. Sounds alright and doesn't require any other software like Kontakt or so. So far, I don't like Dawesome LOVE that much, to be honest.
  9. Cymatics has a new sample pack and it's free. It's called "Weekday", consists of more than 100 samples (around 700MB, I believe). They say it's insipired by the Weeknd. Also, the sample packs that they used to give for free with any purchase in the last weeks (Gunner, Doja, Utopia, and Bunny) are now free without having to buy anything. I wish I had known that this day would come, because I actually bought something for 1$ each time just to get the free pack. ?
  10. Has already been posted here: I see you're a Polyverse staff member. I love how it's snowing notes on your website ?
  11. @Doug Rintoul I noticed that many of their instruments only have a four star rating at PB. And in my experience, people are usually generous with their ratings there. I have no personal experience with their products though. At least some of them look good. So, what's wrong with them? Just sounds bad? Or are they buggy? Bad support? What is it?
  12. From the newsletter: Go to https://collection.ostaudio.net/synthwave, enter "BLACKX50" at checkout and get it for 26€ + VAT, which would be €32.58 in Germany. I already have most of the packs that are included, but if I didn't: I'd buy it. I've never seen it that cheap. You also get lifetime updates, according to the site.
  13. Everything is better with a link: https://www.bestservice.com/en/deals/best_service_free_products_promotion_5489.html ?
  14. Individual Muze products are 90% off at Plugin Boutique if you don't need them all.
  15. Tip for Ableton Live users: There's a website that allows you to convert FL Studio files to Ableton Live: https://jukeblocks.io/ It's a subscription that costs €4.30 per month but you can cancel any time. According to the website the converter still is work in progress but I'm quite satisfied with the results that I got. Also, you can find a lot of free FLP files at waproduction.com in the free section.
  16. I took the opportunity to go outside for a change and I discovered things that I've never seen before. Cars, trees, people ...
  17. I even forgot that I already downloaded this new version two weeks ago. And I didn't even install it yet ? Nothing wrong with the software, it's just that when I get something for free, I appreciate it less than when I've spent money on it. Strange, but that's how my brain works. ?
  18. Oh. I see. Isn't that what Melodyne/Autotune and vocal chains are there for?
  19. @PavlovsCat that already exists: https://www.vocs.ai/
  20. @Matthew Carr that's one scary warning message. Strangely, I didn't get that warning, though I use Windows too. I hope I didn't install malware ?
  21. Effect Rack 5 for $132.61 instead of $149 at JRR Shop with coupon code "forum"
  22. @PavlovsCat nice idea. I think it deserves its own thread. The KVR Forum has a monthly contest, called the One Synth Challenge, where they name one free synth (a different one each month) and participants are only allowed to use that synth. So that's somewhat similar. You can also win prices in those challenges. You find it in their instruments section: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=1 They're way more restrictive though. Even drums and percussion have to be created with the synth.
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