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Everything posted by audioschmaudio

  1. Free for personal use: https://sound-effects.bbcrewind.co.uk/
  2. The free SFX VSTi from Slapassound.com has a lot of foley sounds: https://www.slapassound.com/sfx1
  3. Yeah, you're not missing much. I've installed it and it's really in a VERY early stage still. A lot of things not really working, crashes my DAW from time to time.
  5. Not me, but that's a crazy generous offer. Are you that unhappy with their software?
  6. To the contrary. As far as I can tell, this is exactly the same as the October Level Up Bundle.
  7. https://www.humblebundle.com/software/level-up-music-creators-power-pack-encore-software?hmb_source=&hmb_medium=product_tile&hmb_campaign=mosaic_section_1_layout_index_1_layout_type_threes_tile_index_2_c_megasoundbundleencore_softwarebundle The Level Up! Bundle from Humble Bundle is back. For just €18.72 you can get a few Cherry Audio synths (Memorymode, PS-20, CA-2600), Cherry Audio's Galactic Reverb, Mixcraft 9 Recording Studio and lots of sample packs from Soundtrackloops.com
  8. Strange. Are you logged in? Did you click on User Area and then on downloads? Have you selected Windows or Mac?
  9. Still very alpha though. No presets yet even. But it's nice to see that it's progressing. There's finally a light at the end of the tunnel.
  10. He's giving away 25 free licenses for SynthMaster 3 to SynthMaster 2 owners: https://www.kvraudio.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=488134&start=345
  11. @paulo @husker I think you've been waiting for this one too, so I thought I'd tag you here.
  12. SynthMaster 3 has been in development for quite a while and I am very excited about the new release. The list of features that will be included is very promising. Now the alpha version is finally available, at least for those who have the Everything Bundle. To download it, go to your user area. There, under the downloads tab, you will find the download link.
  13. Update: In my coupon notes I see that I did write down those coupons, but couldn't figure out which products they were for. How did you find out? The good thing about the coupons for WA Production is that WA Production will tell you what your coupon was meant for when you enter it for the wrong product.
  14. Oh yes, I know that site. I could swear that I checked it for Zero-G coupons not long ago. These must be new. They also have a lot of coupons for WA Production.
  15. Holy moly, that's crazy. Where did you get these from?
  16. To be honest, I've never heard of Ghostwave. However, according to a forum post on KVR his soundbanks used to cost money, but he stopped making them a few years ago. Now he has decided to make them free for everyone. https://www.ghostwave.fr/ You can make donations via the website if you appreciate his work.
  17. No errors for me this time. I tried two wav files. One of the generated presets sounded kinda close, the other not so much.
  18. Hm. Personally I love Pigments. I'm not a good sound designer myself, but when I use the Photon soundbank by Oblivion Sound Lab, for example, it sounds great to me. And I love the user interface. Not because it uses neon colors (I wouldn't even say it does) but because it's super intuitive. I don't get the casino app association at all.
  19. I have this friend who actually uses his software to really produce music. I told him how I envied him for having a wife doesn't complain when he goes to his room to produce music all night. You know what he replied? "I wish I had a wife who was more affectionate. My wife doesn't seem to care at all what I do"
  20. I haven't tested this one yet but their last free plugin was great. Deja Vu, pretty much like Cableguys Halftime, but free.
  21. When a product has the word "Lite" at the end, you know it will be free every two months. Doesn't mean that it's bad. Just sayin'
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