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Everything posted by JnTuneTech
Well, I would have to agree to disagree there. For instance, if a standard set of primary control functions (like in GM) could be proposed, and adopted by major parties, even at a basic level (VST common development, etc., as was done within VST2 using program change integration that matched MIDI standards), these things could be at least allowed to function with less user intervention. A DAW could support plugins that, when queried by a USB 2.0 MIDI device driver (and vice-versa), would respond to that request with the available mapped parameters, and then even present an interface to allow matching acceptance, and further customization if desired. It is possible. As it stands, and has for many years now, yes, there are still disagreements with communication standards for control of musical devices beyond note triggering, but much of the technological issues that were present in the early days have been removed with increased bandwidth, and now two-way interactive communication standards have a much better chance of working going forward, I think. -Unfortunately, it will be some time before any of us may benefit from that, so until then, there's old protocols like MCP, and apps that include MIDI learn functions, which still always have to be set up manually to get going. -Ah well.
-Indeed, and that's being kind! MCP doesn't seem to have been updated since it was set up long ago. I can only hope MIDI 2.0 gets going soon, and manufacturers & software designers can go forward with using some of the 2-way configuration specs proposed, so that things like these control surfaces and plugins can work much better without as much manual intervention. -As to wishing more control parameters & display characters were available, seriously agreed, but if there is no standard and you have to manually program each connection for each controller to VST pairing, this type of control setup will always be clunky. With my X-Touch use in (originally SONAR) Cakewalk, I got more use out of it after having found a button panel overlay that specifically matches the naming of the functions in the settings dialogs. I find that most of the MCU clones use slightly different naming for the extended functions, maybe for avoiding licensing or copyright issues? -Well, I will have to try out that C4 mapping utility, see if that helps any - thanks!
Sometimes Kontakt takes as much maintenance as that Setter, for sure! (That's all the snark I can muster...) I recently re-set up my Kontakt stuff (after finally removing K5), and I had to spend a lot of time setting up the desktop standalone library paths, rescanning... (as I use a custom library destination) - which in reading the support site info, is recommended before using the plugin versions of the big NI apps. Even then, the desktop app still takes a long time to even show anything is working after double-clicking the icon... My plugin version of K7 seems to load normally though. -Doesn't sound as though this update is relating to any of that, AFAIK.
I don't have my production PC in front of me at this moment, but if I recall correctly (and it has nothing to do with sharing anything special!) - here is what I know: -So, the Behringer support site is where I found the X-Touch Mini editor app, it is free. It allows you set different MIDI channels, CCs - response types, etc. and LED actions for almost all the rotaries, buttons, and the fader. By customizing I meant: - The default settings in the Cakewalk Mackie Control Surface leave the full LCD support off - since many controllers have no LCDs, and it also adds to the bandwidth that goes over the USB-MIDI connection. -If you go into the Cakewalk help files for using the Mackie Control Surface setup as a control surface, there is a better explanation of the options in there.
The big difference between the big X-Touch and the Mini, is that only the Mini can be customized. While they both offer Mackie Control Protocol (MCP) support, most plugins aren't controlled so well by that - in my experience. In my setup, I use both of those controllers, and mostly only use the full X-Touch for a control surface - it works well for me with Cakewalk (and a custom button overlay) in that regard, selecting the default Mackie profile. -I also customize the settings a bit to use the full LCD support, and I've never had any bandwidth issues so far. For the X-Touch Mini - I downloaded the CC mapping app for it, and created a few maps that load in seconds, and I use that to match the VST CC mappings available/assignable in many of my VSTs. -It all still leaves a bit to be desired, but it gets me a lot of the hands-on flexibility I wanted, and even with some synth control mappings as well. But yes, the big original X-Touch is just a modern MCP surface, and not customizable. Fairly solid though, not so many cheap plastic parts as some of the others I have seen.
That particular instrument is a good example - some plugins didn't provide automatic migration methods from VST2 to 3, and that is beyond Cakewalk to account for. -Although for the OP, it seems a group of similar plugins don't all behave the same, which is indeed frustrating. -John, FWIW, all my Addictive drums kits transferred to VST3 by using the manual method, -save/export the kit in the old version to your presets folder, then import that preset when in the new version.
Output same audio track to 2 devices
JnTuneTech replied to rashidDrums's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The primary difference I always encounter between track outputs & track sends, is remembering to choose the post or pre fader source, and panning levels, on a send. And though it's mostly an analog specific holdover, for me track sends generally involve no other processing point options along the way to their output destination. But in digital, that really makes no difference, especially if your destinations are the same type. -
I have had Rapture (and most of the SONAR add-on tools) running with no issues in CbB for quite some time now. However, I did originally put it all together by starting with an X1-SPLAT upgrade, and eventually adding CbB alongside. I now mostly use Rapture Pro, as it basically seems to be the combination of everything from CWSS (which is only 32-bit) thru to all the pro versions of Dimension & Rapture, including some of the quick "instrument" GUI knob add-ons that were in CWSS. All of it uses the same sample locations & library functions, and with a few exceptions, most of the add-ons that were offered back in the day all still work. -The only thing I am lacking today is one that gave me a big set of envelope preset curves which I found quite useful, especially for ADSR synth-style programming. If you have all the serials, installer downloads, and have authorized everything, all those versions should still work, but as mentioned above, perhaps you have an issue with MS VC++ install versioning, or just a bad unrelated project glitch, as it all seems to work nominally with current versions of CbB for most of us.
You can search and find many related posts here already, as this is often discussed. -One thing I will say personally, is that I have never found Cakewalk itself to have a significant impact on use of boot drive space. -If you already have issues looking at the space on that SSD, then it would be wise to replace that with a larger drive, -for all your computer needs going forwards. And that being said, once Cakewalk is installed and configured per your needs, most all of the functions that require large amounts of space will usually wind up being associated with your own data and other related programs (such as sample libraries for plugins, etc.) - not Cakewalk itself. There are many options available for dealing with that, and it's just up to you to set them as you install those things. I have also found that if you do have size constraints already on your boot drive, without specific workarounds you will in fact have more problems going forwards with installing plugins and other resources beyond Cakewalk itself, and some of those may not provide much flexibility, so then you still have figure out a workaround, or just get a bigger boot drive. -In any case, there are many options, do some searches on that topic here, and you will find much discussion already laid out!
Anybody remember some of the pedals this recent AmpliTube set features? I still have a Morley wah and their opto-volume pedal on an old, mothballed pedal board I built in the 70's. The EVO-1 pedal drove me nuts, and eventually I opened it up to see what the heck it was doing inside, lost half the oil, and it never worked again! I still like the wah pedal, and volume of course was quite functional... I even used to have a great 70's Morley Man T-Shirt (and hair that went with it), it probably became a grease rag for working on cars & such, I remember wearing it to shreds. -I suppose these types of plugins are great for re-visiting the past, virtually, but I'm not so sure I would use them over anything else that can be done with typical amp sim fx already. Neat GUI recreations though. -I still can't imagine wanting to re-live using the oilcan echo though, and man, that thing was heavy IRL!! ?
Do the jerky screen draws occur outside of CbB as well? I would try running Windows Task Manager, Processes - (show all if needed), and while the problem is occurring, click the column sorting on CPU usage, and see if any of the spikes show up in concert with the freezes, and find out detail on what processes are causing that. -If that works at all for you. Maybe you've already done that? I say that, because I have a similar problem with my laptop (whenever NVIDIA drivers are updated in my case) that I stop by shutting down the background process (and removing it from startup) that causes it. Maybe you have something similar going on.
I didn't catch that particular episode, my family had just returned to the States after 3yrs in Germany... But I picked up on that show about a year later and probably never missed it much, until about '76... I admit, if you look at the covers I do in Cakewalk, I am still stuck in that era more often than not! Casey Kasem & AT40, -and actual radio, -wow. Happy 4th!
Yes, with a multi-channel audio interface, it can work old school that way. -Now I remember putting SMPTE LTC on a track for the super 8 film projector of my film audio school project - just the same way... to sync film with an audio mix, before Cakewalk days... Lighting automation can work the same way! Just for reference - in case it isn't obvious, but you can't change the Cakewalk tempo, or the relative start frame & match of the LTC track (unless you need some offset), after you make the hand off to the lighting designer, or lights won't match. You can continue to adjust the mix if needed though.
Unless I am reading things wrong (it's been a long time since I put on the AV lighting hat), it sounds as though you are being asked to create a mix with SMPTE LTC alongside - as a master (not slaving Cakewalk to it at all). If so, as @OutrageProductions mentions, you get a timecode generator. I know one of my clients has a dedicated hardware unit for that buried somewhere, we used to stripe broadcast TV segments when needed... years ago. There are software SMPTE code generators out there, I've even seen a free Web app (Warning: I have no idea if the site is safe, but have seen users from other forums say they've used it..) https://elteesee.pehrhovey.net/ - which will generate a file for you, as well. I know some other DAWs have transport to LTC plugins, but I would think lighting just needs a solid time reference provided bound to your audio mix. Not necessarily to follow timing, just position. The starting frame would be the most important. Then the other consideration - are they playing/lighting your audio one track at a time, or in a sequence? For the latter, you would need a timed playback mix of all the program material, with one continuous SMPTE timecode reference. -In my experience anyway. -Apologies if this doesn't match your actual need.
Project won't load from start screen
JnTuneTech replied to charles kasler's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
You are on the right track though. Probably is a plugin load issue, if it starts in safe mode. -It's up to you to troubleshoot from there. -One thing I usually do, is make sure you have a backup of the original, then copy the project and work on that copy -such as trying the option to delete vsts. I would also make notes on which plugins you delete, and add them back slowly, -that type of thing, until you find what crashes the project. -Also, keep the notes for reference in case you need to change any other Cakewalk settings and projects to avoid the issue again. -It's trial & error, but if you can find the bad element & remove it from Cakewalk, you can also usually open the original backed up project, replace the plugin with something else - for instance. -Lots of choices, but at least you can still open the project in safe mode - keep at it! -
Project won't load from start screen
JnTuneTech replied to charles kasler's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
First - pick a path. For some relevant info already in this forum, I can suggest something like the following: Starting A Project In Safe Mode Remove Project From Start Screen You can do it! -
Sonar Home Studio 4.0.1 master.ins not being read at startup
JnTuneTech replied to BKH's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Just to be clear - are you saying that none of the default instruments, as well as your own imported, do not show until you import something? That would be odd. -
More Specific Gear Section or Tutorials - Audio Interface Specific
JnTuneTech replied to JnTuneTech's topic in Feedback Loop
That is often quite true, and most of that seems to be realized only after the fact... However, I find that music relies a bit more on inspiration & creativity, which don't often work hand-in-hand with studious organization. -I will completely fess up - many of my own faults lie in laziness. I still fight it to this day. -I also found myself tearing apart automotive engines (in fact entire cars) to learn what made them tick (even landed a few jobs throughout my life due to that fascination). but I never experienced the particular creative light in working with them. It became just a job in the end. Not enough interest to dig deeper into manuals there. -For me anyway. Music, on the other hand, seems to always be something that pulls me beyond laziness (though my family never thought so, of course!), and then I want to read the manuals to figure more out (again, similar to what @Lord Tim mentioned), -but it still doesn't always work that way with all the musicians I have been around. And that doesn't make them bad - hell most of them are way better than I could ever be. You do have to have an affinity for it. The music mojo is often separate from the technical mojo. Looking back, I realized I had different views on music than some in my days right after high school. One time, we went to a recording studio (on a special deal for amateurs that would allow booking open slots for cheap, but with only 1 engineer..) and in the session, I knew the cover tune we were doing had an organ part, and the studio had a Hammond in the corner. I had never played one, and our vocalist had only begun to try some monophonic synth parts (we had no keys really at that point), but I looked at the organ, and just somehow knew what the basic functions were - the Leslie for accents, etc., and so I showed her the (maybe 5) chords to play, and how & generally when to use the Leslie... Technically I just understood it on a basic level, no manual required. -That time. But using the studio gear, the board, effects patching... - way beyond my depth then for sure. And in similar ironic fashion, for years I had no reasonable way to understand proper overdriven guitar sounds - it's so sad to look back now. No one I knew then had ever played on, or let me use a plexi-style amp in my early days. I thought for the longest time it had to be special pedals or studio tricks that got that sound. Couldn't figure that one out - go figure. I could patch a bunch of pedals together, even began recording & mixing back then, but without instructions, or examples to follow, -basic metal & heavy blues guitar sound creation just eluded me. If I had encountered access to detailed discussion and how-tos like there is here (or can be anyway) earlier in my life, who knows what I would be recording now. Laziness aside, if information is passed on, presented properly, I think there is more opportunity to get past that than if we just expect people to always think like we do. -Technical manuals are great, but not always interesting for everyone with the creative urge. But peer sharing, like we do here, can be different. (Oops, I'd better watch stepping off the edge of this soapbox... doh!) -
More Specific Gear Section or Tutorials - Audio Interface Specific
JnTuneTech replied to JnTuneTech's topic in Feedback Loop
Isn't it amazing, that the more options we get as musicians, the more complicated it gets to just "find that sound"? Of course, it's also a complication of the evolution in audio electronics, -nay - the entire personal computing advances, of the past 60+ years now, in reality. But yeah, reading manuals on things in general has been a weak spot of many of us. -And I know, even posting guides here won't always stop that, but one can at least try! I have to digress for a minute: I am of the similar musical generation as @Lord Tim - and as such, passed through times when I was lucky to find a computer audio interface I wanted at all, -much less a choice of ones that worked better or worse! Local PC shops were my only source then too. -When I began getting together my 1st music-related PC add-ons, I thought I wanted a Turtle Beach Multisound Classic card - only to find they had stopped making them a few years prior. Then, I had to learn what MPU-401 compatible was, then backwards to General MIDI standards, and see if anything compatible with that, (and which I could afford) existed! Now, there are so many audio interfaces available out there, and although the standards have coalesced into some easier groups, it still bewilders many casual creators, and even gung-ho gigging musicians wanting to record their own stuff, -not knowing what to expect or start with, for computer music interfaces & software. And we are still so, so far away from plug & play, with both even mid-quality audio interfaces, and the software that is used with them. -Hopefully apps like Cakewalk, and forum use like this can help push that forwards some more. Nowadays it is at least quite easy to create specific, illustrated guides, and keep them relatively current with regular keystrokes, instead of compiling & distributing printed manuals. -I'd like to see more of the former done here. -Although, I don't necessarily want it assumed that folks will figure out all these things "intuitively" (I'm looking at you, Apple...) as they go along- so some effort has to be put into coordinating it and getting it easily available, even promoted within the DAW as well, I might add. -
Set global reverb with wet/dry setting for each channel?
JnTuneTech replied to Louis Miles's topic in Instruments & Effects
In listening to those examples, it sounds to me as though the reverb is coming from a pre-fade send source - perhaps? Is the track volume dropping at the end of those tremolo examples? -
More Specific Gear Section or Tutorials - Audio Interface Specific
JnTuneTech replied to JnTuneTech's topic in Feedback Loop
FWIW - I do have some software manuals, here & there, that have Sonar-specific instructions for install & setup - but very few. I suppose if a manufacturer finds it their interest to attract buyers with compatibility claims, that perhaps contributes to that type of info being created. -My hope would be that, if it were posted publicly here, some vendors might actually use that information readily, or at least link to it. -Best case scenario, of course. Worst case scenario is if things just go the way of negative comments and one-upmanship, like "such & such hardware sucks", etc., which really helps no one. And of course without some curation and user input, these things can go stale, and then folks just put the blame on the information supplier... But perhaps all we can do is try to at least give topical, directed guides, especially when the forum posts reveal a certain need in some new hardware, or after a major update, for instance. -
recording with Autotune and input monitoring
JnTuneTech replied to Jordi's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
That is great to hear, it's good that is working for you. -I suppose most of the suggestions here were only meant to help, but it can be confusing, as each person has a different sound device, and system, and probably different auto-tune software. Try not to take it too personally, as most folks here really just wanted to help. In that vein - if it helps any, when I use auto tune, and vocoder fx software live on my Cakewalk performance projects, I always use ASIO drivers with Cakewalk. And then, I test the auto tune software at low latency settings on my audio device - using the audio device settings app, to see how little latency I can get away with - in each specific case (project, plugins, latency settings). Once I know what combination works without dropouts, I stick with that, and practice it before performing or presenting it to others, to be as sure as I can about it being reliable. -That's what works for me, anyway. FYI - In the past, on older systems, I tended to use higher latency ASIO settings to escape audio dropouts, and just mix the fx wet-only output with the audio interface direct monitoring, and just factor in the delay compensation needed manually. -That doesn't always work well though with fx like auto tune in general, but on the other hand, it can add its own unique effects, and in fact is often an option that can then be subtracted from the fx mix itself (amount of delayed dry signal). -Again though, there are many, many ways to go about it, and most all the comments here are directed at trying to suggest solutions - even if they don't seem to apply to what you are experiencing - so, just hang in there, use what works for you! -
More Specific Gear Section or Tutorials - Audio Interface Specific
JnTuneTech replied to JnTuneTech's topic in Feedback Loop
@Byron Dickens - Of course, but please, let's not try and scare people to death before they get comfortable using Cakewalk! ? -For this forum here , especially when Cakewalk went to a free licensing model, I have assumed we need to allow for general public access, including new users & casual creators, so maybe let's offer some basic help first? -But yes, links to the hardware manuals would be on the top of the compatibility listings sections - I would think. -
Set global reverb with wet/dry setting for each channel?
JnTuneTech replied to Louis Miles's topic in Instruments & Effects
Thanks for the info on what you are working with, -very helpful! -So, I am stuck on one of the terms you keep using - wet/dry level. In a typical audio mixing scenario, wet/dry usually refers to having an effect process that in itself routes both the dry audio feed it is being sent, and the amount of effect added to that, -used either in the primary signal path, such as an inline fx bin routing, or in a separate audio process fed by a send, such as a bus, for instance, that then is usually mixed back in with the main mix, and so by nature creates an element of parallel processing of any "dry" signal in most cases. -In your case, what do you mean - does the internal game audio engine have a separate reverb fx unit you need to control & mix back with the original audio? As a note - in GM MIDI - CC91 is only "commonly" referred to as Reverb Send - it actually can be almost anything at all, and it really has no literal connection to being a send or just plain level, so don't let the general terms confuse you. In your case it looks like CC91 refers to a certain level of what you say results in reverb, and it is assigned per channel individually. Otherwise, there are many ways to use a separate reverb fx that offers wet/dry mixing in Cakewalk if you think you need that. It might be difficult to do however from a multi-timbral synth, you may want to use separate synths for each MIDI instrument in that case. -How many individual instruments are defined in the MIDI you are using? -
So many posts here seem to be primarily involving non-Cakewalk native issues, that it seems like there would be a good use for more specific sub-sections in these forums. The existing subsections are fairly robust, but I would like to see a more specific sub-section for the information & troubleshooting using Cakewalk with audio interfaces specifically, since as it stands right now that category is lumped under "Gear", along with things like headphones, etc. Much of that probably should remain as is, but there is so much happening each day with posts relating to specific audio interface problems & Cakewalk specific setup issues, that it might be best to have a full Audio Interface sub-section, and perhaps even major manufacturer categories in that. I would also recommend, once Cakewalk again becomes a paid-for product, that there be some curation of the audio interface section(s) of the forum, to include organized hardware compatibility lists - testing notes, and hopefully basic Cakewalk-specific setup guides where possible, with appropriate caveats & links to the manufacturer's direct information and support. -Without trying to give preference to any particular manufacturer, there still should be some easy groupings, or at least tags, to easily reference the most common interfaces, and a place for various lesser-known interfaces and legacy hardware notes, most of which can be user-provided.