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Living Room Rocker

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Everything posted by Living Room Rocker

  1. Good morning everyone, See the following link: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/products/audio-plugins/boz-digital-labs-transgressor-3?goal=0_f9f771a7f5-415d26b733-310028089&mc_cid=415d26b733&mc_eid=00ac301f00 Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  2. Good morning everyone, See the following link for available editions and sale prices: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/celemony?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-415d26b733-310028089&mc_cid=415d26b733&mc_eid=00ac301f00 Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  3. Good morning everyone, See the following link for available plug-ins for sale at $29.99 each: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/waves?f[0]=im_field_brand_term%3A562&f[1]=ism_commerce_price%3A[25 TO 30]&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-415d26b733-310028089&mc_cid=415d26b733&mc_eid=00ac301f00 Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  4. Good morning everyone, See following link for available plug-ins and sale prices: https://www.audiodeluxe.com/brand/universal-audio?solrsort=iss_commerce_price asc&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-415d26b733-310028089&mc_cid=415d26b733&mc_eid=00ac301f00 Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  5. Good morning everyone, Sonnox plug-ins are on sale at AudioDeluxe as listed below: Sonnox Oxford Drum Gate $59.00 Sonnox Essential Bundle Native $99.00 Sonnox Voca $29.00 Sonnox Oxford Limiter Native $39.00 Sonnox Oxford Reverb Native $39.00 https://www.audiodeluxe.com/category/brands/sonnox?f[0]=bm_field_on_sale_now%3Atrue&goal=0_f9f771a7f5-415d26b733-310028089&mc_cid=415d26b733&mc_eid=00ac301f00 (all prices in USD) Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  6. The output of you Master bus...see below in red: It should be pointing to your interface/soundcard's speakers (output). Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  7. Hi 法师风青, Cool deal. Thanks for the update. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  8. Hi 法师风青 and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. I suggest you try a download manager. Here is a free one I use regularly: https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ It's free and easy to use. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker こんにちは法师风青、Cakewalkフォーラムへようこそ。 ダウンロードマネージャーを試してみることをお勧めします。 これが私が定期的に使用する無料のものです:https://www.freedownloadmanager.org/ 無料で簡単に使用できます。 敬具 Living Room Rocker
  9. Scratch my response above. Choose wrong resize option (used Resize All Modules). Time to get some glasses. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  10. Hi Roy, I wish I never tried this, now I can't get my modules to switch back to the desired size without effecting the others. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  11. Hi Newage Lu, Where is your Master buss' output going? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  12. Hi Cobus, Were you recording at the time of writing the automation? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  13. Hi Newage Lu and welcome to the Cakewalk forums. Can you post a screenshot with output of your Master bus? Make sure the output it point to your Realtek sound card. Also, check that your audio engine it engaged. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  14. Hi sjoens, I never seen this happen, but as long as your audio hasn't change I wouldn't worry about it. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  15. Hello everyone, https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/channel-strips/la-6176-signature-channel-strip.html?__s=q4j2ly5ofdvknqgjedke Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  16. Hi badt1mes, You can try using Clip Effects. Just cut a clip out of the recorded audio and you can insert effects right there with a right click.4 Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  17. Check it out: https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins.html?__s=cbhbc3bkle4tl5evg7gu Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  18. Good call, sjoens. Do you know if this has been reported to the Bakers? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  19. Hello everyone, I have a setup with my interface (using the loop-back function) in CbB where in I can capture all recorded material in a single audio track. However, I don't want to capture the metronome playing during recording. I only want to hear the metronome during the count-in (and not the entire time I am recording). Could this be achieved? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  20. Hi John, Check to see if all of your sample and bit rates are matching (in CbB, audio interface and Windows) with that of the imported material. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  21. Hi Stephen, Is the offending note appearing in the Event View? If so, I would delete it there. But if that is not the case, I am baffled. Perhaps it something in the VSTi you are using. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker P.S. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
  22. It's not a matter of whether it will work on multiple systems, it's if you are using it simultaneously on multiple machines. This applies to Cakewalk SONAR (not BandLab). If you read the licensing agreement, you will find that to be so. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker P.S. There is no mechanism to prevent multiple installations.
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