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Living Room Rocker

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Everything posted by Living Room Rocker

  1. Hi Kurre, SONAR Platinum was never unlimited number of installs on machines. It has always been two separate machines at the same time. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  2. Hi Thomas, In order to get the older plug-ins, you will have to install them from the earlier SONAR versions and some (eg. DPro, Rapture) you can install them directly (from the Command Center). Kind regards, Living Room Rocker P.S. In most cases you can install the plug-ins without installing SONAR.
  3. Hi sadicus, IIRC, those are for gobbler(?) file sharing integration into SONAR. So, they make the sharing of project files easier through gobbler. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  4. Hi Roy, I didn't know you could move busses into the Take Pane. Not sure how to move them back, maybe drag and drop(?). The only problem I could think of here is that when you open the project, you will have to search for the missing audio for the respective tracks since CbB will not know where they are (since you moved them). Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  5. Good morning everyone, UAD Sound City Studios plug-in is UA's Tuesday's new plug-in sale. It is now available for only $89 USD. Get an extra 50% off by using the coupon code which is available when going to cart. https://www.uaudio.com/uad-plugins/reverbs/uad-sound-city-studios-plug-in.html?__s=q4j2ly5ofdvknqgjedke Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  6. Good morning Roy, Could you post a screen shot of the console view? It's possible that your busses are hidden or just need to be dragged out from behind the Main output. Check it out. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  7. Good morning, Noel. Should this be a sticky? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  8. Hi Gevaux, May I ask, is your audio engine engaged? Make sure your Master bus is set to your main audio output and that your audio engine is on. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  9. Hi Ed, I don't see a corresponding audio track for the output of BFD. If there is none, make an audio track with the input set for track 1 and the output set the Master track. Hope that helps. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  10. Hi cwdesigns, Can you tell us what version of Windows 10 was installed on your system? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  11. Hi Max, Can you give us some details about your project or even share your project? It could be possibly be anything. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  12. Hi @Variorum, Thanks so much for the updates. Excellent job! Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  13. Hi Ricky, You'll find the answer somewhere in the following link: Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  14. Hi John B, Assuming you already know how to zoom in, you can set the zoom to the desired setting and then save that as your new project (or Basic) project template. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  15. Hi @jkoseattle, Is your audio engine engaged? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  16. Hi John B, This might be overkill but there is a trustworthy software which will completely uninstall software. It's hightly recommended in the PC community. It is: https://www.revouninstaller.com/ Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  17. I've wondered why we didn't get any emails announcing the release of Sonar. Per @Terry Kelley's post, perhaps this isn't the release we should be expecting? Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  18. I would suggest creating your own metronome track. I have created a set of clips at various time signatures for this very reason. It's a bit tedious, but it gives me the flexibility I want. Kind regards, tecknot
  19. Thanks, Jesse. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  20. Actually, I use both Step Sequencer (SS) and the Matrix View (MV) for this very purpose. You can create MIDI loops of kick drum hits, snare, hi-hat and load them into separate MV cells within a single column. Play the entire column at once for a drum beat (all routed to a drum machine VSTi track). You can also load another column with a drum fills to switch between the two columns. And, if you have a controller, you can set MIDI learn to trigger the individual cells or columns. Check it out...it is a lot of fun to use. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  21. I must admit, I've been known to make some bad sounding audio with nothing more than a guitar and my own voice. If not for the few lucky moments I might make a couple of notes sound okay, you would think I should quite while I'm ahead. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  22. Getting deeper into the game, you may be interested to know of the new MIDI specification to be released in the near future (I hope). https://www.midi.org/articles-old/the-midi-manufacturers-association-mma-and-the-association-of-music-electronics-industry-amei-announce-midi-2-0tm-prototyping Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  23. Awesome! Thanks, Noel. Looking forward to it. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
  24. Not a bad idea. I should try this with the next fix for the IKmm stuff. Kind regards, Living Room Rocker
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