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Everything posted by amiller

  1. amiller

    Red Mountain Ogre

    Very cool...I enjoyed that.??
  2. amiller

    Swedish Song

    ‘Love the melodies...very nicely done.?
  3. amiller

    Hey There

    It’s got a nice Rockabilly vibe with a twist. ??
  4. amiller


    Very nice...”love the horn.??
  5. amiller

    Light Up the Dark

    Ah, another cool tune from you. I love the sound of the acoustic. I would like to see the drums come up a smidge.??
  6. I like the song but I’m confused by the September release date. iTunes has the release date as March 2019?
  7. Actually, I liked all versions. Each, while different, stands on it’s own. I guess it’s just a matter of personal taste. Anyway, checking out the different masters gave me a chance to enjoy this song several times again...very cool.??
  8. amiller


    A lullaby for sure. ??
  9. Cool guitar rhythms and lyrics.??
  10. Mark, thanks so much for listening. I’m glad you like it. Being a guitar player I guess I can’t help but write that way.?
  11. Paul, thanks for listening and commenting. I really appreciate the kind words. As I mentioned earlier, the thunder storm was recorded with my iPhone right at my back doorstep. Every time I hear this song it brings me right back to that time and place.?
  12. Bob, thank you so much for the very kind words and thank you for listening and commenting. ‘Very much appreciated.?
  13. Straight ahead Rock done very well.??
  14. Hey, I like that. ‘Sounds like a great beginning.
  15. Wow! Great recording and performance. ‘Loved it!?????
  16. Absolutely beautiful. Thanks for posting.?
  17. ‘Gotta Love Saturday’s.? The signal chain is very straight forward. LP Standard -> Kemper -> DAW (Cake). I don’t recall which Kemper profile. There are so many great profiles available I’m always finding something I really like and keep switching all the time. ‘Lots of great choices.??
  18. This is not your usual fare, however, it is your usual high quality musicianship and writing chops. I like it.??
  19. Now, this song put a smile on my face...nice one.??
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