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Everything posted by amiller

  1. Thanks for listening and taking the time to critique. Also, thanks for the very kind words. As for the piano, you’re critique is spot on. At the time, I thought the vst was pretty good. It wasn’t until I got Ivory that realized how inadequate the first vst was. I attempted to eq it into something better but... Also, not being a piano player, I neglected to use the sustain pedal where needed. If I still have the midi I may go back and replace the piano part or re-record...maybe. Again, thanks.?
  2. RTF - fantastic group. Thanks for listening and positive comments.?
  3. Thank you for listening and the kind words.?
  4. Here’s a little setup for this song. Imagine lying in bed and you start to wake up from a very pleasant dream to the sounds of a summer storm. You dread having to get up and go to work when the realization that it’s Saturday filters into your half asleep mind and it dawns on you that you don’t have to get up...you can sleep in. A big smile comes across your face as you allow yourself to drift back off in to dreamland:
  5. Not my usual cup-o-tea but I can appreciate the talent and musicianship it took to put this song together. AWESOME JOB!??
  6. Yep, it definitely has that “theme” vibe. Good job!
  7. amiller

    Si tu savais

    Yep, I enjoyed that.?
  8. Sounds good so far.??
  9. Finally got it to play for me. Yes indeed, very nice.
  10. Awesome video, music and tones. Very cool transition @325 as well as outro...awesome.??
  11. Tight and flowing at the same time with an excellent grove...love it!??
  12. Not a rap fan but you did a good job with this.
  13. ‘Got to love it. The song is steeped in creativity. Thanks for sharing.??
  14. Thanks for listening and thanks for the positive words.?
  15. Hey, that was pretty cool.??
  16. Well done! Technology can be pretty awesome.??
  17. My relative pitch isn't too bad, however, I'm at work right now with no instrument to help me figure out the key. I'll check it out when I get back home unless someone else here beats me to it.
  18. I'm not sure what scale you have there. Probably more than one merged together. If you want to get really crazy check out this link: List of musical scales and modes
  19. I don’t know a thing about fish scales, however: Seven of the modes (scales) in Western music are based on the Major scale and have Greek names. For instance, the sixth mode of “C” major is named Aeolian or “A” natural minor. C Major = C D E F G A B D Dorian = D E F G A B C D E Phrygian = E F G A B C D E F Lydian = F G A B C D E F G Mixolydian = G A B C D E F G A Aeolian = A B C D E F G A B Locrian = B C D E F G A B If you want to learn more here is a good reference: https://www.classicfm.com/discover-music/latest/guide-to-musical-modes/
  20. I enjoyed that. Thanks for posting.
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