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Everything posted by amiller

  1. amiller

    Love Always

    This is where I think you shine.?
  2. Dang piano vst.? Thanks for the kind words and critique. I really appreciate folks taking the time to listen and giving feedback.?
  3. Thanks, I appreciate the positive words and critique.?
  4. The music sounds up and the lyrics are down. I like this contrast and I like the determined hopeful ending. Good job.
  5. Thanks for listening and the critique. Based on all of the critiques siting the piano...yep, I plan on re-doing that part. Also, thanks for the kind words.
  6. Thanks for listening and taking the time to critique. Yep, ‘gotta fix dat piano. ?
  7. amiller

    Tiny Squares

    I like it. The drums are a bit stiff but nothing that couldn’t be tweaked a bit.?
  8. I really like the theme. I also agree that the vocals feel a little stretched to fit the music but that’s easily remedied. Nice one.
  9. amiller


    Very uplifting and cool melodies.
  10. Thanks for the kind words and for the critique. I’m not a piano player so pointers are appreciated. Thanks for listening.
  11. A few folks have commented on the guitar tone. I’ve meaning to post the guitar signal chain: Anderson Drop Top -> JHS AT Plus -> Kemper Profiler -> Cakewalk.
  12. Thanks, this is one of my favorites. Thanks for listening and commenting. ? -Al
  13. Thanks, glad you liked it. Thanks for taking the time to listen and thanks for the feedback.
  14. Thanks for listening and the kind words. Ok, you’re like the fourth person, including myself, who has a problem with the piano. So, I’m gonna re-do it using Ivory and the proper use of a sustain pedal.? I really appreciate the critique...thanks again.? By the way, the thunder and rain were recorded while watching a storm at my back door. Every time I listen to this piece of music it pulls me right back to that moment in time...way cool.?
  15. I thoroughly enjoyed this song...very cool.??
  16. If I managed even a hint of Vai I’d be playing way above my skill set. Thanks for the kind words and taking the time to listen.?
  17. amiller


    Big cinematic vibe. Great job!
  18. Really pro sound...love the vocals.??
  19. Yeah man, my bane in life is getting out of bed on a work day. Thanks for the positive feedback and taking the time to listen.?
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