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Everything posted by gustabo

  1. The notifications are at the bottom of the screen, he never said the option was… “Show or hide all pop-up toast notifications at the bottom of the screen“
  2. Here's a point... Staying with one thread and not starting multiple threads about the same thing is a universal forum protocol, common in all forums, that way conflicting answers stay in one thread and you can maneuver through the sea of opinions.
  3. Lol! Go for it! If you find a bug, report it, if you have a suggestion, post it in the Feedback Loop…
  4. So find something that better suits you.
  5. With everything you complain about, it's a wonder you haven't switched...
  6. Open both projects and copy/paste between them.
  7. I disable my computer’s nic whenever I use CbB, does it not work for you offline?
  8. Is the pause key on your keyboard on?
  9. https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk#download
  10. I’ve found this to be the best. https://kilohearts.com/products/tape_stop
  11. I would’ve closed it after Noel’s response so it doesn’t get buried in the thread.
  12. Yes, put it in as a track but output it straight to your interface, not the master bus. Check where your master bus is outputting to as a example as to where to output your reference track.
  13. Do you have fast freeze or real time enabled?
  14. They will all do that, you can’t build off just one sample.
  15. I've had luck with lowering the edit undo settings.
  16. I've got a few of the quad releases converted to dts encoded cds. Dark Side of the Moon original quad release is great!
  17. Seriously? Found it. Much more better.
  18. Nope, everything works great here.
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