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Everything posted by gustabo

  1. Yes it's ok, with the soft synths frozen, they are bounced to audio and do not require cpu cycles as unfrozen soft synth does.
  2. Saving as a bundle is not recommended other than for sharing/collaborating. Id a bundle file gets corrupted, you lose the project and the audio files. Save as a .cwp
  3. Arm or disarm the tracks in your template as wanted and save the template. If no tracks in your template, create a track, set arm or disarm as needed and save the track as default.
  4. Do you have core parking turned off on your machine?
  5. Fast freeze or real-time? Have you tried the other than what you're using?
  6. Maybe the update fixes an issue where an update is available but BA doesn't tell you...
  7. Yet the "Free" Cakewalk version is far advanced in so many ways compared to other daws
  8. Yes, sort of. The Simple Instrument Track is a midi and audio track combined. SIT is not necessary if you select Insert Soft Synth to create a midi and audio track.
  9. Are you increasing your buffers as meloodyne suggests?
  10. Run CW as administrator as see if that makes a difference.
  11. GSnap Free VST pitch-correction. Use with subtle settings to nudge off-key vocals back in line. Extreme settings can create sounds like the famous T-Pain or Cher effect. MIDI control mode allows you to fit a recording to a new melody. https://www.gvst.co.uk/gsnap.htm
  12. Change the streaming option within Play and fast bounce works.
  13. Do you have an fx on that track? If so, try removing it and see if it still crashes.
  14. Sounds like a MixIR problem in Cakewalkl
  15. Uninstall ASIO4ALL, use native ASIO drivers and adjust buffers.
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