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Everything posted by gustabo

  1. If your antivirus is flagging https://codefn42.com/notemapper/ as dangerous, it’s wrong.
  2. I use Notemapper to split midi data to multiple midi channels on one port so yeah, it can be done in CbB. I use Notemapper as a simple instrument track. I also use multiple midi tracks on their own midi channels to Kontakt on one port so yeah, it can be done. Do you have input echo latched on for all your individual instrument tracks?
  3. Maybe that's a Sonar bug that's been corrected in CbB and it's working properly now. Soloing affects audio, midi is not audio, it's data so as far as I'm concerned, it works correctly in CbB... Just my opinion but what do I know???
  4. Why do they need to? The associated audio tracks that output the audio that the midi tracks are triggering are being greyed out, aren't they?
  5. They have been responding, not sharing snippets and they do have administrative rights to post in that locked thread.
  6. Easiest way, use a monitor controller, I use a Presonus Monitor Station with three different monitors hooked up to it.
  7. Leave the master bus fader alone and adjust the gain at the very top of the strip in track view.
  8. First scan with what? Log report of what? What programs are hosed?
  9. I found a picture of the connections on the Casio, looks like you need a cable from the audio output of your computer audio device (?) to audio in (1/8” stereo) on the keyboard
  10. Either L & R audio outputs or headphone outputs, depends on what your keyboard has.
  11. Sounds like you may have a problem with your filetable in Windows. Run chkdsk in an elevated administrator rights command window. https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-server/administration/windows-commands/chkdsk?tabs=event-viewer
  12. You need to hook up the audio output of your keyboard to your computer to hear the sounds from your keyboard. MIDI is data, not audio.
  13. My bad, lost track of who was who in this thread, it was meant for the person looking for an inexpensive tuner
  14. They didn't acquire the company, they acquired the intellectual property.
  15. Regardless, it says suggested specs, not minimum requirements.
  16. Suggested specs are the words I see used, not requirements
  17. gustabo


    I use a buss for monitors and a buss for headphones, both fed by sends from my master buss which outputs to nothing.
  18. gustabo

    Corrupted project

    Have you tried changing the streaming option in Play from disk to ram or vice versa?
  19. gustabo

    Corrupted project

    I would try freezing quite a few tracks to see if it makes a difference, but then again, it sounds like the project itself is corrupted.
  20. gustabo

    Corrupted project

    Have you tried freezing any of the tracks?
  21. gustabo

    Latency when armed

    Latency is a by-product of physics but try WASAPI mode
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