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Everything posted by gustabo

  1. Three monitors, not on any of them nor behind anything.
  2. I've lost my project load toast notification and vst scan toast. Anyone else? FWIW, I have my nic disabled when I use Cakewalk and I have update notifications turned off. edit: Just tried it with nic enabled, no difference.
  3. Turn Load Balancing off. In Prefs>Audio>Configuration File, set "EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor" to False Set "MixThreadCount" to 1 less than you have cores in your Performance Meter
  4. Email support@cakewalk.com or use https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new
  5. Nothing happens on mine (win10-english), don't worry about it.
  6. Sorry you're having these problems, SPlat and now CbB are consistently solid for me, no issues. First thing I'd check is that your vstscanpaths are not duplicated, for example C:\vst64\XYZ should not be there if C:\vst64 is listed, also reset and then scan in Prefs...
  7. Try running as administrator, may be a permissions problem with your os.
  8. Are you using Concrete Limiter? An older version used to mute the track or buss it was on.
  9. Disable the HDMI audio for your video card in device manager and make sure core parking is disabled.
  10. Cakewalk by Bandlab support: support@cakewalk.com is the official email address and https://help.cakewalk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new will also forward to their central ticket system!
  11. http://forum.cakewalk.com/Startgt-New-From-Template-Custom-Icons-m3415439.aspx
  12. I found this to work better than plugin load balancing... In prefs > audio, set "EnableSetThreadIdealProcessor" to false and set MixThreadCount to 1 less than number of cores you have. Also, make sure core parking is turned off and disable the hdmi audio drivers for your video card in device manager.
  13. 2019.01 build 27 was released last week
  14. Make sure your C++ redistributables are up to date and the current offering by Microsoft, not beta versions. Check the 32bit and 64bit redistributables.
  15. First question that I would ask is do you have core parking turned off?
  16. Thanks but never had that problem. Activation is best done through the standalone version.
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