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Everything posted by Leadfoot

  1. Thanks so much Tom! I appreciate you taking the time to do that!!
  2. Thanks for listening Daryl! Yes, unfortunately you're right. It was a good era for hard rock.
  3. That's amazing Nigel! Congratulations! The song sounds great!
  4. Thanks a lot for checking it out Jeff!
  5. Thanks a lot Nigel! I appreciate the kind words!
  6. Thanks for checking it out Wookiee!
  7. "Bless him. He's not well, you know."?
  8. Thanks so much man! I'm planning to keep doing them for the near future anyway. I got several more I'd like to try to tackle.?
  9. Just got done with this one. Check it out if you get a chance!
  10. Just got done with this one. Check it out if you get a chance!
  11. Thanks so much Heath! I appreciate you taking the time to check it out!
  12. That was cool Rain! Great bass tone! I enjoyed it! Any vocals going on it?
  13. Love the tone Joad! I replied on the songs forum too.
  14. Sounds killer man! Awesome tone! And the song sounds great too! I also liked and subscribed on your YouTube channel and commented. Nice job man!
  15. I'm very sorry for your loss Keni. Sounds like you guys had a lot of good memories.
  16. Thanks so much man! I'm really glad you like it, and appreciate you going back to listen again! Very cool of you!
  17. Lol.... Thanks a lot Craig! I appreciate you checking it out, and the comments on the my channel too!
  18. Thanks Rain! I really appreciate it man! Sabbath will always get you through the hard times.?
  19. Thank you so much Joad! I appreciate the likes and the comments on the channel!!
  20. I already responded to this song on your album thread, so I'll just paste what I wrote on it.? This paints an awesome sonic landscape. Love the sound of the acoustic and electric guitars. Your songs always have a nice swing to them, and this waltzing tempo is no exception. That little lead part around 3:40 sounded like Brian May himself was on the song! Vocals are great, and as usual for you, every instrument sits nicely in the pocket without stepping on any toes. A very enjoyable song Bats. Now I'm off to listen to High Time. Great job!
  21. Yeah I've seen that before. Roy was a master.
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