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Marc Cormier

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Everything posted by Marc Cormier

  1. But...but...TWO MORE REVERBS. And videos for how to use them. OK, I'll shut right up now.
  2. And on a note somewhat related, I just received this from Positive Grid, so I'll likely be checking out the preset packs mentioned earlier! "Today, I’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for providing us with your valuable feedback: this is why we're giving you BIAS FX 2 Elite, FREE for 30 days. With this, we hope to bring you a renewed experience of using our products and addressing some of the issues previously brought to our attention."
  3. I had no idea these PG amp matches even existed. Seems like a lot to pay for presets vs. Amp Rigs but they DO sound really good based on the videos.
  4. Sorry, Mesh!!!!! I had my finger on the Bias FX 2 upgrade, so I know the feeling. Who am I kidding...its still there.
  5. The Choptone rigs are KILLER, plus there's a ton of them. The most recent updates have brought a lot of UX goodness to browsing the rigs, like have color codes that correspond to dirty, clean, etc. A real pleasure to use and yes - a significant update to TH3. This alone was the factor in not jumping on the IK group buy - I have no need/desire to use Amplitube. TH-U barely makes a dent in CPU and just sounds good to my ears. Now if Scuffham would just get that update out...
  6. Got it. Thanks, Larry. Sooooooooo looking forward to this. I am soooooooooo broke for Black Friday.
  7. Sorry, folks - one more question, and maybe for UIKG: if I order AXE I/O today but get it after the 30th, is there any leeway to register this late due to shipping time?
  8. Dug into the manual and answered my question. Sorry to interrupt our regularly scheduled program...
  9. I have a dumb question, but I'm on the fence with the Group Buy and need to get kicked on to the right side. I have an audio/MIDI interface now. Does the Axe I/O replace the MIDI part of my interface (can I use the MIDI in/out to hook up a MIDI controller? Please say yes. I'll make it 154 if that's the case.
  10. Don't want to take this too far afield of the IK Group Buy, but Zo and Piotr, I jumped at the Schep's Omni Channel and was pleasantly surprised at the "difference" between it and Neutron 3. I really love all the presets as well - a great suggestion and oh my goodness...it was $26. Sometimes I have to remind myself of how much better things have gotten from the Tascam 8-track days. I do have to say as well that I'm really impressed by all of the video and help content Izotope publish - it makes learning the tools and integrating them in the workflow that much easier. On the other hand, I love the nobs and all-in one view of the Omni channel - much easier for me to grasp, at least initially. Now, for the group buy...
  11. That's a cool idea, Zo. So much experience wrapped up in this forum!!! I had the same question around Schep Omni and whether it was something i would "need" in addition to Izotope MPS 2.1. I don't have enough expertise with the Itope stuff to begin with and then Omni channel shows up for $26 and I think "I could have that in case I need it". Then I would play with it and spend what little time I have A/B testing and not writing.
  12. Dammit. I resisted. Now its really futile.
  13. Bueller? Sticking with BFD3 for the same reasons, Zip. Haven't heard a reason to move at this point but always interested to hear other's opinions.
  14. Ah. Kurre, way deeper than I was looking at it - thanks for the details!
  15. Sooo, I got a message that read: "Could not reach server. Please check your internet connection." Gabe sent me this link: https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/3140245/update-to-enable-tls-1-1-and-tls-1-2-as-default-secure-protocols-in-wi which fixed the install. Now I'm having trouble getting the routing configured. There was no indication anyone was having trouble installing so I simply commented on the fact that I was getting great service, too; I didn't even mention what the problem was to begin with - it wasn't the point of the post. No need to be grumpy.
  16. I was having an issue getting this to work with Windows 7 and Gabe responded to my email within a couple of hours. Great service!
  17. Picked up Obelisk for $4 and Phoenix for $10. I'll second the "favorites" comment - there's a ton you can do with Phoenix, especially once you lift the effects hood.
  18. I thought you were just making your point, Fleer!!!! Or just goading Peter...
  19. iZotope Music Production Suite 2.1 upgrade from Neutron 2. Loving the new features and all that i didn't have with Ozone Elements. Still a bit CPU heavy at times but seems more efficient than before.
  20. No, but it's a much cheaper mountain of nuts today, vs. waiting for a (maybe) relatively cheaper mountain of nuts months later. Honestly, for the price (and for what I paid for Neutron 2 Advanced second-hand), I'd do it again. And again. In fact, this will replace a mountain of cheap (formerly expensive) plugins I paid peanuts for in the last year. Totally get your point, though. The Waves $29 phenomenon is probably just one of the tipping points (along with the movement to subscription) we get to witness these days.
  21. Yep - so far I love it. Haven't even gotten past Ozone and Neutron, but I'm really tempted to use a sick day to help speed things up!
  22. Jumped on the upgrade from Neutron Advanced 2 for $125. I see Neutron loading faster, lower CPU hit, and a few new bells & whistles. Plus all the other goodness in MPS. I swear I think it sounds better than Neutron 2, but I'll make myself believe ANYTHING after hitting the Pay Now button. But I think it's for real this time.
  23. Best Service deal: $138 *** Music Production Suite Crossgrade for registered users from at least one of the following Products: Neutron Advanced Ozone Advanced O8N2 Surround/3D Reverb Bundles (including Exponential Audio Everything Bundle) I'm still on Neutron 2 Advanced - it SOUNDS like this would work. www.bestservice.com/deals/izotope_music_production_sale.html EDIT: looks like this is 2.0 - 2.1 probably means Neutron 3, amiright?
  24. Thanks a ton, Ryan! I appreciate the details.
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