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Everything posted by marcL

  1. I think, sometimes gates are very useful for special mix purposes. And there are very clever ones like e.g. Box Digital Gatey Watey, but I have a couple of others that are also not bad (like Unfiltered Audio G8). But their usage with side chain input is often not so trivial, that means obvious (for me by all means ?).
  2. What a complicated install process for something free! (install only with portal, serial number and native access) Meh, I will pass on it! ?
  3. I guess it only runs with the dumb Presonus shell! This one is a real time eater! I have only 2 plugins of them installed on my laptop and the shell takes so much time for scanning (it doubles almost the scan time in CbB) and I have hundreds of other plugins! I hate those stupid shell plugins (also the Waves one), they are only for the laziness of the developers. There is no real advantage for the users! That's why I abdicate Presonus plugins, although I own some.
  4. Okay, now I have investigated a bit more! I was wrong that it was ever working in the new export dialog. I found out that the problem has been introduced after CbB 2021.04 (in 2021.06), i.e. in 2021.04 it runs without issue (and I guess in all versions back to Splat)! I played around with that. But somehow I could not get it working (without +3dB loudness increase)! Maybe I am a bit dumb! ? Please, can you explain more precisely what you mean?
  5. The only strange thing is that this works in Splat up to one of the latest CbB releases (with the new export dialog)! ? This was an EASY way to fix the +3dB hassle with mono clips!
  6. It seems that I have a new issue, or is it that I do something wrong? I select 2 clips (one in track1, the other in track2), both tracks are mono (and also the clips), and I try to export the clips with "Split Mono" setting to avoid a +3 dB loudness increase. The result is an error message "An internal error occurred while processing the mixdown.". This happens on 2 totally different machines both with the newest CbB (2022.06 build 028)!
  7. Cool guitar! But I wonder why the color is called Inverness Green? Once I was in Inverness (long ago, when I was young, at the time of my avatar photo), but I did not see a comparable color around there!
  8. The plugin standard or another meaning? ?
  9. IMHO PA is dead! I don't see anything that reminds me of the former PA!
  10. Oh well, I have it already! Did not get it! Shame!
  11. I agree that it should be possible to choose at least the subfolder name in VST3! But in general I think that the concept of one central VST3 folder is not really a clever idea! For example all those plugins that are bound to one single DAW (like TH3 to CbB), I don't want that the other DAWs include/parse those plugins, because they don't run there anyway! Or I don't want that the audio editors have to parse instrument plugins, it is meaningless! So I really wonder what the Steinberg guys have reflected (nothing)?
  12. If I look back to all my PA deal purchases, then these are about double prices or more (including vat)! ? It seems the good days of yore are over. ? And this in a time where the budgets of many people are already in a challenging situation!
  13. But I have to add that LEM Echo Music has a real offline authorization (that ensures that you never have auth trouble with Windows or hardware updates) and for the price it is quite a good deal (one of the better ones nowadays)! Bought, installed!
  14. For me, there are no PA impulse buys anymore! $31 + 25% vat is almost $40. That's too much for an impulse buy IMO (or in the opinion of my purse)! Sometimes I spend more for a plugin, but only if I really see some need for it, not just for ANOTHER eq, compressor, amp ...
  15. This is a great release, it has fixed several annoying things for me (one crucial)! Thanks a lot Cakewalkers!
  16. For a long time this is one of the best releases IMHO. It has fixed several (!) annoyances for me in one go! ?
  17. I don't think so. IMHO their authorization and installation system is sooo cumbersome that I abstain from such deals. I have some Amplitube stuff that I like, but the Syntronik stuff I have is for nothing! Also the few T-Rack items I have, I never use them! Anyway, I prefer to cherry-pick the plugins I want and I dislike those collections with a lot of rubbish that I never install or use.
  18. On the left side right click the key {FD39...} and select export. Save the key with all its contents to a .reg file (location and name to your taste) Open it in a text editor (it is a text file) In it don't change the beginning with the key definition etc. but you can remove the blocks below (that start with the export definition names), that are not your own definitions as I proposed. It is not necessary to do it, but then you could lose possible changes to them from BandLab (not so likely). If you run (double click) the registry file on another computer or on a new installation, then those keys that you leave in the file are ADDED! No existing keys (e.g. from BandLab) are being removed!
  19. I wonder why I get more and more bored by PA! On the other hand it is good for my wallet! Most of the new plugins and the new voucher concept don't hit my taste!
  20. Yes and I would propose that you delete all the Cakewalk standard entries in the registry file, i.e. that only your own additions are in it. Like that you avoid overwriting changes of the standard BandLab export definitions (regress), unless you have changed them yourself.
  21. But I must add that now I understand why "Extend Takes to Punch Out Time" = ON is not default! In my first statement I have only considered the first 2 cases!
  22. This is the only one that is strange IMO, because if you have set a punch out that is before the end of the loop, then you would not expect some recording after the punch out!
  23. Yes, exactly! And therefore it's even worse if the new recording goes up to the end of the loop region, instead of the punch out (if this is before the end of the loop)! And this is the new default ("Extend Takes to Punch Out Time" = off)! But anyway a lot of thanks for improving it! If I set the flag to ON it runs perfectly! ?
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