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Everything posted by marcL

  1. In Cakewalk I like that it is possible to import audio files as referenced (out of the project folder). This is great, because I often split the tasks of one song into several lighter projects. I have a central folder for each song where I store the audio files. Like that I have only 1 copy of them and I always reference the newest version of them in all affected projects. But one thing that annoys me is that I have no possibility to save such a project in a reasonable way (new or in another location). If you are using referenced audio files, then any changes that you make (like Gain changes ...) are stored under the project's audio folder and it is fine like this (i.e. you have a mix of local and referenced files). Saving such a project you have only the possibility to store "all" audio contents under the new project folder or everything is referenced (in the latter variant even new audio content is not stored in the project!). Sure, there are some work-arounds to get around the problem: If I have a new (not yet saved) project, then I have to save it before making any changes that cause local files. Unfortunately I often miss that ? and have to proceed according to #2! If I have a new (not yet saved) project, then I have to save it with "Copy all audio with project" enabled. Then I have to delete the audio files that were originally referenced. When I open the project again, then I am asked where the missing file(s) is located. I have then to go to the source directory of this/the file(s) and select "reference from current location" (DON'T FORGET THIS as "move to project" is the default, very dangerous IMHO). Then saving the project completes the process. If I only want to relocate the project as it is, then it is the easiest way not to use Cakewalk, but instead working in Windows Explorer: Copy the folder(s) and files manually. Because this is very inconvenient, it would be nice if there was another check box in the Save Dialog to leave referenced audio files referenced! (Maybe with a better explaining text, my native language is not English).
  2. IMO this deal is not very good! Look at me for example, I have about 80 PA plugins. Honestly, most of them I purchased as impulse buy or to use the monthly voucher. Do I need them? I think there are maximum 20 that I really use and like. If I look at the ones that I don't have, then I have to admit that there are only about 3 or 4 that I am really interested in and about 5 others that I would also buy for a good price. Thus buying the All Bundle would be worse than the montly $29.99 deal. No impulse buy deals indeed! Frankly I am neither a friend of plugin bundles, nor of subscription! Why? Because in both cases you pay for a lot of stuff that you do not need and you as customer cannot define anymore what plugin is worth the price (by selecting the ones you like). In the end this leads to a lesser effort in those companies, they rest on their laurels and don't produce what is required/desired! I think for a healthy competition it is much better if we cherry pick the plugins we like from different vendors, but YMMV!
  3. If you export MONO audio clips with the Export Dialog (settings: Source Category = Clips, Channel Format = Mono), then the volume in the files is increased by about +3dB. This is not very convenient, because you use source category Clips to export the clips as they are IMHO! By the way if you export MONO clips by drag and drop, then it works as expected! But this way you cannot apply the useful naming possibilities like in the Export Dialog (very helpful if you export a bunch of clips)! Please, fix the problem above!
  4. I have Neo Complete and I disagree that their instruments are as bad. E.g. I like the woodwinds, some are very convincing IMHO (better than the ones of some other vendors). But I also like some of their pianos. What I agree is that the sample data is huge, but this is caused by the many mic positions (close, inside, outside, room, room wide, vintage inside, vintage room, ...). Normally I only use a mix of 3 or 4 of them. But with mixing the different samples you can exactly get the sound you like (default only 1 is active!).
  5. That's a fact that most AI (new) technology brings nothing but new problems. The positive examples are the exception. Just look at the last 10 years of software development and you can see a lot of trouble. If I look at the software that I use, then IMHO most software does not meet your "good implementation"! There are so many bad examples not only in music software! That's true, unfortunately! Just if I compare news articles and private messages (e-mails, phone, ...) before and after the introduction of spell checking, then I am afraid of AI development! Other example in aviation: If the flight situation is challenging, then often the pilotes have to go to manual control and this gets more and more difficult, because they lack routine caused by the AI (flight system) handling the usual cases. There are so many examples of catastrophies caused by technical analysis faults. No, I do not reject AI generally! If something is really mature, then it may help (I would also like your tempo recognition/quantization, but I doubt it will be available in my life). I just think some healthful skepticism is better than just a blue-eyed view of this topic. ?
  6. IMHO the target is much to sophisticated! Why is it so difficult to create a real drum part for a song with a VSTi that sounds so realistic as played by a human drummer? Me and 10000s of musicians tried to achieve this for years and I think it is nearly impossible to get the same feel! A drummer has not only "one feel" that is represented by a swing value and some random deviations! He delays/forwards the kick, snare, cymbals in the beat differently in every song, maybe even song part, often he has a different swing with the cymbals, ... And this is only the drummer! If you look at the tempo of a song by a whole band it gets even more fascinating! ? Your AI software would have to recognize all this! If you have Melodyne, then just make some tests how it recognizes (or rather NOT) the tempo!
  7. Well, how I love installer monoliths like Native Access! ? Just now I discovered that it had deleted some of the manuals with some updates (Absynth5, Battery4, FM8, Solid*, ...)! ? Is this user friendly deleting the manuals without user notification? I am 100% sure that once the manuals were there, because there are still file links that I had created!
  8. Nothing really impressing! Install on different PCs is boring as always! Still the big online bottleneck as it has ever been! For me this is no progress at all! It's "modern" dumb processing!
  9. My plugin organization is quite different. I have the VST2 plugins installed under a top folder and then a provider subfolder. But I never reference this top folder directly by my DAWs. Instead a have an FX, an instrument and an edit folder, the first 2 with subfolders (Dynamics, EQ, ...). And then I create file links of the plugins in those folders, the ones I really use. In the DAWs I use then the FX and instrument folders for scanning only and in the Edit programs (like RX, Sound Forge, ...) the edit folder (a reduced FX listing). Like that I can reduce the scanned plugins and duplicates without uninstalling some plugins (and it is easy to include or exclude a plugin again). As the VST3 folder is also growing, maybe I will do the same for it. By the way I create the file links with a script, so that I easily can have the same plugin structure on my 3 PCs (works perfectly).
  10. Are you really sure whether there is no loudness change? In Audacity it is simple and keeping the exact loudness level, in CbB it is tricky, you have to check if there is no loudness change!
  11. Having seen the simple way how you can split or put together stereo tracks in Audacity, I always wondered why it is so painful and fault-prone in most other daws with bouncing!
  12. Those 2 are exactly the reason why I am not interested in another EQ! I am really satisfied with those ones! ?
  13. marcL

    Da king is back!

    This is the 2nd postive turn this morning! Now this is a happy deals forum again! ? The other encouragement has been that this was the first night without fever having Corana! ?
  14. If you have the last version installed (2022.06), then updating to 2022.09 goes with an Update installer only. But if you have a version prior 2022.06, then calling an update to 2022.09 executes a full installer. Thus if you use the 2022.06 rollback (to 2022.02), then an installation of 2022.09 uses the full installer (if you have already updated to 2022.09, then you have to use the 2022.09 rollback (to 2022.06) first). I agree that it is somehow complicate and I agree that the naming of the rollback installers are confusing, too. I usually rename the rollback installers to something like "Cakewalk_Rollback-to-2022.06.0.034" (this is the 2022.09 rollback installer for example). This name is more evident for me! ?
  15. Do they still not support offline authorization?
  16. Thanks! I already tried to download from there, but there is no way to download older versions (e.g. Ozone 9)! The strange thing is that I even could download RX7 from my account overview!? All in all it is not very consistent!
  17. It's terrible with their product portal or account overview! I could download the Nectar 3 Plus installer, but not the Ozone 9 Advanced one (nothing happens). And also with the offline installations I have had several problems lately, but it's strange its not the same for all products and it changes time by time. I don't understand that this happens at the world's most renowned post production company!
  18. For now I don't see any reason to upgrade! I am satisfied with Kontakt 6!
  19. I notice I am getting old, 'cos the latest freebies of PB do not pique my interest at all! ?
  20. I just referred to the comment of @Mettelus! ? But you have to admit that there is some software (also DAWs) that would still be running (also Sonar)! ? Some software only on already installed systems, but some also on new systems (but I agree this kind gets rarer and rarer).
  21. That's what I really like of CbB (and Sonar), it's the workflow and the interface! ?
  22. If the internet is gone, then you cannot re-authorize Cakewalk anymore! That's what I meant, or do I have some misunderstanding? ?
  23. Yes, and after maximum 6 month you can't use it anymore, because the re-authorization cannot be done. ?
  24. If they still supported their old authorization system, then this would be a great deal!
  25. Today I am also satisfied with the stability of Cakewalk. But it depends also on your hardware. Reaper is very light and thus runs smooth even on older, weaker systems. Its current installation package is 14.5 MB only (Cakewalk is about 549 MB).
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