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Everything posted by SirWillyDS12

  1. No you don't... You can have multiple midi clips in a track and edit them in PRV without combining them... How they are displayed depends on your setting in Piano Roll view menu...
  2. It is also only 24 Voice Polyphony... Seems a little "weak", especially for almost 2 grand... My Korg 01W is 32 Voice Polyphony and it is almost 30 years old...
  3. Click on the section you want to record to... The transport should advance to that section... Set up either Loop points or Punch points at the boundary of that section and arm your tracks you want to record to and record as normal...
  4. There is a way to sort your Midi Output ports by way of Move Selected Devices To Top... If you have a lot of Midi Output ports it can be time consuming as you have to repeatedly hit the button to re-sort the outputs in the order you want... As far as Midi Input ports AFAIK you are pretty much at the mercy of the Windows operating system and the order that Windows makes the ports available to Cakewalk... For Output devices you can also edit the order of outputs in the file TTSSEQ.INI... This file contains your Midi Preferences and the Midi Ports you have enabled... Editing the order of Input Ports in this file will not change their order in Cakewalk and could possibly cause you problems... If you "mess up" the TTSSEQ.INI file it is a matter of just deleting it and Cakewalk will recreate it and reset your Midi Preferences...
  5. So I think I'm seeing what you are talking about now... I have a track that has Modulation and Pitch Wheel on it... In the "Lanes" in PRV the modulation value is kind of a this color and the pitch wheel is kind of this color... When I hide the lanes with Display Multiple Controllers the modulation turns kind of this color but the pitch wheel stays this color... And this color is a lot brighter than this color and really overly distracting...
  6. I just checked and you can change the PRV Grid Background color under Preferences -> Customization -> Colors... There are three different colors, PRV Grid Background. PRV Black Keys Background (Db, Eb) and PRV Black Keys Background (Gb, Ab, Bb)... Now if you are talking about changing the Controller Colors that is different than the background...
  7. Can you change the colors under Preferences -> Customization -> Colors? I'm not sure but one of the "Theme Developers" might know...
  8. Yea, I'm fairly sure that you can already do this for all Audio Input tracks by inserting a VST plugin in the FX Rack and turning on Input Echo... RTFM... Channel strips
  9. Exactly how are you determining that PDC is not working? The PDC button only disables Delay Compensation on live inputs... Live Input PDC override ... If you wish to disable PDC for a plugin you need to do it in the VST configuration...
  10. That's Great... Something you may want to try and observe and\or pay attention to... It may not be an issue for you since your Ultralite is using CueMix and not the WebApp... My 828es uses the WebApp and it can at times be a CPU hog, especially with a pretty extensive mix if my Web Browser is still in "Focus" and even If the Browser window is open behind Cakewalk... (I use Firefox but it does the same with MS Edge, even wosre...) If I minimize the window it drops the CPU load... I've seen it as high as 8% of my CPU, higher than the Cakewalk project I was working on...
  11. First to answer this... If you export your song setup as a Standard Midi File, all tracks that have a "note" on them will contain the Patch that you used... If you use Format 1 only the tracks that have a note on them will be saved... On my Kronos using Format 0 it will save all tracks up to the highest track number with data... E.I. If I used track 10 it will save tracks 1 -10 with or without any "Notes" but only the tracks that have notes on them will have the Patch info... When you import the Standard Midi File into Cakewalk it puts the Patch change in the Channel Strip... A, B, and C in the image below... No need to worry about CC Numbers... If you import "Instrument Definitions" into Cakewalk and select your Pa900 midi device you will have a list of all your Patches on A, B and C above... Don't know how well the "Ins" file you posted the link for transfers to your Korg... I set my Kronos up with Instrument Definitions in Cakewalk so when I select a Patch in Cakewalk it is the Patch on my Kronos... If I import a file from my Kronos the patch names are all there... If I select them in Cakewalk and then save to Standard Midi File and load in the Kronos all the same programs... It takes some time but well worth it... The Kronos came with the "MidiQuest" editor so I can just export the Instrument Definitions from the Editor then import into Cakewalk... You can create you own Ins file... If the Pa900 Manuel list the Patches just copy them from there... I did it with an older keyboard that I have... Pretty sure the "Instrument Definitions" page has all the details and links you need...
  12. No not recording on the keyboard, recording in Cakewalk... I know what you're trying to do, I do it with my Kronos... What I was saying was add "One" note to every track you use on the Pa900 and save the setup to a Standard Midi File... That small file will contain the Patches you used with just one note on every track... Basically saving the Song Setup to import into Cakewalk with the Patches you used...
  13. If Your Korg Pa900 is like my Kronos it will save all your Patches to a Standard Midi File... You can save your song setup on the Pa900 to a Standard Midi File... Open the midi file with Cakewalk and it will contain all the Patch Changes and the channel information... You would have to be in Sequencer Mode and have a least one note on every track you use before you save the Standard Midi File on the Pa900... You could then put those Patch changes into your midi file in Cakewalk... Then when you save it and import it back to the Korg it would contain the proper Patches...
  14. And if you turn on "Write Automation" while doing that Cakewalk will remember it and play it back like that if you have "Read Automation" on...
  15. Ok Russ, So I looked at your screen shots again a little closer... It appears that you have your Driver Mode set to WASAPI Shared... You need to set it to ASIO in Preferences... That is why you can't set the ASIO buffer... Preferences -> Audio - Playback and Recording Under Preferences -> Audio - Driver Settings you should see "ASIO Panel" and not "Wave Profiler"... And I agree with Byron, you need to uninstall the generic Asio Drivers...
  16. In general the clip or note you are editing will be highlighted... If no other notes or clips are "highlighted" you are editing only those notes\clips... You always have the "undo" command when editing notes... And save your work often and there is also the auto save feature you can turn on... There is a feature called "Linked Clips" that will apply the edits to all Clips that are linked... Linked clips are highlighted with a boarder around them... I always "color code" all my linked clips... Cakewalk has a lot to offer if you want to take the time to learn how to use it... I've used FL Studio in the past, and have even used it as a plugin inside of Cakewalk... It has some nice features but doesn't come close to Cakewalk, IMHO...
  17. You can start with... Working with MIDI clips MIDI Groove Clips Matrix view Arranger tracks
  18. "Cakewalk" has been fully 64 bit compatible since Sonar 5 in 2005... So if your "older" program is Sonar 5 or after you can simple install the 64 bit version on your machine... Anything older than Sonar 5 you could probably install the 32 bit version and use the 32 bit VST's with bitbridge as Promidi stated... You may also be able to use the 32 bit DX effects but it involves using a DX to VST wrapper... Not Recommended... This is a spread sheet that someone compiled that tells you what plugins came with what version of Sonar... Sonar Plugins 3 to X3 You maybe be able to cross reference and look for the plugins you are looking for and if they are available in another version of Cakewalk that you may have...
  19. The "Buffer" setting is higher in the one setup that you uploaded screen shots for... And the Asio driver is reporting a Latency of 10ms... So you're getting what you ask for... Try reducing the buffer size...
  20. To follow up with Byron... What are your Driver Settings, Sample Rate, Buffer Size? Midi Driver playback buffer settings?
  21. And what if you want different Automation on the Linked Clips? I use linked clips on different tracks and use different automation envelopes on them...
  22. Are you triggering the SI Electric Piano with your mouse on the little VST keyboard? If so you will not Record Midi to the midi track... There will be no Midi Events at the input to the Midi Track, only Midi Events input to the VST... So there will be nothing for Cakewalk to Record... Audio will output from the VST to the Audio Track that will record...
  23. Very possible that you can either disable the Pitch Wheel or set it to "Zero" on your controller... If you actually use the Pitch Wheel then that would be a problem... You can also set Cakewalk to not respond to Pitch Wheel control changes in Preferences -> MIDI -> Playback and Record... It will not respond to or record pitch control changes... You can also install Midi View to see just how much info your controller is sending to Cakewalk... Midi View doesn't show every thing but does show Pitch Wheel controller... You may also be able in install something like MIDI Patchbay to filter out the control changes into Cakewalk if you can't fix the Pitch Wheel...
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