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Everything posted by SirWillyDS12

  1. Use Save As -> Copy all audio with project... This will create an Audio folder inside of your project folder and all your audio tracks will be stored there and the project will reference to that folder and not the Global Audio Folder... Always use the one project per folder approach, every project in it own folder... You can copy the entire Project Folder anywhere you want and the Audio folder goes with it... Audio data will never get "Lost" it will always be with the project... You can open the project from your backup drive and the project will load with the audio from the project Audio folder on the backup drive... The Cakewalk Documentation Save As dialog page is wrong, the Audio folder is just Audio and not Audio Data... Try not to use Reference from and always copy any import files to the Audio folder... I have close to 1500 projects going back over 25 years and my Global Audio Folder is completely empty... All my Audio tracks are stored in the project folder Audio folder... Many of the older projects have been on 7 or 8 different hard drives and I can open them up on my latest PC and the Audio tracks are all there, no need to play "find and seek"......
  2. This ^^^... Also in the Kontakt, Settings -> Engine. there is check box for default volume for new instruments or volume reset, can be set at -6db or 0db, if -6db is checked (default) your instruments can revert to -6db regardless of what they were "saved" at... If I remember correctly what causes the instruments to revert to -6db is if it is set in Kontakt at -6bd and CbB or Sonar has the option Zero Controllers When Play Stops enabled... Edit -> Preferrences -> Project -> MIDI... I'm pretty sure that all the default templates have this option checked... I created my own project templates and unchecked that option on all of them... Another thing, the midi track velocity\volume control will set the volume in Kontakt... If you moved the "slider" and it is no longer set to default (101) or disable control it will change the volume of the instrument in Kontakt... I always disable the control and use the output audio of Kontakt for fine tuning volume or automation...
  3. If it is understood correctly you recorded your drum track at a tempo of 110 bpm over a project set to 120 bpm... You can use the Process > Fit Improvisation command to change the tempo, bpm of the project and grid, without changing the tempo of the recorded MIDI... The end result would be your same drum track at the correct speed in a project with the correct tempo of 110 bpm... It can be tricky to use the Fit Improv command... When I use it I usually copy just a small section, maybe three measures to a new track and high light that as the "Source Track"... The very first note of the "Source Track" must be at the very beginning of the project 1:01:000...
  4. Why? ... Select all tracks, Menu -> Project -> Insert Time\Measures... -> Slide... Select every thing listed... Will move the entire project by the desired amount...
  5. This is not true... Versions 2021.04 Update 1 [Updated 17-May-2021] thru 2022.11 Update 1 [Updated 1-Dec-2022] were all Self Activating on installation... You did not need to be online to activate... You can install an older version then install one of the self activating versions over top and reset your activation all offline... No need for the Cakewalk Activation Servers...
  6. Anewbus - God of funerary rites, protector of graves, guide to the underworld. and creator of the second "Master"... ?
  7. So I downloaded the 7 day trial of Inject and installed it... The Cakewalk plugin manager would not even register the plugin on my PC... Also tried it with Sonar to no avail... It did install properly because it registered and loaded in MixCraft... I even un-installed and reinstalled it running as admin... But it looks like you got some advice from Noel to pass on to AudioMovers... Anyway, best of luck with your setup...
  8. Pretty sure you need to dis-arm the track... Turn off the Big Red Record button... With the track armed and input echo on, the button beside the record arm button is also on, you would be monitoring the income live midi from your controller to the SI Piano and not the playback recorded midi...
  9. Are you running Cakewalk as an "Administrator"? If not try that, it may work... So most "Sharing Violations" are caused by the file being open by two people at the same time and the other person saves it before you or by two different Apps at the same time and the other App takes ownership... If your "Project Drive" is a mapped network drive and Audiomovers Inject is opening up networking ports this could be your problem... Check and see if "Sharing Wizard" is on for your drive... Windows Folder Options -> View -> Files and Folders -> Use Sharing Wizard...
  10. I would assume so... I did not do a "full" count on outputs, just inputs before Cakewalk would not load... But when I had the VB Audio Matrix 256 VASIO enabled I had 268 output channels... 256 from the matrix and I have 12 outputs enable on My MOTU 828es... One master channel and 5 stereo sends for external effects... So a question here... Can you use a two channel approach for the "pre-FX Send and Return"? A "Clean" channel with your audio on it output straight to your Audio interface and your FX and then input back to a second track... This would create an "Insert FX" say for an external compressor or such with the output fed back to your second track... The same type deal can be used for a send by coping your track to a second track and using the un-effected track as the send and not sent to your mix bus and the effected track sent to your mix bus and you add an FX return... You would probably end up with more track than you really want...
  11. So I did a little more investigating\troubleshooting of CbB not opening with VB Audio Matrix... The issue is not VB Audio Matrix at all... The problem is a limitation\bug in the CbB UI, the exact same limitation\bug is present in the new Sonar... As soon as you exceed 276 available ASIO devices in any configuration, CbB or Sonar will not open... I used the VB Audio Matrix 256A ASIO driver from Coconut and My MOTU 828es to find the exact number... With 276 available devices, 256 from VB Matrix and 20 from my MOTU 828es both CbB and Sonar will open up just fine... Increase the count to 277, 256 from VB Matrix and 21 from the 828es and neither CbB or Sonar will open... Exact same two ASIO drivers, one hardware the other virtual... It did not matter what ASIO drivers I used, as soon as the available count exceeded 276 neither CbB or Sonar would open...
  12. VB Audio Matrix registers 4 different Virtual ASIO drivers in the registry... Open up regedit and go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ASIO and delete all of the VB-Matrix entries but VB-Matrix VASIO-128... Cakewalk will now load and the VB-Matrix VASIO-128 can be selected as your ASIO driver... You have to do your routing out of Cakewalk to the VB-Matrix and then in the VB-Matrix App route to your Hardware output ASIO... It seems to be working ok... I only routed two tracks... I just downloaded the VB Audio Matrix after reading your post... Took a while to figure out what Cakewalk didn't like with it... I tried it with MixCraft and it worked as installed... I've been using DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer to use multiple ASIO devices but the VB Audio Matrix may be a better option... With DS WASAPI ASIO Router Mixer you can "loopback" to a hardware device, it does not present itself as a Virtual ASIO to other apps...
  13. Did you create a Plugin Layout file? And did you recall that same plugin layout file?
  14. You're very welcome... Yea, I had the same problem and it took a bit to figure out what was causing it...
  15. So how much are tickets to the "Big Fish Fry" going to be?
  16. This issue was resolved for me with the 403 build @Noel Borthwick... Also, I'm no longer getting the Audio device has been disconnected dialog box on startup if Sonar resets the sample rate...
  17. Un-check "Zero Controllers When Play Stops"... Preferences -> Project -> MIDI... You may even need to create a new project and reload the articulation... Not sure what CC Cakewalk is resetting\zeroing that will kill the Audio output of some of the Cinematic Studio Solo String... Could be CC11 Expression... I've had it kill audio for articulations that I had to re-create in the library that I didn't even save, don't know why?
  18. Try turning on "Auto Lock", top right above the Track List... With Auto Lock turned on only the Track you select is active and all others are greyed out and are not "almost transparent"... You will only be able to select\edit notes on that track... With "Auto Focus" on you can click on a note from another track, "almost transparent", and bring it into "Focus"... With Auto Focus on you can also edit notes from two different tracks at the same time by selecting them at the same time...
  19. CbB doesn't do this... But it is a non issue... Sonar is just resetting the sample rate on start up to the "New Default Project" sample rate which CbB does not do at start up... So with this, if I do not close the "Notifications" at startup and change to "All" and open a project Sonar does not crash... And with "Notifications" disabled in preferences it did not crash... If I "X" out the notifications and click "All" then a project, its all over... So I will check the next build when you release it...
  20. So a little more investigating into the Audio Interface disconnect... This is happening when there is a difference between what the sample rate that the MOTU is set at and the default sample rate that Sonar is set at during Startup... The projects that I am opening are at 44.1 and my new default project is set at 48... So the project resets the interface to 44.1... Next time I start Sonar there is a difference in sample rate and Sonar resets it on startup, thus disconnecting the interface... CbB does not reset the sample rate at startup... It resets it when you open the project and does not give me the "disconnect" box...
  21. Here is a screenshot for you... This is what I get every time I re-start Sonar after closing a project... Of-coarse my MOTU has not been disconnected and I do not get this with CbB, only with the new Sonar... Another bug/issue... Perhaps someone else can duplicate... On the "Start Screen" select "Local Projects"... Then select "All" ... Right after selecting "All" click on a project... Every time I do that Sonar crashes to the desktop... If I wait about 7 seconds for the little spinning circle then it doesn't crash and will open the project... Seems selecting a project needs "disabled" for a few seconds until the list is re-populated...
  22. You're welcome... I'm running Windows 10 on my music PC which is offline... It has just one account setup which is Admin and with UAC disabled... Every version of SONAR or Cakewalk I have to "Run as Administrator" or some things just don't work right, like Plugin Manager... That PC hasn't been online in quite some time and the only time it does go online is if I absolutely can not activate something through an offline method... When it does go online I make sure none of Microsoft's update bull-**** is running... Last thing I need is for them to start to "Ruin\Update" my pc... Their little homing pigeons are quick to find an open ethernet connection... I don't need **** that i disabled and deleted updated...
  23. Sounds like you need ProjectScope... It hasn't been update since 2017 but still works on recent projects...
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