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Everything posted by SirWillyDS12

  1. Ah 1, Ah 2, Aah 3... Pretty sure you can do this on a per project basis under Preferences -> Project -> Metronome... Project - Metronome If you would like the same setting for every new Project create a Project Template...
  2. That question would be better directed to Novation Support...
  3. That's great, glad it's working out for you... Not sure of your exact setup but one thing to keep in mind is that with Wasapi Shared you will experience higher Latency than what you can achieve with Asio drivers... Very probable that the "crackle" sounds that you were experiencing were from buffer overflows with your Asio driver... A buffer size to small will cause this... With Asio, in general, the smaller the buffer the less the Latency... If Wasapi Shared is working out for you and the latency is not a problem, great... You can always try your Asio driver and adjust the buffer size and see if you can get better latency results... When I am recording with live inputs I set my Asio for very low latency... If I'm mixing a project I will set my buffer sizes to the maximum, high latency...
  4. Check the midi event list for your tracks for Pitch Wheel controller changes... If you are using a Midi Keyboard Controller perhaps the Pitch Wheel on it is sending a control change... Possibly the Pitch Wheel controller is stuck?
  5. Kevin made a very good point here... I use MidiQuest VST with my keyboards and I have to disable the midi input to route them to MidiQuest... (Forbidden Windows driver sharing...) Then use a third party midi loop back driver to interface with Cakewalk... So if Cakewalk would always enable all midi devices that would be a nightmare... But I 100% agree that Cakewalk should remember disconnected devices and not re-assign the next available driver when a device is not present... This can also be a real pain when I open a project without one of my keyboards on...
  6. You might want to read and try Freeze tracks and synths from the Manuel...
  7. Fairly sure you are referring to the Browser which by default is docked on the right side, you can dock it else where if you chose... Are your plugins showing up in the FX Rack? If so try to arrange them by a different "Sort by"... The browser view should also change to the new "Sort by"... Perhaps this will bring them back... Did you try reading the Manuel?
  8. I concur with Mark... Word Clock would only be synchronizing you audio devices and not your project Transport... You would still need to use MIDI Sync or MTC\SMPTE to sync your project Transport... SMPTE was developed for use with Motion Pictures and is Tempo independent... They would record (Strip) the Time Code into the film to synchronize the audio and audio equipment with the film... Regardless of who was scoring the sound track for the film they would all be using the same time code to synchronize the audio to the film... If you change the tempo in your project or even have tempo changes during your song in the project the SMPTE\MTC clock stays the same, it does not follow your tempo... If you are using SMPTE to sync you are also sending other info with it, such as frame position... The SMPTE clock is dependent on the frame rate you chose... MIDI Sync, which you can use with your Motu Ultralite will be highly more accurate... It sends out the MIDI clock rate of your project... If you double the Tempo you double the clock rate and accuracy of your projects... If you have tempo changes your clock will follow the tempo change...
  9. You can try MIDIView... It does not display all midi events/messages but maybe what you're looking for... MidiView
  10. If you are using SMTPE as the clock source and every thing is set up right you only need to hit start on the "Master"... The slave, if it is Cakewalk will start as soon as it receives the time code, but it depends on the settings in the Preference --> Audio --> Sync and Caching page... .. With SMTPE you can have some offset in your "sync" between master and slave... I have found syncing with Midi Sync works better and easier... With Midi Sync you need to hit play first on the slave to "arm" it or it will not follow/start... With MIDI Sync and transmitting Song Position Pointer the two projects will stay in time... With SMTPE, from my experience, if you start and stop playback they will drift apart every time you stop... I have "Synced" CbB and Sonar Platinum on the same pc using loopMIDI as the Midi interface... Using SMPTE you also need to check these... Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> Send MIDI Time Code --> MTC Output Ports --> Your MIDI device Kind of overlooked that in the other post...
  11. On your Master PC in Cakewalk Preferences make sure you have the following checked... Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> Send MIDI Sync --> Transmit MIDI Start/Stop/Continue/Clock Preferences --> Project --> MIDI --> Send MIDI Sync --> MIDI Sync Output Ports --> Your MIDI device hooked between PC's Cakewalk as the master
  12. He must be using one of those Double-Density Disk...
  13. We'll just use Double-Density Disk and Dual Xeon Processors...
  14. I'm use the Yamaha Steinberg FW Driver V1.6.6 with my Motif XF6 and have no problems with it... One thing you might want to check is MMCSS... If your USB driver 2.1.3 is like the driver I'm using MMCSS is select-able in the driver... If you have it enabled in Cakewalk and in the Yamaha USB Drive it can create problems, search this forum for MMCSS... You may also want to check and make sure your Yamaha USB driver and Cakewalk are set to the same sample rate...
  15. You're very welcome... Cakewalk is a very powerful program and there is a lot there to learn... I've been using it for years and am still learning stuff and I've been where you were... "What the Frac did I do?"... Auto save can be your best friend...
  16. Create new "Empty Project" --> rename Empty Project "Unused Empty Project" --> Delete All "Unused Empty Projects"...
  17. Pretty sure you need an Audio to Midi converter plugin to do what you're trying to do... You can't just drag the audio to an instrument track and expect it to output midi... You may want to look at one of these... Best Real-time Audio to MIDI Plugins/Applications for DAWs!
  18. Are you using WASAPI or ASIO drivers? If you are using the WASAPI try switching to ASIO... Edit -> Preferences -> Playback and Recording ->Drive Mode... My MOTU 828ES will not work at all with WASAPI drivers with Cakewalk... Doesn't matter what any Windows setting are or Cakewalk audio drive setting are... If I try to use WASAPI (Shared or Exclusive) I always get the same message that you're getting...
  19. Your "Master" bus is not assigned to a hardware output... It is currently assigned to "None" in the screen shot you posted...
  20. As the default state of these controls when you insert a midi track is disabled I can see your point...
  21. A small list of a few User Interface updates that I think would be very convenient\useful... 1. "Grey Out" midi faders and pan controls that have "Disabled Control" enabled... Kind of the same as when you archive a track, the M S R buttons are greyed out... Or even put the value in parentheses (101)... Many times I will disable these controls if I'm adjusting them in an another place, be it a plugin or on a synth... If you move them they "auto-enable" and will send the midi data to the plugin or keyboard... I may not always remember what the parameter was set at... If the controls are "greyed out" visually it would serves as a reminder, don't adjust me... ? ... Perhaps some of these may have been requested before... 2. Ability to "Re-Order" the instruments in the Synth Rack... 3. Ability to move\relocate the flyout QuadCurve EQ... 4. Track Properties Tab , Inspector, Description... A visually indication if a note has been added to a track in this area, the button a different color... 5. Tempo Tab in Inspector... A visually indication if there are tempo changes in the project, the button a different color...
  22. If you would stop playing the keyboard before you change tracks wouldn't this effectively stop generating the midi events which would in turn send no midi events to any track?
  23. Thanks for reloading... Much appreciated...
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