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Everything posted by FreeEarCandy

  1. Arrangement and concept wise, it all sounds pretty good. I think there are certain elements that could be louder, like the Steve Hackett style guitar in Forge Of Gravitation. Nevertheless, get it out there and "express yourself". Dean
  2. Very cool. I like the way you panned the drum kick and bass and opened the center for the other instruments. A least that's how it sounded to me. Nice work. Clean and clear. Dean
  3. Its a good song. Interesting inspiration. Seeking attention is the nature of the beast when it comes to communication. Can it be blown out of proportion? Absolutely (the brunette ). Ignoring people is also a problem that can get out of hand (the blond). 2 sides of the same coin-communication. Regarding the break issue you mentioned, relax and think about for awhile. The music is telling you where it wants to go. Don't ignore it.
  4. What's not to like here. I completely enjoyed the walk down memory lane and your take on our current state of affairs. I think from a sound quality approach there is nothing that jumped out at me to mention. I have a friend that has a basement full of vintage stuff, but as hard as I tried I couldn't encourage him to use it. He is more of a collector and it appears he has lost all interest in creating music. The word purpose comes to mind every time I think about it, and perhaps the word would also apply to the theme of this project you posted. Seems there is a different purpose behind todays music that I'm not quite able to adjust to. Dean
  5. I listened to this the other day, but I was feeling so under the weather I didn't comment. The art work looks like Norman Rockwell. The tune is rather simple. Nothing too complex. A bit too long. 0:20 something went briefly out of time. There are 2 things I envy in this. The acoustic guitar tone and that snare tone. Both of which I have been recently battling with. Which AD drum snare did you use for this? Dean
  6. Out of all I think the master is the winner. Good song!
  7. FEC Studio in collaboration with Home Studio Kurumin (@hskurumin). Classic Rock Tune from the FreeEarCandy 2020 Collection. To be or not to be are "Worlds Apart".
  8. FreeEarCandy


    Wonderful low end chug. Killer tone!
  9. Oh hell yeah! What a trip! That's the $hit right there. I went right down the rabbit hole and lost all my tarts. Dean
  10. I think you have a lot of interesting material in this that can go in any direction. I like the pallet of elements used. 2nd listen is telling me, Yeah. I would cut the intro and ride with this horse to the end. No beating necessary. Nice gentle and soft beginning that builds and intensifies to a full gallop. Lean into it. Dean
  11. The clarity is impeccable. There's nothing in this that I can point out. Really good work here. Loved it! Dean
  12. Thanks, KS Band! Great to hear! Dean
  13. Hello Supa Reels You have a good voice. I think you can move the guitar back and to the sides in the intro more to let the vocals have their own space. I'm picking up a lot of guitar timing issues as well. There's also a lot of energy around 200-500hz? area creating a lot of mud in the low end -mostly in the back and sporadic . Perhaps I'm picking this out because there is no drums. I was waiting for something to break out in the percussion or chord change area that never arrived, so the song seems to just cycle. The lyrics are great. Good story. Nice pictures and video, and as I said, you have a very good voice and delivery. Thanks for sharing it! Dean
  14. Hello Pcode! What were you experimenting with in this project? New instruments-Plugins? My attention went immediately to the sound quality-Real good on my end. As a song its not really something I gravitate towards-a bit too mechanical sounding. Needs more swing, ebbs and flows. Emotionally dry. Nevertheless all the elements fit together in a direction. The video was interesting too, but I agree with Tim Smith on this issue-music doesn't connect to the theme in my mind. Putting aside all my personal tastes, its still has its charms. Dean
  15. Hello Tim! Thanks so much. Really glad you enjoyed the tune. Dean Hey Jesse! Thanks! I put to use some of your good suggestions along with some of the other suggestions made here. I think it improved the track and posted the result above. I really do appreciate all the excellent tips everyone shared here. Dean Hello Bjorn! Thanks! Yes, I'm the same FreeEarCandy from the "Old Cakewalk Forum". I remember you too. I see Wookie is here too. Good to see ya here, Bjorn. Its been awhile. Looking forward to hearing what you have been doing musically lately as time allows. Dean Hello Noynekker! Free Indeed ! So glad you liked the track. Dean Hey Andy! Thank for the nice complement, my friend! Dean
  16. Stop lying! That's you, Ozzy. You can't fool me!
  17. FreeEarCandy

    Night Flight

    Love it! Groove pulls you in right of way and gets the foot tapping. The funny thing is it sounds a bit down the center, but it still sounds damn good to me and everything sounds like it has plenty of room and separation regardless. Its like a sonic hallucination. The guitar work is slick. @ 1:47 forward- awesome! Dean
  18. The vocals and doubling (i think I heard doubling) are wonderful. Lyrics too! Mix is solid. The melody is catchy and pulls one in easy. The only thing I can perhaps offer as constructive critic is there seems to be a lot of tension between the piano and guitar, as they are both following each other really close in some areas, which comes across to me as too much competition between the 2 and a sense of being too busy and less open. Seems I am looking for more contrast between the 2 or areas where other things can bleed through. Nevertheless, this is a good song indeed. Lots of emotion and feeling behind it, and for me that goes a long way on the path to a good song. Congratulations to all involved. Much enjoyed hearing this. Dean
  19. Nice song writing. Love the guitar atmosphere and organ/key work. Sweet and intimate. Vocals cut in just the way I like them (up front and personal). The only constructive critic I'm able to perhaps give you is there may be some deessing issues here and there, but I'm not sure its that much of a problem in this particular up close and personal style of music. No one else has mentioned it here so its probably a non issue. This is a winner, Steve. Loved it for what it stands for. Dean
  20. Hi Steve! Ha! Cool comment! I'm always looking for like minded people to work with. Maybe something in the future is possible. I have tons of this sort of stuff in my library that can use some attention and perhaps fresh outside input to take them in new directions. Thanks for taking the time to listen to this recent effort and leaving the cool comment. Marcelo and I enjoyed putting this together and sharing it. Stay well, Dean
  21. Hello Mark! Glad you enjoyed the song! Actually, the drums are not live (Steve Slate VST), but Marcelo has a certain talent with virtual drums that is indeed admirable, Nevertheless, what a great complement, Mark! Thanks for the wonderful feedback! Dean
  22. Hello Tom! Thanks for the nice review given and honest reaction about the intro. The Martin I used is a full bodied Dreadnought and it normally throws out a lot of low end. Consequentially, I do tend to remove too much of it trying to avoid muddy frequency clashes with the kick and bass. Something I have to work on more. You are not the first to point out the "tinny" character. Seems to come across that way only when the bass and kick are absent, but cuts in better after things get going. Thanks for lending your good ears! Dean
  23. Hello Jude77! Marcelo and I appreciate the really nice feedback and encouragement. We both enjoyed sharing it.
  24. Hello Nigel! Thanks so much for listening and sharing your thoughts. Dean
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