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Everything posted by FreeEarCandy

  1. I have mixed feelings. On one hand I wouldn't mind being tied up by the girl. And on the other hand I hate video games. Is there a compromise? As far as the whole production I'll keep it simple. WOW!
  2. Sorry. Too loud for my ears to enjoy. Sounds like a nice tune, but I too have to agree with some of the other comments made here.
  3. As much as I hate to compare people to well know bands this really does sound like one of my favorite British bands from the 70's ( I will not mention them by name). This is a very well done "original" piece. Excellent, with loads of admirable complexity to dig into.
  4. Really like this, Keith. Really good arrangements and lyrics. Vocals seemed just a bit low for my ears, but I could make out everything just fine, so its probably just a personal subjective issue on my end. Outside of that impression everything in this piece of music is at a professional level in my opinion. Really good job. Glad I stopped to listen. Congratulations and thanks for sharing you talents.
  5. FreeEarCandy

    Dirty Lies

    The title covers the topic of the song. Credit for the drum track goes to my dear friend Marcelo at homestudio kurumin on soundcloud. Everything recorded and mastered in Calkwalk by Bandlab. I think this falls into the category of folk rock (nice and easy). Piano & Organ, Bass, Vocals, Acoustic & Electric Guitars. Enjoy!
  6. Yeah. I have to agree that everything is right down the middle. But no big deal. Just pan the instrument. Generally people keep the bass and the drums down the center. Don't be afraid to go wide. Once you get the hang of panning then you'll get a better idea where to apply EQ . While most will say there are no rules, and they are right, we all tend to follow a few basic principles when placing instruments. Nevertheless, in the end , if it sounds good to you, well, then it sounds good. Right now your ears are probably telling you it doesn't sound good. So that's why you posted it here for some advice. So my advice is to play around with the panning and open the space up in the mix. Have fun and experiment.
  7. FreeEarCandy

    TD 2

    Pretty good Wookie. I remember you from the old sonar site. I'm not a key wizard, but I always enjoyed the way you put these electronic sounds together. You make them an interesting journey via the pallet of sounds you incorporate into them.
  8. I like it. Levels sound fine to me. I don't think its the kind of tune that needs to be pushing the volume limits. Everything came across clear, and the space everything sat in seems to work well. Is there something in particular that you were concerned about? If not, its a pleasing piece of music. Well done!
  9. Cool tune. Very dense mix. I don't disagree with the message, but as the band Ten Years After wrote: "I'd love to change the world, but I don't know what to do. So I leave it up to you." And perhaps that's the crux of the problem. We have too many control freaks that want to change the world, but rather not leave it up to you. Anyway, nice tune and complements to everyone involved.
  10. FreeEarCandy

    Over Wired

    This tune has electric and lead & rhythm guitars. It also has an acoustic rhythm, which one can hear pretty clear at the beginning. Among other things you will hear an organ too. My concerns here are with the rhythm guitars-acoustic and electric. While the song is more oriented towards the electric guitars the acoustic guitar seems to be doing 2 things to my ears. While it works great to fill in sparse areas within the mix, it also seems to be masking the electric rhythm and perhaps the organ too, making them sound rather far to the back and indistinct. I tried removing the acoustic, but it seems to really hollow it out. Any suggestions or is it my ears playing tricks on me? So before I rip into this with some of my own ideas of how to maybe unmask the organ and electric guitars, I want to make sure if others can hear it or if I should just let it be. Thanks! https://www.bandlab.com/free_ear_candy/over-wired-9d226f10?revId=d664e3d5-6f50-ed11-819a-000d3a3eefd0
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