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Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The issue for me isn't isolating a folder of tracks into one project. What I want to do is insert tracks into an already populated project from an existing project. For example, I'm writing a song, I've got the intro, verse and bridge. I suddenly remember a project with a 16 bar section that might work well as a chorus. I want to be able to open that old project and copy those tracks into my new project. Intuitively, I'd expect to be able to drag the tracks from one project to another - or at least be able to select the tracks, press CTRL +C, go to my new project and press CTRL+V to paste them in. Not only can I do not do that, but so far I've yet to find a workaround that will reliably allow me to do it. -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
The only reason I tried freezing the tracks, was to fix the issue with instrument tracks. With instrument tracks, if you don't freeze, all the tracks get pasted in the wrong places and the tracks are left in an unusable state - i.e. MIDI clips can end up on audio tracks, instrument tracks think they're frozen but unfrozen clip data is in there, but no way to unfreeze them etc. Although freezing before copy/pasting seems to get around the issue, I'm not totally confident that the tracks are not in some way compromised. And as you say, things are missing. I was hoping that the track template workaround would do half the job, and cut special/paste special would do the rest. But it seems there's gaps. @Noel Borthwick - any advice on how to copy a track in its entirety from one project to another? -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Ok, found a workaround for this. So when using instrument tracks: Select all your tracks in source project Export as a track template In new project, insert the track template In source project, freeze all of your tracks Select all of your source tracks again, Copy Special Paste Special into new project, starting at the appropriate track, with "Replace Old with New" selected on the dialog Delete the extra audio tracks it's created at the end Note: It's really important you create your track template with the UNFROZEN tracks, otherwise after pasting into your project, the tracks get into some half frozen state: the MIDI data is in the track, but it thinks the track is frozen & has not linked up the audio, so you can't unfreeze it. -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Unfortunately this goes horribly wrong with instrument tracks. So I do these steps: Select all my folder, export as a template Open my new project, and insert the template. All good so far. Copy Special from the first project Paste Special into the second... For instrument tracks, it skips a track each time, and creates a bunch of extra tracks at the end. In other words: Source Track 1 -> Dest Track 1 Source Track 2 -> Dest Track 3 Source Track 3 -> Dest Track 5 etc.. -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
This is an excellent solution - nice one Bill. -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Copying tracks between projects is incredibly bad in Cakewalk. The best you'll get is the basic events (e.g. audio / midi events). Hardly anything else is copied across. If I want to copy an instrument track from one project to another, I've got to set up the instrument track in the destination project first with the right soft synth patch etc, then I can copy the events across. Even dragging a project in from the media browser doesn't solve this, although you do at least get all your audio & midi tracks created... they're just not hooked up properly, and none of the effects or ProChannel settings are duplicated. I made a suggestion a while back that the "Duplicate Track" function allowed a "destination project" selection if more than one was loaded. Obviously with a folder, it would mean a multiple selection of tracks, but the same thing applies. Let's hope the CbB developers do something about it. Imagine not being able to copy a formatted paragraph from one word document into another. This is really bread & butter functionality. It really needs some attention IMHO. -
Is it possible to move/ copy track folder between projects?
msmcleod replied to Misha's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
If you select all the tracks in your folder, you can use Copy Special / Paste Special. None of the effects or instruments get copied across though. -
midi MIDI Input devices are changed when project load
msmcleod replied to TakMi's topic in Feedback Loop
This has been a fairly common issue with Cakewalk going back to the Pro Audio days, although it has improved. Cakewalk remembers which MIDI devices are connected & enabled as a global setting. The output devices can be are ordered, and it is the order number that the track's MIDI output is routed to. The issue arises when you start up Cakewalk with one of those devices disconnected. This messes up the order or the devices, and the output ports on your tracks then end up going to a different device. So if a track was previously going to MIDI output device #3, it's actually still going to MIDI output device #3... but now MIDI output device #3 is a different MIDI output port that it was before. There's a few things you can do to mitigate this: Always make sure all your MIDI devices are plugged in before you switch on your PC. Always make sure they are plugged into the same USB port as they were the last time you plugged them in - i.e. don't change to a different USB port. If you are using any MIDI devices that you are likely to not have always plugged in, and it has a MIDI output as well, make sure these appear is at the end of your list of MIDI output devices. In other words, your MIDI output device list should first list all the MIDI devices you always have plugged in, with any others appearing at the end. -
FYI if you do find you're getting noise when recording, it's probably a grounding issue. I use a ground loop isolator transformer: You can get them from Amazon for around $9 / £6 (USA): https://www.amazon.com/InstallGear-Ground-Isolator-Noise-Filter/dp/B077Y5DLBB/ref=sr_1_4?crid=2J9QBSIG8W5P6&keywords=ground+loop+isolator&qid=1551254707&s=gateway&sprefix=ground+loop%2Caps%2C521&sr=8-4 (UK): https://www.amazon.co.uk/Ground-isolator-audio-noise-removal/dp/B000KHBU1G/ref=sr_1_8?ie=UTF8&qid=1551254798&sr=8-8&keywords=ground+loop+isolator
view multiple plugin or synth windows?
msmcleod replied to jono grant's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
There's two ways of doing this: 1. If you always want to open more than one, uncheck the "Recycle Plugin Windows" settings within Preferences->VST Settings 2. If you only want to temporarily keep one open, click the "pin" icon at the top right of the plugin window. This will keep this plugin window open, whilst recycling the rest. -
Behringer used to do their own ASIO driver for this, which I actually use on my old laptop. In fact, the UCA222 it's what I use to sample all my hardware instruments (it's what I used to sample the piano sound I posted up ealier this month: The UCA222 is ultra clean, however with some laptops you may want to use a ground isolator on the input if you're not running on batteries. For live use / output only, it should be fine though. If I can find the original ASIO driver, I'll post a link to it. [EDIT] : Looks like this site has them: http://www.123dj.com/audio/mp3s/uca222.html [EDIT #2] : Just tried these drivers out on Windows 10 - they work fine. The ASIO buffer can go down to 64, but I found 128 was the lowest I could use without getting clicks & pops. I also had a look inside. The UCA222 is based around the Burr-Brown PCM2902E, so a fairly respectable DAC/ADC.
I mostly do the same. The only time I'll copy the track, is if I want a distinct separation between my "sound design" effects and my mixing effects. In this case, I'll freeze the original track, copy the audio to a new one, then archive the original.
I've tried various condenser mics, and I still prefer the SM58 for my vocals. The condensers I've tried however, have been on the cheap side, so maybe a better quality one might sound better. The Rode NT-1 looks like a good contender, but I'm torn between this and the Shure SM7B as the SM7B sounds similar, but better than the SM58 in shootouts I've heard.
I rarely use video with Sonar/CbB, so I can't say I've see the issue. I think the last time I did, it was an AVI file and as you say, AVI files are fine. My first suggestion would have been to check your codecs, but I see you've already done this. Although remember MP4 is just a container, so the codec could still be the issue. Some codecs can be particularly CPU intensive, and the CPU usage changes constantly throughout the video. I doubt if Cakewalk's PDC takes account of this in the same way it can with VST's. The only other suggestion I can think of is to convert your MP4 / QT files to AVI before working with it within Sonar. I've used this in the past, and it's worked ok for me: http://www.effectmatrix.com/total-video-converter/ , although nowadays I tend to use ffmpeg from a command line: https://www.ffmpeg.org/ It would be interesting to see if just converting it to AVI (but keeping the codec the same) actually fixes the issue. If it doesn't, try re-encoding with a different (or no) codec.
Let us into your BandLab Audio LAB...
msmcleod replied to Shawn Lee Farrell's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Current setup: I need to redesign the whole top of part of my studio desk. I'll be removing the 2nd Mackie C4, and adding a Yamaha 01X and Alice 828... and I still need to find somewhere to put my GA Pre 73 & Joemeek preamps. And at some point I need a decent electronic kit, rather than my DIY one. -
Questions about Mackie PRO + SPlat 32-bit
msmcleod replied to iRelevant's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
To fix this: Open up the dialog for the Mackie Control, by selecting "Mackie Control 1" under the Utilities menu (note NOT the XT or C4) Click the "Configure Layout" button on the dialog You'll now see the channel numbers appear on your Mackie devices: - If the XT is to the left of your MCU, turn the 1st rotary knob on the MCU so that it reads "9" for channel 9. - If the XT is to the right of your MCU, turn the 1st rotary knob on the XT so that it reads "9" for channel 9. Now click the button again on the dialog (it should now say "Press Again When Done") Save your preset -
Media browser progress/status still displaying after closing CbB
msmcleod replied to msmcleod's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Yeah, this isn't really an issue for me per se, but as you say, it's odd. It may be that this is just how it works, which is fine. I thought I'd highlight it just in case it's not supposed to do this. It does mean however that Cakewalk isn't fully closed down when I close the application - so something to be aware of. -
AFAIK TM-D8000 doesn't use any standard protocol (like Mackie or HUI). Azslow3's AzController can be configured to work with just about anything though: http://www.azslow.com/index.php/topic,7.0.html download is here: http://www.azslow.com/index.php?action=downloads;sa=view;down=63
Unfortunately this doesn't apply if you've got more than one copy of a plugin I've got two of everything, so it quoted me over £400.
It's a VERY clever marketing technique. It's at $29 for a short time, then goes to $49, then goes to $299 or whatever the RRP is. I normally only by Waves plugins at $29, but on occasion I've missed the boat, but really wanted it and paid the $49. Where we'll really get hit is when they upgrade everything to v11. The upgrade plan is based on the RRP.
Sonar Platinum and Windows updates..any issues yet?
msmcleod replied to vuzz14's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
It's highly unlikely any Win 7 updates will have any affect on SPLAT. Win 7 is practically unsupported by Microsoft, with only security updates now being delivered. Cakewalk Inc. was pretty good in writing a "well behaved" DAW - by that I mean it uses the Windows API they way it should be used, and avoids hacks. I've got Pro Audio 9, Sonar XL, Sonar 3, Sonar 5, Sonar 8, Sonar 8.5, Sonar X1, Sonar X2, Sonar X3 & SPLAT installed on my Win 7 32 bit. All work without issue (well, none I've found in any case). [Edit] - It's worth adding, I hardly ever use my Win 7 boot nowadays. It's only there for old projects that have had issues migrating (which I've all fixed now), and for the odd hardware synth editor that is 16 bit. CbB works like a dream for me, with only very minor quirks that don't cause me any issues. -
Pay attention to those Windows settings.
msmcleod replied to kitekrazy1's topic in Cakewalk by BandLab
Watch out for this one... if you're style-dial directory is compressed, they stop working. It took me a while of searching through the old forum to find this out. -
Nice interpretation. I used cover Hotel California in a duo, and also as a solo act about 15 years ago. My Roland VG88 was invaluable for switching between 12 string and 6 string guitars. I used it to end the first set - I needed to give my voice a break afterwards as it's just at the edge of my range. Talking of different versions though, I love this Amplesound demo of the live acoustic version (starts around 0:45):
If you copy the backup Cakewalk Core directories on to a flash drive, you should be able to copy them back to C:\Program Files\Cakewalk. All the required registry entries will be made by the latest install on your new machine, so the older versions should work fine. I've actually tried this - another user requested an older version back in August '18, and my copy of that directory worked fine for him.