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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. Is there any way to keep the curve selection for adding subsequent nodes? It seems to always revert back to linear. Having to manually set it for each and every node is a bit laborious.
  2. haha - yeah, I've noticed that CCleaner does a proper job.
  3. I've got one similar to this. It does reduce room ambience, as it helps to stop your vocal reflecting off walls behind, and to the side the mic.
  4. Of course Mozilla does upgrades to protect for vulnerabilities, but it doesn't look like they have yet for this one. FWIW, I can't see anything in the Google blog that makes any such implication. [Edit] - It looks like the details of the vulnerability haven't been made publicly available yet: https://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2019-5786 , so unless Mozilla find it by themselves, they'll have to wait for the details before issuing a fix.
  5. Judging by some of the replies, I thought I'd clarify... Windows 7 has a serious security vulnerability. Google noticed it, as it was being exploited through their browser (no doubt via a suspect ad, or extension). Google have made a fix in Chrome, so that the vulnerability can't be exploited within Chrome. So if you're using Windows 7 and the latest version of Chrome, you're protected within Chrome. So no need to upgrade to Win 10 if that's all you use. However, they recognise that people use other browsers and apps, which aren't protected. They've reported it to Microsoft in the hope they'll fix it. However if Microsoft don't fix it, they're saying you should consider upgrading to Win 10. People who believe they have some sort of an agenda will believe what they want, however this sort of thing happens all the time. During my day job, we are constantly checking for vulnerabilities, and issue patches regularly for the serious ones. Once a vulnerability is found, there's usually a test program, or a code example to check whether the vulnerability is an issue for your product. There are many companies who, for logistic & financial reasons, cannot bulk upgrade their systems. Microsoft and Google appreciate this, which is why they make fixes and publish the information. Again, to clarify, their motivation here is to protect their customers, and of course themselves from lawsuits.
  6. Can you give specific examples of Dimension Pro patches? I've just tried a whole bunch in mono, and they all sound fine to me.
  7. It ends up having NO algorithm when using it via ARA only (i.e. when Melodyne isn't loaded in a region fx) , which is what causes Cakewalk to freeze. Loading it as a Region FX (which you've obviously done in your screenshot) fixes the crash, however sometimes you have to reselect the algorithm for it to actually detect properly. Some people have found it remembers it for the rest of the session, others it happens every time. The issue was well documented on the old forum at the time: http://forum.cakewalk.com/Melodyne-420020-Update-m3787050.aspx http://forum.cakewalk.com/New-Melodyne-Update-in-CbB-m3787454.aspx I'm sure there was an official statement from Celemony at some point recognising the problem, but I can lo longer find it.
  8. No, but I just use a RCA to 1/4" adapter: It does force you to use unbalanced cables though, but I mainly use it for output signals. I find balanced cables are vital for input signals, where you're having to amplify a fairly weak signal coming in. For outputs, especially line level or amplified signals, the benefit is less pronounced.
  9. I've got two scenarios: 1. On my laptop, any time I use it plugged into the power adapter, and connect it to an external synth (audio in) or mixer (audio out), the noise appears. Using a ground loop isolator fixes this in both cases. 2. In my studio, "computer activity" noise, like hard disk access, moving the mouse etc, causes a high pitched noise. All my USB cables have ferrite chokes. My whole studio is powered via a fairly expensive inline UPS that generates its own clean sine wave AC power signal. This has almost eliminated any hiss in my signal chain, but the "computer noise" still remains. Again, a ground loop isolator cable between the speakers and the audio interface output cures this. Here's the wierd thing... if I connect my computer's inbuilt audio device output directly to my Mackie BigKnob's 2nd input, this computer noise is introduced on my main source signal - even though it's not switched to that input. I find the noise isn't totally restricted to the DAW, but more related to intensive CPU, USB or disk activity. But again, a ground loop isolator transformer fixes it. I totally accept that may be there is a deeper ground issue that may need addressing, but the fact is, the ground loop isolator fixes it.
  10. Both version 4.2.0 and 4.2.1 have an issue where it forgets the default detection algorithm. This causes Cakewalk to freeze when dragging audio on to a MIDI track. This doesn't happen in the previous versions. The workaround for 4.2.0 & 4.2.1, is to create a region FX first, then re-select the detection algorithm. Once you've done this, melodyne operates normally and you can drag the audio to MIDI. The other workaround, is to re-install the older version (4.1.x) if you still have it.
  11. When this happens to me its so frustrating. What I find even more frustrating, is that even after several years, I can play a intro/verse I've written (which I'm really pleased with), yet STILL get the same block on the chorus! That's why when I write a new chorus type section, I'll go through the previews of my old projects in the media browser to see if it will fit with them.
  12. Both balanced cables and ferrite chokes can help will stop any new noise being introduced into the cable. What they can't do is remove noise that is already there in the signal. I've found using a ground isolator transformer stops the noise happening in the first place by stopping any ground loop occurring. For the sake of $9 / £6 it's well worth trying. I use one all the time when using my old laptop for sampling. A ground loop occurs when it's powered by the power adapter. On batteries, there's no issue. But batteries won't last the 20 to 30 hours required to sample a whole instrument. The ground isolator prevents a physical connection between the laptop and the instrument, so no loop can occur.
  13. I can see my dad giving up on his guitars & gear soon. He was a fantastic Chet Atkins fingerstyle player, but at 78 the arthritis in his hands makes it almost impossible to even play certain chords. I can tell it frustrates and depresses him. Amazingly, he does still gig, and tries to adapt his playing accordingly. But I can see the day coming soon where his guitar in the corner will just be a painful reminder of what he can no longer do.
  14. I see the difference as this (which is probably dumbed down, and not the whole story) Lenses Global - i.e. available to all projects at any time Limits what functionality is visible at any one time, and how/where it is shown Screen Sets Per project, so you can't "apply" it to a project (although you can start off with a template that has the screen sets applied) Stores the current layout and size of the various views Personally, I lean towards Screen Sets, as I prefer to have all the functionality available all of the time - even if it doesn't suit a particular workflow. I expect the control bar etc to look a particular way, so it's familiar to me. So typically, screen set 2 would be my tracking/arranging window. Track Inspector would be visible but quite often switch between minimised & not, Multidock & Browser views are minimised. Screen Set 3 is my console view, where Multidock shows the console full screen hiding the track view, and Browser / Track Inspector are minimised. I leave ScreenSet 1 for general duties, knowing I can go to the other two for a "full screen" view of the workflow I'm interested in. That being said, I can see the value in Lenses for new users who may be overwhelmed by the amount of functionality available on the screen, and want to limit it just to the workflow they're concerned with. I may find a use for lenses in some editing duties, where I really want a particular bit of functionality disabled so I don't select it by mistake, but for now I'm happy to stick to screen sets and use "undo" when this sort of thing happens.
  15. Defraggler is excellent on a normal HD - just don't run it on an SSD! Hopefully Defraggler is clever enough not to bother trying on an SSD, but just in case... don't, else you'll wear it out prematurely for practically no gain.
  16. I can't say I've noticed it myself, but if it has changed, it's likely a Windows update thing as you say. I've just ran the 2018.08 version of Cakewalk, and it looks the same - i.e. a more Windows 7 look for the project window. According to MSDN however, this "feature" of MDI child windows has always been there: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/vstudio/en-US/34b29567-28a1-4aeb-97d2-d1476ba856f5/mdi-child-window-appearance?forum=vcgeneral A more recent post: https://clarionhub.com/t/mdi-child-window-vs-non-mdi-child-windows-10-appearance/502
  17. Taken in the context of the previous posts, I assumed the comment was as a joke. The ads now seemed to have stopped.
  18. It's not part of your post. It's a Google ad appearing in the wrong place on top of your post.
  19. To me, it just looks like the project window is not maximised. Mine looks exactly the same when I un-maximise the project. Just maximise the window, and it'll be back to normal.
  20. Saw this on the BBC news site: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-47494760 It links back to the following statement by Google: https://security.googleblog.com/2019/03/disclosing-vulnerabilities-to-protect.html Basically, anyone using Windows 7 should update Chrome immediately. But Google are saying the issue runs deeper than Chrome - i.e. it's in Windows 7 itself. Microsoft may issue a patch, but Google advising considering an upgrade to Windows 10.
  21. Well, everyone here is likely to block the ads one way or another. If the ads persist to annoy, people will leave, and valuable help will go with them. The kind of support given here is better than any support I've seen on any other website, and is IMHO is vital for Cakewalk's success if it's going to attract new users.
  22. You can use AdBlock in Chrome to block them. In FireFox, content settings can block them Or you can do what I did, and block them via my hosts file... doesn't work on Chrome tho.
  23. Everyone is complaining about it upstairs too:
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