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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. The guitarist out of my old band put lights and an LCD panel into his blank rack panel. The LCD screen had random semi-offensive messages come up (toilet humour for 5 year olds type words) should any over-curious musician take an interest in his gear... their reactions kept him amused throughout gigs.
  2. If everything sounds fine through headphones, then there's nothing wrong with your recording. IMHO it's likely to be a monitor / room combination. In other words, your speakers aren't "matched" to your room so they give a flat response at all frequencies. A few of us here use IK Multimedia ARC-2 or Sonarworks Reference Studio as room correction. My studio is a terrible room, but ARC-2 completely transformed it for me. It may be however, you could get away with a graphic EQ if you've got some way of measuring your room... maybe borrow ARC-2 from someone and try to match it with a graphic EQ?
  3. I noticed this as well. Having modulation at zero making cutoff freq = zero is a totally mental decision. Modulation at zero is the default position (as is actually having some sound coming out). Why on earth did NI not make it work in reverse? My workaround was to insert a CC# 1 (modulation) = 127 at the very beginning of the MIDI Event List.
  4. At this stage, without actually hearing the result it's really difficult to make any more suggestions. Recording results can sometimes be subjective... I mean a DI'd electric guitar without any effects is going to sound dark, and a dry vocal is going to sound harsh. My other thoughts are that maybe the OP's room isn't treated. But but we really need to hear the results. Maybe create a private project on BandLab, upload it there and invite some of us to collaborate? That way we can at least listen to it without it being available to the public.
  5. First thing - DO NOT REMOVE SONAR - you'll need SONAR to keep all the instruments (3rd party and otherwise) that doesn't come with the new version. Cakewalk by BandLab will happily live beside your existing SONAR installation, and all the extra stuff that came with SONAR will work with Cakewalk. Cakewalk is installed using the BandLab Assistant, which is basically BandLab's equivalent of the Cakewalk Command Center. Download the BandLab Assistant by hitting the download button on this page: https://www.bandlab.com/products/cakewalk Go to the Apps tab on the BandLab Assistant, and you'll see the option to install Cakewalk.
  6. Stability and speed is what the Cakewalk devs have been concentrating on since BandLab took over. Here's the list of fixes & features since the demise of SONAR: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aFOe_zJrd3x2EnaZ_Jc3iSbZPG2WANiCD4_RP83OjlA/edit#heading=h.2rpesj6602fp
  7. Do the sample rate/bit depth settings on OctaCapture's ASIO control panel match what Cakewalk is set to?
  8. Sample Robot has been updated to 6.1.2: fixed: 24-bit sampling fixed: plug-in loading crashes fixed: plug-in window resizing issue fixed: load plug-ins without loading a project first To upgrade, select "Check for Updates" from the Help menu.
  9. March 21, 2019: v3.66 A crashing bug fixed when right clicking on the structure bar [macOS VST] 'Bring RapidComposer To Top' button works well, UI fixes Fixed: displaying lines/parts with various signatures was incorrect Improved handling of zero-length notes during MIDI drag and drop To upgrade, hit the "Check for Updates" button on the Support menu.
  10. I've got a very basic install on my work laptop, just CbB and Rapture Pro & CA-2A from CCC, with a M-Audio KeyStation 32 as a controller. Sticking to stock plugins keeps the disk space footprint small (I don't want to upset the IT department!). My intention was to use as a sketch pad for ideas during my lunch, but to be honest I never really get the time. I'm a Software Development Manager, and our office is open plan, so I find I more than often work through lunch as it's the one time I get some peace to get work done! It's main use now is for taking screen shots, or trying things out when answering questions here. If I'm travelling, I'll bring my own laptop which has the same setup as my studio PC. I use a combination of batch files & a cloud backup (Mega) for keeping projects in sync. My CloudSync folder is set to F:\Projects, where as my Cakewalk directories are SEQUENCE for projects, WAVEDATA for my global audio directory, PICTURE for my picture cache, and TEMPLATES for my templates. CopyToMega.bat: ROBOCOPY F:\SEQUENCE F:\Projects\SEQUENCE *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\PICTURE F:\Projects\PICTURE *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\TEMPLATES F:\Projects\TEMPLATES *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\WAVEDATA F:\Projects\WAVEDATA *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT CopyFromMega.bat: ROBOCOPY F:\Projects\SEQUENCE F:\SEQUENCE *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\Projects\PICTURE F:\PICTURE *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\Projects\TEMPLATES F:\TEMPLATES *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT ROBOCOPY F:\Projects\WAVEDATA F:\WAVEDATA *.* /XO /E /COPYALL /DCOPY:DAT This does involve having two copies of my projects, however: It stops the cloud sync from accessing any "active" projects I can decide when I'm ready to sync the projects
  11. According to the BR-800 manual, it uses the Mackie Control protocol. So setting it up should be straightforward: https://www.sweetwater.com/sweetcare/articles/roland-br-800-sonar-le-control-surface-setup/
  12. That's normal behaviour. If it sounds better after its re-enabled, then it's a sample rate mismatch due to something else (e.g. Windows) changing the sample rate. Another thing you could try, would be to hit the FX bypass button just to rule out any rogue plugin affecting things.
  13. If you drag a loop from the Media Browser (from CbB's loop content) does this sound dull too?
  14. What driver mode are you using? - ASIO/WSAPI etc?
  15. It sounds like the OP is inserting Melodyne as an effect (i.e. into the FX bin) rather than creating a Region FX ?
  16. When I'm using the onboard sound device on my laptop, quite often when I start CbB it sounds awful because the sample rate is still stuck at whatever Windows was using (i.e. 48KHz rather than 44.1KHz which I use in Cakewalk). Stopping/Starting the audio engine from within Cakewalk solves this. I guess this *could* be your issue, but I'm doubtful as it sounds really, really bad when the sample rate is wrong. I've never tried recording / playing back when its in that state though, so might be worth giving it a go.
  17. How are you recording guitar/vocals ? Is the guitar DI'd or mic'd? Are you using the XLR or jack input? What type of mic are you using? Just trying to narrow it down...
  18. Another alternative to a separate track, is an additional take lane. This has the advantage of keeping it within the same track (so no need to use a folder), whilst keeping it separate for editing.
  19. AFAIK the menu option in CbB only lets you know if you're up to date or not. You still need to fire up BA to actually do the update, which will in turn check for any BA updates too. I'm not aware of any "push" notifications of updates.
  20. There's a "check for update" menu option under Help within CbB:
  21. Is TTS-1 actually loaded in the synth rack when you load the older projects?
  22. It's $20 for each product. I've got Shreddage 2, IBZ and SRP. So for me it was $60 which worked out at around £45 - which is a bargain really. I've got to be honest though, I don't use these much at all. I find time it takes in programming them to a decent/realistic standard is pretty close to the time it takes to practice and play it for real. I only ever use it for really fast sweep picking scales, which I can't physically do and don't have the time or patience to learn!
  23. Did you try running the stand-alone version? You may get an error message rather than a crash if it's not being hosted by a DAW.
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