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Everything posted by msmcleod

  1. I've got a stupid amount of MIDI modules/synths: Kawai K1R, Kawai K1 Yamaha TX81Z, TG500 x 3, MU10 x 3, MU100R, SY77 Roland D110 x 2, U220, CM64 x 3, MT32, D550, JV1010 x 3, JV2020, VariOS Korg Wavestation SR, X5DR, NX5R x 2, X5D Casio VZ-8M x 2, CZ3000, CZ1, VZ1 Evolution EVS-1 Alesis D5, SR16 SMPro V-Machine I sampled all the sounds I liked from most of them (which took me literally months), and now I hardly ever switch them on. The only two that get any use is the X5D (a great live workhorse) and the SMPro V-Machine, which can play the samples of all the rest. Apart from that, I do everything in the box nowadays. I still have some of them "wired up" in the studio though. so I can always go back to the hardware synth and edit a sound / re-sample if I really need to.
  2. The MIDI card won't give MCU emulation, but it looks like it does something similar. I suspect you'll have to go down the AzController route for this one. The manual has some info on it (a bit vague though): https://c3.zzounds.com/media/D8B3.0_OM-6bcdb34a9f0362313e1d9f6ab0304b6d.pdf It seems to be mainly aimed at MTC / transport control, but it does mention faders.
  3. I think this is what you're looking for... https://www.kvraudio.com/product/d8bridge-by-bluaudio .[Edit] - it looks like this has been discontinued and replaced by ProBox. You can read about both projects here: http://www.d8bforum.com/phpBB3/index.php
  4. That's because there was no ProChannel in 8.5.3. The easiest way to get a ProChannel enabled project, is to start a new blank project in CwB, then drag the 8.5.3 project on to the track area:
  5. Check out these tutorials. They're long but excellent and very comprehensive: Jamstix Tutorial 1 of 4 - Easy Way to Create Drum Tracks Jamstix Tutorial 2 of 4 - Covering All The Basic Operations Jamstix Tutorial 3 of 4 - Drum Module Mode, Song Sheet, & The Brain Jamstix Tutorial 4 of 4 - Options, The Bar Editor, & Final Thoughts Personally, I found tutorial 3 on how the brain works the most enlightening.
  6. Just don't login to PayPal and use your credit card instead on the PayPal site.
  7. This is actually the one I used to load test my laptop. I had over 100 tracks running with this plugin on, without any glitches... although I did have to turn the track volumes down significantly due to the build up of volume from 100 tracks. Soundwise it's spot on. I've no idea how it compares to CLA MixHub soundwise, but I've heard MixHub is a bit CPU hungry. This one isn't.
  8. Does anyone know where you can get these blank ADAT/TOSLink plugs in the UK ? Searches on eBay/Amazon have come up empty... mind you, I'm not even sure what they're officially called... [EDIT] - found them here: https://cpc.farnell.com/cliff-electronic-components/cp30293/dust-cover-usb2-b-black/dp/CN21270?st=toslink ADAT dust cap
  9. Did you get any warning that it was about to fail? This is probably my only gripe with SSD's - they seem to suddenly fail without warning. At least with HDD's they start to get noisy and/or you start getting bad sectors showing up.
  10. Firstly DO NOT UNINSTALL SONAR!! You'll lose all of the free stuff that came with it that doesn't come with CbB. You just need to replicate the VST directories within CbB so that they match what you've got in SONAR Platinum:
  11. I'm sure it would be pretty easy to store alternative names in AUD.INI - all the inputs/outputs are stored in there, so having an extra section with user definable names would be great. I'd find this especially useful now that I've got my Alice 828 & JoeMeek / GA73 pre's going through an ADAT converter. I would be able to have the actual analog device listed rather than just the number of the ADAT input.
  12. Wow - that reminds me of my internship whilst at Uni. I got landed with doing the mainframe backup, which took around an hour each day for the differential backup, and the whole day on Friday to do the full backup. I spent around 6 hours on a Friday feeding tapes into five machines the size of wardrobes and walking back and forth to the tape room. I'm sure the loudness of the air-cooled mainframes are responsible for my tinnitus. Apparently, once I'd left they replaced the whole lot with two DAT machines.
  13. I've got a formula for my passwords that include elements of the site name as well as a bunch of special / random characters. That way, if my password gets posted to me with the threat of sending webcam footage of myself (from my non-existent webcam) to all my contacts, I know exactly which site they've got it from.
  14. Up until about three years ago, all my music was done using hardware MIDI modules (lots of them!) and audio was limited to guitars & vocals. Nowadays, all my hardware has been replaced by VST's (I even sampled all my favourite sounds from my old synths). I still use audio for guitars, vocals and occasionally bass. Type of music ranges from pop/rock, progressive rock & a bit of jazz fusion. I found X1 a bit of a learning curve as I was so used to 8.5, and I also felt it was a bit buggy. I upgraded to X2 so close to when X3 came out, it hardly got a look in. I really liked X3 though, but Sonar Platinum has been excellent. To me, Cakewalk is just a more stable version of Sonar Platinum, and the new enhancements have been welcome.
  15. I guess strictly speaking, you're correct as far as the privacy part of GDPR. But for data breaches though, any EU based company needs to report it (or a non-EU based company if it involves EU citizens). Even in the unlikely event that the breach at an EU based company only affected non-EU citizens, I think they'd be on dubious grounds legally should it come to light.
  16. Steinberg is a EU based company so it definitely does apply, regardless of where the user is based. Also any company that does business with the EU or EU citizens has to comply with GDPR. I work for an American company, and it was clearly explained to us. I've seen quite a few American websites that refuse to work if your IP address is based in the EU, to avoid having to comply with the regulations.
  17. That's true, but it does depend on the type of security breach. If it's just one person's account, and there was no actual breach on their server (in other words, the breach was on the user's machine), then they're in the clear. If it is a breach on their server though, they have to report it... else the fine will cost them big time.
  18. If it was me, I'd use Xamarin for the GUI, and JUCE for the low level stuff. You might be able to use JUCE for the GUI as well I guess, but I suspect it would be more effort. For the Cakewalk team though, that would be a huge undertaking.
  19. I use Crucial SSD's almost exclusively, after some bad experiences with SanDisk (although to be fair, although more than one died, they did replace the disk that went wrong during the warranty period). I do have a Kingston SSD, but I've been burned by the reliability of their SD cards & memory so I tend to shy away from them.
  20. Whilst I love the Waves plugins (I've got a fair few!) It's only recently that I've realised that I totally underappreciated just how much came with SONAR Platinum. The ProChannel alone gives you SSL Style EQ (E & G), Neve, SSL & Trident console emulation, SSL Bus Compression, a 1176 clone and tube & tape emulation. On top of that you get Pultec style EQ, Fairchild compression & Neve style EQ and much more, courtesy of the BlueTubes collection from Nomad Factory. Then there's Rapture, Dimension Pro, Z3TA, AD2 and all the other stuff bundled. It would make sense for BandLab to sell a "Platinum Pack" with some or all of these things included. It really was a fantastic set of plugins.
  21. I got an email within 10 minutes with a link to choose mine.
  22. Sounds like a lot of hot wind to me...
  23. This should work, but there are common components between the two that might be upset. In saying that I've installed X3 after the fact, and not had any issues. If it's a new install, I would uninstall CbB and install SONAR. Then re-install CbB on top.
  24. I think for me, the biggest improvements of 8.5 are the Pro Channel, the ability to swipe the mouse with the left button down to mute/solo etc several tracks at once, and of course ripple edit. The whole skylight interface might take a bit of getting used to, but the vast majority of the keyboard shortcuts are the same. The only thing that might be a bit of a learning curve is the change to track layers / take lanes. They behave slightly differently, but with the right settings you can get close to 8.5 behaviour.
  25. Yes, and much more. Just don't uninstall 8.5 - CbB doesn't come with DP Pro or any of the free 3rd party plugins/instruments, but it will pickup all the stuff you got with 8.5.
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