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Everything posted by GTsongwriter

  1. I am still waiting for any of their plugins to drop below $20, then I'll stag them. I'll most likely just stag reference 2 and expose as I believe you can never have enough tools for referencing. I would have gotten levels, but I ended up getting Waves WLM Plus at the time because Waves Audio plugins are so affordable. Then after getting Sonible Smart Limiter on a great sale, did I stop using Waves WLM Plus. Then I got Ozone Standard from a Komplete 14 Update, and I stopped using Sonible Smart Limiter. ? Even though Ozone Standard is a huge CPU hog, I end up having to render all my tracks to remove all the FX plugins before using Ozone, but after using Ozone on one song did I see such of benefit of their plugin. It appears to have "glued" everything together in such a way that I don't understand how it did it. I was amazed at the sound I heard. Not sure if Ozone was this one time effect or not, I'll have to try it again on another song soon. I'm going to guess that Ozone is better at EQing than I am is the reason it sounds better?
  2. I am vary wary of plugins that claim to be the all in one and only plugin you'll ever need scenario. You've heard it all before. I also enjoy using different plugins per song. Having a all in one kinda defeats the purpose of creation. So... My laundry list of vocal plugins... Off the top of my head.. I've got all these plugins at really great discounts (or before they became known starting prices very very low). I have to always search for the best deals as doing this as a hobby can get expensive! *Melodyne Studio 5 by Celemony Audio modern GateLab JMG Sound Expanse 3D *JMG Sound Transmutator (Mutation from one voice to the next is unbeatable!) JMG Sound Mirror *JMG Sound Hyperspace (reverb and delay) Waves Audio F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ Waves Audio Renaissance Maxx *Waves Audio Sibilance (Haven't found anything that can beat this yet and be affordable). Waves Audio Smack Attack (works wonders on vocals, but I use it only when needed) *Waves Audio StudioRack Waves Audio Vitamin Sonic Enhancer *Waves Audio Vocal Bender (I know I could use Melodyne, but this is so much quicker, virtually no wait, just turn a knob) Waves Audio Waves Harmony (Harmonies sound too robotic) Waves Audio Clarity Vx *Waves Audio Brauer Motion (manipulating vocal space with this... Especially if you've got multiple vocals moving at the same time!) Waves Audio Vocal Rider (got it, can't really find a use for it) Waves Audio Greg Wells Voice Centric *Waves MV2 (keeps vocals level by bringing up the low volume while lowering the high volume) Sonible Smart Reverb (crashes on me so much, I switched to Hyperspace instead) *Sonible Smart EQ *Sonible Smart Limiter HorNet Total EQ *HorNet The Normalizer (used in multiple tracks in every song) (gain staging) HorNet AutoGain Pro MK2 *Acon Acoustica Premium Edition *iZotope Vocal Doubler iZotope RX Standard (CPU Intensive, rarely use) I probably have many other plugins not listed, but these are the ones I can remember. * = My Favorites I try really hard to avoid iZotope plugins as they all tend to be CPU hogs. If I do use them, I'm end up having to freeze the track or render the track to reduce CPU load. I used to use "Waves Audio F6 Floating-Band Dynamic EQ" to have vocals poke thru the mix, but when Sonible Smart EQ came along, I stopped using it. Out of all the plugins, HorNet plugins use the least amount of CPU cycles. If I need to save CPU cycles, I usually replace a plugin with a HorNet plugin. I've got over 20 HorNet plugins, but can't recall them all as the naming scheme doesn't help make them rememberable. ...
  3. Found EzKeys for $159 @ https://www.thomannmusic.com/toontrack_ezkeys_2.htm not much cheaper than Best Service... I'm still looking for a better deal. Someone did say they got EzKeys for $29 sometime during a black Friday sale years ago, I'm wondering if they'll do another sale like that again soon? It's not like I really need this, so I can wait as long as I like for it, but might as well get all the opinions and research that I can. I'm currently liking the idea that EzKeys can be ran standalone (not sure if Scaler can or not), That EzKeys has a internal midi editor. what I don't like about both systems is that you can't just buy the core system without any samples / instrument. Is there another similar system like both of these that doesn't force you to also download their instrument?
  4. In EzKeys, can you use your own midi instruments? Scaler 2 has a demo / trail version while EzKeys 2 does not: On EzKeys website: Q: Is there a trial or demo version available?
 A: No, there is no trial or demo version available of EZkeys 2. To learn more about the product, please refer to the extensive tutorial material, audio demos and information available on our site. If EzKeys didn't cost so much, I would gamble on it. Without a trail or demo version, I'm just taking everyone's word on it. Your information has enlightened me, and I'm grateful. Just still on the edge and will wait for more information from others before making a decision.
  5. EzKeys 2 @ $ 162.15 @ https://www.bestservice.com/en/ezkeys_2.html Scaler 2 @ $49.00 @ https://www.pluginboutique.com/product/3-Studio-Tools/93-Music-Theory-Tools/6439-Scaler-2 Is EzKeys worth 3.31 times more expensive than Scaler 2? Can you edit midi inside of Scaler 2? What are the major differences? Is either of them have a standalone version?
  6. I'm curious at what cclarry is thinking right now... This was a posted deal by cclarry, and it takes off like a runaway train!
  7. Rumors... I've read it somewhere, but got nothing from the horse's mouth to make that absolutely true. Sorry.
  8. Maybe it's good that Microsoft won't let me upgrade to windows 11 after all! I'm now more happy to stick with Windows 10, rather than upgrade!
  9. Microsoft ended support for Windows 7... I wonder if any gamers still use it to play any games online? I believe Steam also ended support for Windows 7 too... So, if Microsoft and Gaming software companies end support for certain windows OS, that could force many to upgrade or just be left out. I wonder if Microsoft is the reason Steam no longer supports windows 7?
  10. The problem is, I paid $4000 for top of the line laptop in 2015, and it still keeps up with the latest hardware, including NVME PCIe M.2 2280 RAM chipsets. I'm currently running V-NAND SSD 970 EVO Plus NVMe M.2 on this laptop! I can run the latest NVMe M.2, but my job situation has changed. I went from making $100k / year to $30k / year due to my own fault. I'm working my way back up the ladder again, until then I'm just looking for best deals for my song writing hobby.
  11. More like Linux instead... I prefer Debian 11 64bit. I've got it on one of my computers right now. I can play Team Fortress 2 and use Reaper on it!
  12. When Waves Audio was pushing subscription only plans, they created a sour taste in everyone's mouth. Windows 11 is doing the same, but I don't think they know how badly it's going to hurt their customer base, because they are so big. At least Waves Audio was quicker to fix issues than Microsoft. I foresee the end days of Microsoft coming soon...
  13. Yeah.. I can't upgrade to windows 11 due to my machine. Even windows tells me I can't upgrade to windows 11! I've got a i7-6700HQ, which is part of the "unsupported" processor. I'm sticking with windows 10 or I might move to Debian. Then I can run windows 10 on top of Debain using virtual box, that way, Debian can protect windows from any future security issues!
  14. Just curious if how long the wait (if any) till the EzKeys 2 core system goes on a huge discount sale...?
  15. The really bad thing is, my Roland Edirol PCR-300 midi keyboard was created just for Cakewalk Sonar Producer. There's a button on it that pulls up a midi controller menu straight from Sonar Producer! I actually had to Jerry rig windows 10 to force accept the driver in order to get it working in Windows 10! So, yeah.. I'll always keep Sonar Producer 8.5.3 running, no matter what other DAW I choose. I can't afford to get new equipment as I'm not a PRO in this industry. Having access to the midi controller is important to me.
  16. Cough cough... Reaper.. I still own Sonar Producer 8.5.3. I have BandLab Cakewalk, but haven't used it in a long while. I've been mainly using Reaper since you can program scripts for it and the customization is off the charts. Reaper is also cheap ($60) for those of us that is doing this just for fun. Sometimes I'll use Reaper as a rewire plugin into Sonar Producer so I can have access to VST3 in Sonar.
  17. 2 TB 970 Evo Plus m.2 Gen 3 $114.99 https://www.samsung.com/us/computing/memory-storage/solid-state-drives/ssd-970-evo-plus-nvme-m-2-2-tb-mz-v7s2t0b-am-buy/
  18. Great idea, cause last time I upgraded to K6 player when I had K5 full, it really messed up my K5 libraries... Like I got reduced access to libraries I once had, saying it required "full" access. After updating to Komplete 14, getting K7 full fixed that issue some how?
  19. Komplete Kontrol is a mess. I had to wait hours for it to "scan" all my libraries, then for it to not really help speed up finding sounds I want or know I have! Waves Studio Rack is much better, plus it has parallel processing, macros, band splitting abilities built right in!
  20. It's the something wrong with K7? I got it full with Komplete 14.
  21. Does that mean that someone is manually entering in the serial numbers for each user?
  22. LOL... I just got on the computer... try and try as I might... I can't get this to work. I'll try again another day ?
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