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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Great honky-tonk piano, vocals and mix - loved it! Andy
  2. I guess it was ultimately borne of frustration, I don't have hours to waste trying to fix something that should just work out if the box. I did do a fair bit of googling around the problem across multiple forums and concluded that my experience was far from unique and there didn't seem to be an obvious fix - apart from uninstall/ reinstall that I had already tried several times. I contacted AmpleSound support and tried everything they suggested to no avail - it simply would not work - so in the end they said they would support my case for a refund and actually they were very good about it but I would have to go (with their approval) via the reseller - which was fair enough. The reseller (whom I won't name) was extremely difficult and pretty obnoxious and only eventually agreed on the basis that I would be 'banned for life' from ever purchasing from them again. A very strange approach to customer service but ultimately their loss I think. Andy
  3. I couldn't decide between sidestick or snare so it's a bit of both - I probably need to choose one or the other. Great crits Tom thanks - as for the remix - I'm on it but what it's really crying out for are the kind of vocals only someone like @garybrun can deliver, but I'm never going to be playing in that league sadly. ?
  4. I purchased the 12 string and no matter what I tried I simply could not get it to work. I could find the VST, fire it up inside the DAW but all the sounds we're missing and nothing I did would resolve it. After a few robust exchanges by email with both AmpleSound and the reseller, I eventually managed to get a full refund. Wouldn't touch it with a barge pole after that experience, no matter how good it sounds. I hope you manage to get it working. Andy
  5. Seriously impressive work to compose in that way and get results like this - Tom had it with 'I'm humbled' - #ditto. Andy
  6. This is catchy Douglas - guitars sound great but for me the mix is a little 'full on' and I kind of feel all the instruments are fighting for attention but - having said that - this gives it a raw and live-like feel that I rather like; so I'm not sure I would want you to change it. Maybe a live edit and a studio edit. ? Anyway, I enjoyed it so thanks for sharing. Andy
  7. Great cover - no more to be said - anything by Bowie is one hell of a project to take on. Good work. Andy
  8. Good mix - superb guitar tone and - I agree - less is definitely more. Great chops on the guitar. Andy
  9. Steve you just keep you nailing these covers - another great job. You are a brave man taking on Beatles stuff - hat's off to you fella - well done. Andy
  10. AndyB01

    Winter Moon

    Welcome also to the forum. +1 to both Tom(s) on the drums (see what I did there) ? and I agree that there is a lot going on here. I'm with you on creating drum parts - I lose the will to live after about four bars. I find Toontrack's EzDrummer a relatively inexpensive go to for non-drummers and a great way to add variety to my drums, without all that effort and I don't need the complexity that Superior Drummer offers at over twice the price! Anyway - a great start and look forward to hearing more stuff. Andy
  11. Wow I feel like I went through a bunch of genres there - the panning on the vibraphone(?) at the end was a really neat trick - felt like it was jumping around inside my head. Cool track. Andy
  12. Thanks Douglas, I always mix on cans - which I know is a mistake - I'll have a listen through monitors but will probably re-cut the vocal first as I am still not happy with it. Thanks for listening and commenting as always. EzKeys David is for people like me who wish they could play better piano, but can't; so they call out for a virtual session pianist. If the link works you can read all about it here. Appreciate you taking the time to listen and comment - I wish I could take credit for piano, but apart from the extended chord on the fade at the end - I really can't. Lyrics however - all my own original work and I also have to 'fess up to the vocal. ?
  13. Hi All - I do hope everyone is keeping well and safe - wherever in the World you are - and continuing to make lots of great music. I can't really compete with some of the fabulous lock down tunes I have been listening to on here (I have been real busy at work so very little time for music sadly). Anyway I managed to grab an hour or two today to finish off this little guy that I have been working on for a week or two. Now when I say the mix is raw, I mean raw. However, on the upside, this is mercifully short at just on three minutes. It needs work - I know right - but your constructive crits are always welcome. So I figure if we're talking Covid - it has to be either Blues or Country and as I'm not talented enough to play the Blues (or Country come to to think of it)... but I found this little ditty on EzKeys, gave it a few tweaks and knocked out some lyrics - which tell a bit of a simple little story about being old, loneliness and isolation. A real feelgood tune with a distinctly unfeelgood lyric (c'mon you know I don't do happy songs) but here for your listening pleasure (or not as the case maybe) - I give you: Ain't No Way To live: p.s. don't mention the mic noise - I already have that on my very long fix it list... ?
  14. You're on fire Tom, keep them coming, loving your work. ?? Andy
  15. Incredible. I love the drum track on this and the playing is so tight with a great mix as well. I could listen to that for hours - terrific stuff. Thanks for sharing - very enjoyable. Andy
  16. Great groove, great chops, great story. Another one in the back of the net! You can file this one under 'done'. ? Andy
  17. Colin, just wow - awesome? I absolutely loved every second of that. Shades of Dance On A Volcano with all that staccato (I hope you don't mind the reference). Fantastic chops all round - link to the album please, where can I hear more? Absolutely top draw. Andy
  18. First impressions are good - a full size interface at last (where has that been)? There's a lot to explore under the hood. The audio import - not sure I'll use that too much. Midi keys import to LH worked well (mostly) but to RH chords was too busy (will depend on the song). It gives you a base (no pun intended) but you'll have to do some editing to get a really good result. That said, all my usual bass tracks have two things in common: they're out of time and dull as ditch water; so this can already accomplish a whole lot more than I can using a vst and a midi controller. Definitely going to be one of those products it's worth investing the time in to learn it properly. Overall, I'm happy with my new toy. Can it replace a real, live competent bassist? On balance I would say not - at least not when they're sober - but how often is that? ?? Andy
  19. AndyB01

    Make me Smile

    Brilliant production and a another killer vocal - great work. Andy
  20. Has a slight Chris Rea feel, I thought - dark indeed but I kind of liked it. Have to agree about the production: top drawer and you really nailed the vocal with the delay effect. Very well done Andy
  21. That is a piece of sheer genius and the best thing I have ever heard on this forum - bar none. Brilliant! Andy
  22. Great work Daryl - so difficult to synchronise this stuff and get anywhere even close - but with this you can't even see or hear the joins - brilliant stuff. Congrats to all involved. Andy
  23. I was betting Martin or Taylor - sounded great
  24. Wow what a great song, not heard that before. I don't think you needed the additional instruments either - this song is all about the vocal and you 100 per cent nailed it. Sublime vocals and BGVS too, also enjoyed the guitar work - what's the acoustic you're playing BTW - I have a feeling I might know but would be interested to find out? Really lovely stuff, look forward to hearing more. Andy
  25. Excellent and all tell-tale signs - especially #3 & #4 I'm guessing you also don't wait at the door when you visit because you know when to come in. Oh no, hang on, that's the vocalist not the bass player. ??
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