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Everything posted by AndyB01

  1. Hmm don't hold your breath, I contacted support recently to ask that very question, here was the reply: "Thanks for your email. We really appreciate your feedback. Right now Toontrack Support does not have any confirmation on a future version of EZkeys that will include an updated interface to match EZbass and Superior Drummer 3. Unfortunately, we are not able to provide any details for future plans on EZkeys." Make of that what you will. Roughly translated I think it says: 'we're quite happy with the cash cow model thanks, and we'll just keep on shipping those expansion packs' Andy
  2. Shame they steadfastly refuse to update EzKeys - that old non-scalable GUI is looking very tired in comparison with EzBass. I can never tell what most of these 'updates' do either. Andy
  3. Just beautiful Gary. Merry Christmas to you and yours.? Andy
  4. When you start up Native Access it just displays the error screen and a retry button. Native Support have sent me a link to another version to try. Will report back once I've tried it
  5. I suspect you're right and that it is something my end of things, I just can't nail it, perhaps the log files will reveal the cause. All the drivers are up to date, all latest patches applied etc and I also use wired ethernet - AFAIK I am on the latest MS Visual C version as well, as this regularly features in Windows Update routines. It's an odd one for sure... thanks for taking the time out to respond - much appreciated. Andy
  6. Had this error on my PC for several weeks now, I've tried all the recommended fixes from Native (none work) and I have an open support ticket. We're now at the 'can you send me a zip of your log files' stage, so I don't have high hopes. Anyone come across this and managed to fix it? Andy
  7. Good to hear Scott, I had one of your Sonar books back in the day, and very good it was too. I'll definitely have a look at the articles. Hope you make a full recovery and I'm sorry for your loss. Andy
  8. As a guitarist, I've never been able to get on with any guitar VSTs, no matter how good they are; they just sound 'wrong' to me. Playing a guitar via a piano keyboard is so unintuitive, I can't seem to get my brain to do the learning required to get the articulations and patterns that I can achieve almost sub-consciously with my hands on the strings. Probably just me though and no reflection on some of the premium VSTs, which are exceptional and can create some very realistic tones in the right hands. Andy
  9. Not that Peter needs me to promote his stuff, but I recommend you give the full album a listen (I found it on Amazon Music). If you like prog-inspired instrumentals, it should be right in your sweet spot. Andy
  10. @ramscapri - thanks for listening and for the feedback. Andy
  11. Very nice playing Mark and great chops - I'm jealous of anyone who can play anything that passes for lead guitar (I'm clueless at lead, despite playing guitar for decades) and this definitely cuts the mustard to my ears. Great groove - minor crit: maybe a bit more variation on the drums, but this is a minor nitpick. Overall,really enjoyed it. Andy
  12. I guess you need to be careful about which end of the fleece you use ??? Andy
  13. Ooh very dark that Nigel - I like - great vocals, some fabulous instrumentation, and chord progressions; loved the driving rhythm as well. The video is top notch as always - all round stellar production. Andy
  14. Yep that could be it then - also could be a headphones thing, notoriously unreliable for judging a mix with.
  15. Tim what's the piano you're playing here, recorded acoustic or a VST - if so which one? To my ears (on decent studio headphones) it sounds a little 'thin' - maybe some reverb or a different piano voicing would help fatten the sound a little? All that said, well played putting all these together as a continuous arrangement must have been quite a task. Great job Andy
  16. Creative genius at its finest - no more to be said. Andy
  17. Peter, thanks for this fabulous insight into the creative process. You know that Larry is the star in this - right? He's always going to steal the show. ? Really enjoyed the watch and the listen and - as Gary says above - hat's off to you, because we all know just how much work goes into something like this. Great stuff! Andy
  18. AndyB01


    Great chops all round - loved it! ? Andy
  19. I played a forces social club once with a mate and we were a bit wary. We had a pretty average first set and during the break a couple of (big) lads asked if they could do a couple of numbers using our gear. That would usually be a 'we'd rather you didn't' but this pair clearly weren't going to take no for an answer, and it wasn't as if we had particularly flash or expensive gear. Reluctantly we agreed and it proved to be a master stroke - they were clueless and utterly lacking in talent. We stormed the second half and absolutely rocked the place. Could have ended very differently mind you. Joys of live performance eh, this is why I now perform exclusively in my empty home studio. ? Andy
  20. Best advice I ever had on this was called the gateau in the fridge story. Say you throw a dinner party: starters, main, showpiece desert and gateaux followed by cheese and biscuits. In your haste to impress, you forget to serve the gateau - this was only one component of the desert. If you don't tell the guests - who's going to know? So if you drop a note, miss a chord, forget or change a lyric - chances are nobody notices because the rest of it was great. So don't beat yourself up over perfection, because nobody is perfect. Cut yourself some slack and be the best you can be on the day in question. Remember, it's all about the gateau in the fridge... Andy
  21. Not good news that, I've always used Acronis for my offline backups - sounds like I might need a new solution once ATI 2018 goes out of support. I have an always-on cloud backup but I like to have offline as well, just in case ransomware comes calling. Andy
  22. Hmm I'd definitely play with a few different options for the lead guitar - perhaps clean but with some chorus and delay might work. I like the way you use rhyme and the BGVs are very good (main vox is not too shabby either) ? Another great job, as someone else said, you're definitely on a roll. Andy
  23. Lovely guitar tone and what a stellar vocal - also a very well-crafted song. Well done Andy
  24. Gary I'd agree with these comments but I've listened to several iterations of this song now and they're all pretty outstanding. I mean, my point is that when you have something this good to work with, you can get away with a few imperfections in the mix. The difficulty in accepting that as critique, is that when something is this good - you really do want it to be perfect and I understand that view completely. I'd say you're close to done here and the AAMS mix just edged it for me. Andy
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