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Everything posted by HOOK

  1. In my case, I don't have any UAD bundles. I do have the freebie LA-2A as well as the actual LA-2A collection. Pretty sure I'm not being offered anything special. In fact, I know my offers are priced at hundreds of dollars more than what they're offering a person with a brand new account.
  2. I was under the impression that VST3 are supposed to be less cpu intensive because they don't DO anything until audio passes through them.
  3. Yeah. Those Slate freebies have all been a perpetual license so far.
  4. That press release is definitely AI generated. I tried to post it here, but it got flagged for moderation.
  5. Unless Avid decides to eat this mistake, I can assure you that UA will pull licenses from anyone who didn't qualify. They've done it before, and weeks after the promo. So love 'em while you got 'em. Print your FX while you can...lol.
  6. And again, on Wednesday: Hey all, I want to add a little clarity here. There was a time where we were going to add a FEW plugins to the Creative/Mix/Diamond and offer grace period free updates to many users. Instead, we decided to make new bundles and add TONS of new plugins to each. No one that bought the previous bundles was promised or was ever going to get ALL the plugins we added to the new bundles. The cross grades mentioned below represent a FAR greater value than the free updates we were planning at one point, and further apply to all buyers and not just some that fall into a grace period. So all previous buyers are FOR SURE in a better place after the cross grades than they would be otherwise. I, of course, understand that some users will still say, I wish I had waited and bought Signature and not Mix or Diamond last year etc. We can all say that about almost every transaction we’ve ever made. Here are the crossgrade offers: Creative to upgrade to Producer for $50. Mix to upgrade to Studio for $100. Diamond to upgrade to Signature for $150. These cross grades are priced at approx $8-12 per plugin. These are obviously crazy good deals. Never before seen by us. Drew Mazurek
  7. Universal Audio Official UA Representative - Drew Mazurek Nov 10, 2023 Hi all, I have gotten our upgrade offers fast-tracked. Support has coupons available for these users that allow: Creative to upgrade to Producer for $50. Mix to upgrade to Studio for $100. Diamond to upgrade to Signature for $150.
  8. Unless I'm reading it wrong, It's $150 only if you own the Diamond Bundle. Not any bundle.
  9. Looks to me like they've got wires crossed once again at UA. They're THE most disorganized bunch I've ever seen. If you don't own the correct bundle and you bought this, don't be surprised when UA pulls those licenses from you in the near future. They have no qualms about taking stuff back.
  10. If Universal Audio made a mistake, I promise you they won't honor it.
  11. Weird. I haven't heard anything about this. Tell me more. ?
  12. I'd be curious to see what happens if you try to run that "empty" waveform through Melodyne again. Just because I'm curious.
  13. I get it. I recently upgraded to 11 and had a heck of a time trying to get performance like I had on 10. I also did a BIOS update at the same time. That was probably a bit of a mistake. Because as good as I have it, I'm still not back to the same performance. Very close. But not exactly. And since I updated BIOS and OS at the same time, I'm not sure which one is my problem. You'd think I'd know by now to not fix something that's not broken.
  14. John...I think the USB settings you're looking for are in the Device Manager. Right click on the various USB controllers and look for a power management tab.
  15. I guess you guys would be shocked at the number of plugins a good system can run, in real-time, and DEEP into the tracking of a song - without detectable latency. I can't be the only one.
  16. A crap mix can sound pretty darn good on my iPhone earbuds or my BeyerDynamic cans. That same mix can sound horrible on real speakers, in the real world. So... I mix with monitors until a mix sounds great on other speakers, in the real world. Any mix that passes that test also sounds great on decent headphones. That's where I land.
  17. HOOK

    My Girl Rita

    I was having a margarita with a buddy a few weeks ago when I told him that I've often thought of doing a song called My Girl Rita. He pulled out his phone....googled it....and said someone has already done it. And they actually did it very, very well. But after a few days of consideration I decided that if the world only had one "The End", or one "Hello", or one "Hey You", the world would be a horrible place...lol. So...here's My Girl Rita.
  18. I don't know your current settings...but you might be able to fix the problem by lowering your buffer to say 128 or better if your machine can handle it without clicks/pops and general audio engine problems. A good machine should be able to handle a pretty massive stack of compressors, eq, chorus, delay, etc. in real time, even while tracking. But... You also might be learning that some effects can't be used in real-time. If that's the problem, you'll have to figure out which one (or ones) it is and save it for when you're mixing and can turn your buffer up without worrying about latency.
  19. Wow. Nah. Try it. It doesn't open export dialog. It simply bounces to a clip....right there in place. ALWAYS been like that.
  20. Why are you exporting a track and then importing that track when you could easily lasso the pieces, right click and "bounce to clips"?
  21. When I talked to the guys at Sound Toys, they were quick to send me links to the previous version installers. You might keep that in mind as an option as well.
  22. I'm just very judicious with which ones I'll use in real-time. A couple months back there was the issue with the VST3 versions causing havoc even with large buffers. I had to roll back to VST2. And though I've heard the VST3 problem is fixed, I've stayed with the VST2 and have had no problems while mixing.
  23. I built a dual with a couple Xeon 5060's on Server 2003 in 2007 and it ran for several years. Just a killer setup for the time. Allowed me to do everything I ever wanted for soooo long. Edit...ohhh. I see you're using a Mac. Price prohibitive, for sure...lol.
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