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Everything posted by HOOK

  1. Well hell...I looked and looked and didn't find that. Good catch!
  2. If there's a way, I certainly can't find it natively.
  3. What do you mean....duplicate a function? I can think of several options that may be helpful...but they may not be related to what you mean, specifically. You CAN save a track as a template, which will duplicate everything about a track when you insert it from the template Or you can also drag and drop with ctrl held down to duplicate functions, like plugins or eq settings. You also have a quick-group function where you can set multiple track routings, sends, add effects etc.
  4. I battled my "new" machine for months. Then I realized I had somehow forgot to disable core parking.
  5. The devs have said that the Sonitus plugins are slated to be ported to VST at some point - but that it's not super-high on their priority list. However, they did recently fix a long-standing bug in Sonitus delay.
  6. At the bottom of this pic....try disabling "Apply Workspace on Project Load".
  7. I've had more hours at a desk, with a mouse and a keyboard, than I'd really care to admit. I don't know if it's genetics or what....technique maybe....but I've never understood how people get injuries from a mouse or a keyboard.
  8. Yes. I'm so happy to see it since I use only narrow strips.
  9. I only fix I could find was to augment my workspace to show more fx slots and send slots than I typically ever use...and I just don't have to think about it any more. I mean....and there's STILL 20% wasted space on my console screen.
  10. This is probably your best bet if that driver isn't up to snuff. But... Out of curiosity....does this update apply to your TD-27...and have you installed it yet? Sorry. Couldn't post a link.
  11. The UA instruments I have show up in the browser.
  12. Neither am I. I presumed Noel was talking about the higher bitrates, specifically.
  13. @Noel Borthwick Nope....still having the same issue. 8.29 MB file. Next set up at 96k. Were you wanting different settings?
  14. Yes. I just set up a new project. Dropped in 6 snare hits. This quirk is still in the newest version of Sonar.
  15. Full screen video here: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/2ewarow2j8i498z6kecvo/Recording-2024-12-17-103122.mp4?rlkey=o5dvpfmn968uougt8mbp1zh8a&st=w2dtsgja&dl=0 You got my PM? I'll work on getting a project up and I'll send you the link via PM as well. I'm not certain if this is just in new or older projects. I don't currently have access to new projects to test. I can take a look after 3:00 CST.
  16. All of that stuff is available for download on the Product Center. Make sure you click on the "Show Add-ons" button.
  17. Yeah...that's happening here too. I would have never caught it because I use velocity tails on the notes themselves...and I never open the velocity window. You should submit the bug report. 20241211-1847-36.7957288.mp4
  18. Yeah...as I said. That's setting the color of the channel/track. And honestly, these color themes are so bad that there's only I I can even stand to work in. It's a shame because some of the new ones would be nice if I could only change one or two minor colors. Hopefully they're getting enough done on the performance side that they can soon find time to give back a little user control of these landmarks.
  19. Got it. That explains why I can control just about everything when I quick group my permanent groups - except for the fader. Typically, my permanent groups are simply for tying faders together. Thanks for explaining that.
  20. Sorry, @Noel Borthwick. I don't quite grasp what you're saying in that second sentence. Thanks.
  21. In the Piano Roll View, looks like the midi data color follows the color assigned to the channel - so you can change it there. But no control over the background that I've found.
  22. Sonar 5. Loved that version. And I think people forget the MSRP on that was about $800. And you didn't get it free for 5 years. Hell...I spent $450 for CWPA 4.0 in 1996(ish). I was already $1,000 on Cakewalk software by the time Sonar 5 came out. Found this on the web: Sonar 5 Producer Edition is $799MSRP. Sonar 5 Studio Edition is $479 and both are now shipping. Registered Sonar 4 Producer customers can upgrade to Sonar 5 Producer Edition directly through Cakewalk for $179. I also had to walk home barefooted in the snow, uphill, both ways.
  23. Page 299 is where the discussion on solo modes begins. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
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