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Everything posted by HOOK

  1. Thanks, David. The Aux track is an obvious option for an intermediary place to control volume for these groups but I prefer to not. I'm old. A bus doesn't belong in the middle of a mixer...lol. 🤷‍♂️ But it looks like you basically ran down the same exhaustive list of reasons I did as to why I can't do what I want in this situation. It's fine. I just wanted to know if anyone saw that I was missing a hotkey option or something to temporarily override the group. Thanks.
  2. Curiously though...with my misunderstanding of your original response....I WAS able to control gain on groups A, B and C with a quick group. And I've never played with it like this before, but it looks like I can do just about anything with the quick group, but I can't do fader....the only thing I want to do....lol.
  3. Yes, David. I changed my response because I originally read your response to mean the GAIN on each individual channel...not the bus. Yes. I know faders will also effect the FX bin on the bus.
  4. You do have a point there. But the problem still remains if I have 12 groups and only want to turn up 6 of them. It happens frequently.
  5. In short, no. They deleted those abilities in the new Sonar. Sorry. You might have to switch to changing the background or foreground colors of the clips. You're not alone.
  6. I have a general workflow that utilizes groups for stereo pairs of guitars. Often, I'll have layers of stereo pairs of guitars - some with different amps or different guitars. And sometimes harmonies. Tracks: 1&2 might be group A Tracks: 3&4 might be group B Tracks: 5&6 might be group C Generally, these will all run through a stereo bus on the way to the master bus. Now, there are times where I want to simply manually move all 6 of those faders up or down at the same time without moving the fader on the bus. BUT - Quick Grouping will not allow for that. However...if I happen to have a single channel in that quick group along with the other groups, it WILL allow me to move all faders as a group, as long as I'm Ctrl+click+dragging on that single fader. Am I missing a hot-key or something to allow a Quick Grouped movement of several grouped pairs of faders? thx
  7. 🤣 Great minds think alike. Those are the two EXACT reasons I shut off Crtl+N!
  8. That drum grid vertical velocity handle on the note is literally one of about 3 unique things that Cakewalk does that keeps me from walking away.
  9. I did request this a couple weeks back in the feedback forum. Crickets on the topic. Workflow is a funny thing. I'm sure we all do it differently...and I can't stand having the console buried under the track view. So I break it out and run a second monitor with the docker and console view visible most times. And CV is where I, long ago, developed a habit of right-clicking and adding plugins...so to search and drag all the way from the search bar in the browser is literally like 45 inches...lol. I know. First-world problems.
  10. The Alesis brain has a USB output for the MIDI data. I've never had to load a driver. Perhaps there's a driver loading from Windows...but I don't know. Sonar just seems to pick it up as a MIDI device. I never use the sounds on the Alesis brain for anything at all. I just made sure the kit was close enough I can get a phone feed from Sonar via my interface. The hardest part to get your head around is building the drum map. I'm literally a MIDI moron and I figured it out with a couple YouTube videos. But once you've done that it's off to the races any time you want.
  11. When I downsized and stopped selling my time a few years ago, I ended up at home without a space to do live drums. I'd surrounded myself with great drummers over those years so I never really thought about midi drums. But when I started writing again on my own I quickly found that doing drums manually was tiresome, and frankly, I couldn't get the groove right without actually playing it. Then I actually had a good conversation with an honest sales guy at GC and he convinced me that, since I wouldn't be gigging with it, the Nitro kit would probably do everything I needed to do - and that I didn't need to spend more. And the savings allowed me to get the expansion kit so that I could have three cymbal pads and an extra double zone drum pad. I use the extra drum pad for ride cymbal so I can use one of the zones for ride bell. I use the Slate Drums. Tiny footprint. HUGE sounds. Really cool. Honestly, for my writing, this is the best money I've spent in a couple decades. As far as sensitivity goes, it's just basic business to go in and do a bunch of manual edits to velocity...it's really no big deal. In fact, it's mostly a thing I do while mixing. Also...if you go this route, you'll undoubtedly need some way to bring this tiny kit up to a height that can be played by a normal size human...lol. If you look at my pic you can see the couch risers I bought at Home Depot...or Lowes....or Amazon. Not sure where. They work great for that.
  12. N - looks like a pre-defined accelerator "Snap Toggle Extended" according to the key bindings. And I don't think you can reassign those. The only thing you can do with those is assign "do nothing" get rid of it. I could be wrong. But I don't think that is an option you can assign to any key you want.
  13. Better....ish, I suppose. Here's the problem I have with it. What you did to the Dark scheme looks fantastic to me - a very light gray. But I'm also sure others don't like it. However....I can't use Dark scheme because the color of the "split" line when I split a clip. It matches the background color of a clip too closely. And, while I can see the vertical lines much better in Tungsten Classic with the new change, what I used (and prefer) in CbB was a gray just slightly lighter than the background. So I'm batting about zero here...🤣 So...you know. Overall, I don't understand the resistance to user modifications for time ruler numbers, grid lines, ellipses and default background colors for clips. I believe that user setting options on those simple parameters would make the color schemes you're offering go a lot further for us out here in the real world. I know. My favorite saying at my day job is ....this job would be great if it weren't for those pesky customers!
  14. Agreed. For me, it has been real detriment to my particular work flow on the creative side as well.
  15. Yes. The inability to simply change the shade of the vertical grid lines has been a real challenge for me and I'll never understand why this option was deleted and abandoned. I've had to learn to live without them. As for the suspected VST problem you'll want to contact @Noel Borthwick and probably hook him up with a copy of that project so he can figure out why it's doing that. They're usually pretty quick to find a solution.
  16. The only shortcut I know of is UNDO...but at a certain point, that's way too far back-in-time to make sense.
  17. No...you're right. It's a little flaky. I don't know how it acted before 6. But it seems to want to pick its own preset sometimes and not let go of it. As in...harmonies get moved to match pitch of the guide sometimes, etc.
  18. Since it's on sale right now, I've downloaded the demo for this plugin and I find it to be hit-or-miss when it comes to working properly. Sometimes it just doesn't ever process the adjustments. Melodyne ARA workflow is basically flawless on the same system. EDIT: That was all user error from what I can tell. Watched a few vids and did some reading. Actually working very well for me now.
  19. Would be nice to have that option at the top of the menu when you right-click at the FX bin or hit the + to add a plugin. I'm talking, specifically here: I know we can search from the browser. But that can be a long stretch to drag back to where I want it sometimes.
  20. Page 419 of the CbB Reference Guide covers this. https://bandlab.github.io/cakewalk/docs/Cakewalk Reference Guide.pdf
  21. Looks to me like there's not a default key command for auto xfade. You'd have to assign it under Preferences/Keyboard Shortcuts. Search for Crossfades and it's the second of 3 options that come up.
  22. Yeah...that's what I'm seeing.
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