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Everything posted by simon

  1. it was the same with the 1.5 update IIRC - no upgrade path from v1
  2. doesn't seem to be a discount for orb composer users ?
  3. simon

    New OVOX Pack

    that will go nicely with my other 5....and the copy of ovox I picked up a couple of weeks ago (another smug smile)
  4. just nudging this - as Larry says it's springbox https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-springbox last day - and use the code
  5. true - although it's not a 'budget brand' - either way upgraded quickly for me so probably only a temporary blip
  6. I have mercury (with WUP) - ran waves central - but doesn't seem to install it any idea on how to actually install it ?
  7. At least they are owning the issues and communicating - better than many other software companies ?
  8. seems to happen every time with arturia - they never seem to have enough bandwidth
  9. phew - in times of chaos it's nice to know there is something you can rely on
  10. monday: Twin L https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-twin-l
  11. Revoice Pro ** Bug * [RP4-222] - Warp - Selecting the left and right edges of notes is harder than in 4.1 - Fixed https://www.synchroarts.com/index.php?path=downloads/#revoice-pro
  12. you wonder what that means going forward - bit like selling off the family silver. Even less reason for people to subscribe to their mega-deal thing? what's the strategy here ? Short term profit or responding to the $29 competition ?
  13. it wasn't quite as "alternative" as I thought - sounds great like most TT stuff - but I was expecting it to a bit more "off the wall" still recommended though
  14. so did I - my order seems to be stuck in processing payment ?
  15. I read your posts - and I don't doubt it feel a little better - thanks Matthew Actually didn't know Kontakt scripting could access the system at that level. FWIW I think steinberg actually recommend using an account with admin privilege to run cubase/nuendo - but they don't have to fix it when your system is hijacked. Despite the catalina farce - I do think apple are onto something security wise...but then they'll change the goalposts again on the next release.
  16. is that even 'a thing' ? I always run with an account with admin privileges (it makes me feel important ) - starting to feel a little nervous
  17. happy saturday everyone - why not celebrate with pianoverb ? https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-pianoverb
  18. FWIW - I have some of their plugs that were freebies from an old focusrite/novation giveaway. they were pretty buggy and massive CPU hogs. Maybe these are better, maybe not ?
  19. is this one new as well "We’ve teamed up with Serato to bring you the powerful and intuitive Sample LE" I normally download anything and everything - not so interested this month - anybody tried any of these ? (fwiw the bassroom is a 6 month trial)
  20. ....smug smile as I bought ovox
  21. Today it’s RetroQ https://www.jrrshop.com/psp-retroq-eq-plug-in-download-license make sure to use the coupon code from Larrys’s post
  22. which is shame as it's actually very good .....not trying to defend this decision however
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