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Everything posted by simon

  1. in these circumstances I just dispute anyway - that normally focuses the mind.
  2. hopefully nothing important but some software requires it to be there (including the Korg software!) - things like the ilok manager - I normally empty the recycle bin all the time (OCD!) make sure you have a temp folder there and all will be good - reboot too as some software could have been made a bit upset. Still can't believe how slack that was of Korg - doesn't do it first time you start it up but does it after that ......Think it's trying to clean up after itself if it's any consolation I've been having a 'mare. Today has been computer housekeeping day - backups etc - spotted that windows defender had crashed, wouldn't restart, made me very nervous. Rebooted and had a GPT bootsector error, something corrupted (USB backup disk was still plugged in and it tried to boot off it) - windows defender crashed again - then folders started disappearing........Was sure I had a 'virtual' virus (still better than having a real one) Think I've got to the bottom off all the issues now - just in time for wine-o-clock
  3. at least it dumps it in your recycle bin and doesn't permanently delete it....what a pain legacycell also dumps an older version of some of the plugs in another folder - so you can up with duplicates pretty ugly - although the new GUIs are nice !
  4. they don't contain viruses - they just trigger a NEW problem with the latest update for windows defender..... The 'delete the temp folder' is much worse - can break stuff - even breaks it's own downloader routine
  5. think I've got legacycell working but it messes with polysix - just juggling this - plus at the same time windows defender has broken so I have no virus protection..... it's some of the files from korg that are crashing it - they have multiple ".." in them - to be fair that's more microsofts problem than korgs but I'm gonna blame korg anyway basically wasted today...
  6. oh dear - legacy cell still not happy with cubase also is it me but everytime you start the Korg Software Pass app it dumps the entire contents of your temp folder (C:\Users\name\AppData\Local\temp) in the recycle bin (windows 10 ) !!!!!! which breaks things
  7. that Triton is pretty good though !
  8. maybe but there is also a surround version of phoenix but not nimbus ?
  9. the moon guitar update turned up for me this morning - still no reply from spitfire about the "error 1" from strings v2
  10. good to see FXP giving BFD a bit of much needed love
  11. interesting - I'd always assumed it was the other way around. Cubase has always been popular in Europe since the Atari days but I always thought that Protools had a larger user base ? A quick google gave me very little information.
  12. I picked up nebula as part of a Plugin Boutique freebie giveaway, along with a couple of other things. I should give it a try. I notice it's currently £130 at plugin boutique....!
  13. shame though as I'm not hugely encouraged by my recent experience with the Spitfire downloader .....
  14. and Hi Richard - welcome to the forum ?
  15. good question - I'm fairly sure they have...but I can find no evidence to support that ?
  16. plus a new version 3.0.3 - wooden cabinet seems like the only change
  17. what do you mean 'not the update' ? (and paging @ZincT) edit - ahhh - just upgrades from artist/elements/le versions (and unpaging @ZincT !)
  18. I hate an uninstaller that doesn't tidy up ! I've put a ticket in to spitfire - see what they say
  19. I still have dulcimer but getting error #1 on the strings as well
  20. that was my thoughts exactly - uninstalled it ?
  21. just joining the dots - you can get this for free if you are a novation owner
  22. that's what the download is for installs a big stack of virtual midi ports - and does it's own magic without installing anything else
  23. works great for cubase - only negative is that it doesn't respect the "hidden" status of tracks
  24. puts the $349 for a single plugin into perspective !
  25. I've got a few bits an pieces - the kontakt based stuff - sounds great but I don't really like the (tiny) kontakt inferface. There was a lot of wailing and gnashing of teeth from windows BBCSO when that came out..........
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