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Everything posted by simon

  1. Excalibur is worth having anyway so I'd go this route
  2. FWIW you can still upgrade from win 7 pro to win 10 pro for free - direct with microsoft (google it !) https://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/software-download/windows10 Windows 10 is much much better than Win 7 so I can't see any reason not to for 99.99999999% of users
  3. Brauer Motion Scheps Omni Channel WLM plus loudness meter WLM all had updates too
  4. I'm seeing 1.1 tags and I came from v1.0.12 so something is updated link is: https://www.ilio.com/dl-unify-lib
  5. if you go to the original download email from ilio and download the Unify Standard Library.guru file I think that is the latest version with all the 1.1 updates.....I think
  6. anybody have the ilio links for the update yet ?
  7. same here - wish I'd bought direct too John from PluginGuru did say "They will provide you with links for the updates at the same time we have links for the updates. No worries - you'll get the updates!" but that's not proving true as yet
  8. they sent an email for the last update
  9. @Richard Portelli thanks for the heads-up as well - any reason you don't email your customers when an update comes out ?
  10. just booting it up now - The GUI is great - I really hope they retro fit this to ezkeys...
  11. @cclarry - do we have a the best place to buy yet ?
  12. update to latest ilok software ?
  13. "Coupon usage limit has been reached" but saved me buying - so basically a win
  14. another thumbs up for the m2 - although no ASIO direct monitor drivers for those using cubase...you can direct monitor via the unit itself but cubase won't control it.
  15. release date was feb 5th https://download.steinberg.net/downloads_software/SpectraLayers_6/6.0.30/SpectraLayers_6.0.30_Version_History.pdf https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=294&t=180357
  16. think that was updated in February ?
  17. you can get it direct from Tracktion: https://marketplace.tracktion.com/shop/waverazor-le
  18. I know it's kind of a silly point because it's free but why say... Installed Size 1.9GB (7,500+ Samples) it's actually 750MB and 7230 samples - it always feels like they are boasting
  19. and apparently it's: "taking the industry by storm!" https://lunaticaudio.com/
  20. try the chat function on the website ?
  21. just playing with this now - very nice for a freebie
  22. FWIW these don't load in Nectar 3 or Vocalsynth 2 (I know, I tried) - look like duplicates of presets in the v3/v2 anyway
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