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Everything posted by simon

  1. that grace period (april 2019) is pretty generous .....upgrade is $60 for me I'm on the fence about upgrading - as you point out, not hugely user friendly....
  2. I really like The Snail - but it's a HUGE cpu hog - and has some odd quirks.....hasn't been updated for years
  3. this is quite good but if you have cubase 11...
  4. yes - the Avid software is only half of what you need
  5. also http://www.noelborthwick.com/cakewalk/2017/05/11/using-avid-artist-series-controllers-with-sonar/ links to this DIFFERENT plugin https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/20080104/EUCON-Control-Surface-Plug-in ?? another link here http://static.cakewalk.com/support/knowledge-base/files/EuConSurfaceSetup.exe
  6. Larry - you will definitely need to install the Sonar/Cakewalk Eucon software. The Avid software you installed is only half the story - that's the Eucon to app connector (sort of) You need the Cakewalk to Eucon part if that makes sense. That will add the Eucon option to the Preferences > Control Services. This is the bit that is built into Cubase A suggestion - try the app in cubase first and see if you like it before trawling around to find the install - as I mentioned above @Jim Roseberry has installed this previously in the other thread - might be worth a PM ?
  7. I don't think so more likely something like this: https://www.cakewalk.com/Support/Knowledge-Base/2007013271/EUCON-Control-Surface-Support-for-SONAR-X1
  8. you will probably need to install some kind of Eucon controller for whatever DAW you are using - there is one built into cubase
  9. try the Avid controller app, it's free - much better than the Steinberg One....a few things not quite 100% but works pretty well also seems to work on lots of tablets including the Amazon Fire
  10. I thought this feature was cool
  11. from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7. No release notes as yet on the TT website run the product manager to update also an update to Classic Rock EBX
  12. If I'm honest I haven't learned how to use it - the presets are so bloomin' good I just select one and press some keys
  13. I'd be interested in your favourite (cheap!) drum midi file sources ?
  14. +1 there must still be a programmer working at XLN as they do odd updates every now and again https://www.xlnaudio.com/support/addictive-drums-2-1-11 They've probably got a tremendously healthy work/life balance
  15. I'm sure it will settle down soon incidentally, for those who don't have Spectralayers or lots of plugins there is more in the update than I listed. And I still think cubase is amazing...just frustrating that they spend their time messing around the edges instead of making the core functionality better.
  16. can you log into mysteinberg ? you'll probably see it there....(edit - you said yes ?)..stress not though the licencer server has an audit trail. Usual SB type fiasco but you should be able to use 10.5 on the elicencer 24hour licence In other news - it's as underwhelming as expected. There are some new plugins,( but thanks to Larry) I have better alternatives A slight modernisation of some of the GUI..and I mean slight ARA2 fixes that should have been there in the initial release 2 versions ago Sampletrack improvements (which I don't use) They pulled the Remote API thing - wasn't working Tweaks to some other bits and pieces but nothing earth shattering. PLUS lots of outstanding bugs and issues NOT fixed and all the big feature requests ignored. I bought every update since the Atari days - and pro24 before that...think this is the most meh yet.
  17. yes - that's annoying, although there isn't a licence transfer fee so that pays for the postage with insurance. I bought a copy of nuendo a couple of years ago and picked up the dongle and the transfer was very straightforward
  18. I see others complaining about the same issue - very annoying but the elicencer has some way of tracking that so it will come back....
  19. ahh - that's the reason. Looks like they've changed to a new way of generating codes, starting today I assume as something I bought a couple of weeks ago was in the old format. It's 5 groups of 5 alphanumeric digits which obviously wouldn't work in the elicencer software. Then I remembered the SB download thing had a new code input section thing. That took the 'download code' activated it in the downloader and generated an elicencer code...it even installed it on the dongle too. Worked pretty well actually - although I haven't been a fan of the SD downloader...but it wasn't available on the website to download this morning so I was forced to use it. edit... and I don't mind the physical elicencer - I assume the issue you had was the software elicencer and I expect if they do get rid of the dongle they'll still retain an awkward software licencer ...so probably the same issue moving stuff around. With the dongle > new pc > plug it in edit 2 lots of grumbling on the SB forum about the elicencer server being down/overloaded....
  20. the licence code I got was in a new format - it was a "download code" - had to enter it in the SB download assistant and this authorised it - gave me a new elicencer code and installed it on the elicencer.
  21. here's the list of what's new https://www.steinberg.net/forums/viewtopic.php?f=307&t=201942
  22. yawn...... edit you know you are getting old when you watch a video like that and think "that big concrete and glass room...no absorbtion....the acoustics must be terrible for mixing"
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