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bats brew

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Everything posted by bats brew

  1. hey clean! i'm always here... and a few other places, i make myself available! LOL thanks for listening... this is one i first recorded back in 2001, i think... started on a little roland VS-880ex, then graduated to a VS 1880, then to sonar cakewalk! i've just finished re-recording and mixing a new version of this, but it didn't get done in time for halloween this year...
  2. thanks jack! the video, i think is just a 'carrier' for the vibe of the song, like tofu in a big curry dish..... LOL
  3. of course, for halloween. https://youtu.be/Pv_dPleLTf4
  4. hey andy, thanks for listening, 'passive break', i gotta use that from now on. heheh i love guitar harmonizing, but i've done it to death in the past, just because it's so easy for me, i mean really easy. i can harmonize with stuff that's out of pitch. LOL but, i'm trying to get more judicious on where i use it, and how often, so i try not to do it too much, just where it seems to want it, or need it. i always play my harmonies, never use studio tricks for that stuff. i just practice it till it falls into place. and sometimes, it doesn't!!! ?
  5. thanks nio! glad you dig these guitars, it's pretty guitar'y.
  6. Do you really feel qualified? A stranger was seated next to a little girl on the airplane when the stranger turned to her and said, ‘Let’s talk. I’ve heard that flights go quicker if you strike up a conversation with your fellow passenger.’ The little girl, who had just opened her book, closed it slowly and said to the stranger, ‘What would you like to talk about?’ ‘Oh, I don’t know,’ said the stranger. ‘How about nuclear power?’ and he smiles. OK, ‘she said. ‘That could be an interesting topic. But let me ask you a question first. A horse, a cow, and a deer all eat the same stuff - grass. Yet a deer excretes little pellets, while a cow turns out a flat patty, and a horse produces clumps of dried grass. Why do you suppose that is?’ The stranger, visibly surprised by the little girl’s intelligence, thinks about it and says, ‘Hmmm, I have no idea.’ To which the little girl replies, ‘Do you really feel qualified to discuss nuclear power when you don’t know sch!t?
  7. Thanks antler! Passive break, that is an interesting term.
  8. https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/center-of-everywhere it's the doppelganger of "Middle of Nowhere", from the "Wild Animals" album. njoy!
  9. i check mixes with those same k240II's for a few years, but when i moved up to a set of Sennheiser Hd 580's, it was a BIG difference. for the money, the MASSDROP models are the way to go.
  10. hey mark! thanks for checking this one out.. bass.... i had a lot of fun tracking this one... and it gave me a chance to try blending my iridium and bass IR with a sansamp bass di, and figuring out crossover points to use, and amounts of eq and compression, all that stuff. ended up using the iridium for the higher eq, and the sansamp for the lower eq. higher in the mix with the iridium, blended in the sansamp below.
  11. HOWDY HO ANDY! hey man, eagles, on a funk rock song? hm.... maybe 'those shoes'...?! glad you dig this one, and thank you for the comments! this song, it's kind of like an 'interval' song, between the 1st and 3rd on the album, the 1st is very introspective and upbeat at the same time, and the 3rd is a real rocker!! so i needed something like this, to introduce the rocker tune... the album songs were never considered as singles, they are expected to be listened to in the 'complete album' setting, just like the good ole days!! so yea, maybe longer as a single, but consider... most beatles singles were about two and a half minutes, and this one comes in at 2:47, so i'm right on target!! heheh. maybe i should add some lyrics about holding some girls hand, or asking for help, or measuring the albert hall for holes.
  12. hi CSW! i worked on the guitar sounds, as much as the actual parts, because i had this idea, that they would rhythmically support what the bass is doing, kind of glue it all together.... i think i actually printed those delays using a Boss DD-200, so once i made that decision, there was no going back!! LOL
  13. hey antler! thanks for listening
  14. Thanks man the bass is definitely the driver Maybe I'll bring up the level of the guitar and a bit
  15. my uncle had that same amp/case combo and danelectro style guitar... i used to turn it all the way, and just let it feedback. thought that was the coolest thing in the world... got me started down the wrong path. LOL
  16. hey tom! you know, i had this song for a long time... like 15 years or more! so, i had a lot of time to refine the melodies, so they should feel 'broken in'. i've got some new vocal stuff i'm working on now, plus i'm doing some remixes and remaster of my previous "Wild Animals" album, so hopefully i'll have out soon!
  17. HI LARRY T! thanks, whammy bar, yes, that'd technically be my first effect! LOL, on a sears and roebuck electric, had something akin to a bigsby on it... stanley clarke! i used to listen to his early stuff a lot,, return to forever, the tony williams stuff, school days, good stuff!
  18. HA! BASS VST! no such thing in this studio. ? that's a carvin LB70, played into a combination of a sansamp bass di, and a strymon Iridium with an ampeg 4x10 cab. a little compression, and thats it. thanks jack!
  19. this one's fun! getup! getup! https://batsbrew.bandcamp.com/track/poppin-tight
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