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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Oh I see we still have plenty of nuts around here. No worries.
  2. What are to do without our nuts?
  3. Glad you have found the "one" for you! Congratulations! I don't think the video could have been any better for this. The team did an excellent job to commemorate this important event!
  4. This initially seems like a good idea. *however* "Hey look at me, I have a DAW at home, maybe a nice studio." Caser- Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.................maybe we should follow this one home.
  5. Just updated Melodyne from version 2 to version 4 editor. I hardly ever use it but wanted to have it because when you need it nothing else works as well. Thanks for the info.
  6. "How do I make my acoustic sound professional?"....................drum roll...........get someone else to play it. *ducks and runs*
  7. Cancer seems to happen with cells that begin to replicate into cancer because they somehow lose their DNA instructions. If cells don't get the right amount of oxygen,aren't fed correctly and never rest they can go awry. The body defends against it to some degree until it gets out of hand. There are lots of factors that can contribute to this. RF is one possibility. The main difference between a few magnets around a person's head and something like 5K Wifi is the Wifi is generating a more powerful signal through the air at higher frequencies. I once carried a cell phone in my pocket all day. My leg tingled in that place even when I removed the phone. So did my ear when I used it for a long time.The jury is indeed out on most of it because any admission would mean law suits out the wazoo. A "little" RF is like a "little" sugar. You don't pay much attention to it until you consume so much of it that is begins to mess with your cell function. For RF distance is the main thing. Don't carry a phone in your pocket all day, keep it about 2 ft minimum from your body. Use a speaker phone whenever possible. When I worked with two way radio I still remember being burned because I was holding a police car antennae when someone transmitted. Imagine what a radio station antennae could do. Sitting next to a wifi transmitter at close range is probably a no no, but I'm doing it right now. Bluetooth is a fairly weak signal in comparison to smart phones and computer wifi. I personally think it would take a LOT of up close exposure for a long time for it to make any huge difference. There is a long list of things that can cause cancer and there are so many different kinds of cancer that it would be difficult to specifically say what might have caused Neal Pearts cancer. Here are just a few- Genetic disposition, weakened immune system, Ingesting large amounts of sugar. There is something to making sure the cells have enough oxygen. I wear a c-pap for that reason.Many people don't realize how much sugar is in a glass of soda. Carcinogens of any kind. Not drinking enough water.Chemicals in your food from pesticides, Exposure to radioactivity.... too much exposure to the sun . Radon dust, close proximity to nuclear waste of any kind. We don't always know this. It could blow over you as a cloud or be in the water and unless you happen to have a detector with you you won't know. It's invisible. Nuclear power plants don't always inform the public when there is a minor mishap. Sometimes it's a combination of these things. Neal was in his 60's . Things just begin to slow down . Something is eventually going to get everyone. All we can do is to be careful about what we eat, try to stay away from anything that has the potential to cause harm....maybe prolong the inevitable.
  8. I can see why you disagree since a lot of good music was written by only one or two people. I've seen the whole band work on stuff as well. Depends on the group I suppose. No two bass players would play a run the exact same way, no two drummers would play it the same, so I see that as a part of the composition if all they had was a chord chart or some kind of an idea of what was wanted. Until you have all of that you don't really have a composition. Unless a person steps in with very strict ideas and maybe even some notation that are to be followed the band has some creative input into the composition which is part of the composition.. This is why I always thought session players got a bad deal...feel free to agree to disagree. I always favored the more open democratic band as opposed to the closed minded few. Both have been successful. I was once in a band with a guy who was always quick to enforce that this was HIS song. Fair enough, but that same person just did whatever he wanted to do with others work without any regard for anyone else. It wasn't he didn't care. He just didn't think because it was about him. In some ways DAWs are a way to get away from all of that crap. In other ways it can be negative because so much more could happen with a team of real people. I have co written with people from all over the world using a DAW. That can be a really great thing, can also be frustrating. It's an nice solution though to writers block when you put two or three minds together on something.
  9. I see what you did there....or did you?
  10. I love this synth. Works best for me in combination with other synths. It is still one of my "go to" synths for certain kinds of material. Has an amazing wealth of presets and customization. If it were ever to come back as an item in Cakewalk I wouldn't hesitate to recommend it.
  11. Aside from that "sunset sound" it's a convolution reverb with what appears to be a plate reverb added on. Convolution reverb loads IR. I have like three of those already. Heck I think you can get one for free on the web. Plus my GAS budget needs a rest. A bunch of other stuff just jumped into my shopping cart recently.....so yeah. I'm waiting on this one. If I can't make music with what I have now I should be banished to an island full of head hunting savages, possibly forced to listen to Lawrence Welk until my ears fall off or forced to work as a deodorant tester...or....never mind Choosing a reverb is a 3rd world problem. But thanks for the FYI just the same.
  12. People like titles for some reason. He's a "composer". She's a "producer". I don't even think that way. I simply look at where I am, where I want to be, and what I need to do in order to get there. If I need help in an area I will look for it. It's a lot the same as cars are extensions of us to go somewhere. You get in it and make it do what you want it to do. You have a plan and the car is a tool. The car doesn't make anything for me, it just gets me there. I understand there are people here who take this stuff way more seriously than I do. There are the people looking to get "hooked up" with other people or a record company to try and make something happen. There are plenty of services offered to the wanna be professional musician for a fee. I never had a direction other than I like to make and play music. Never cared where that took me. I remember sitting in my garage with a guitarist, a bass player and a drummer. I had some weird lyrics ...but I thought it sounded cool. When you're 27 the world is your oyster. I would play a melody and someone else would throw something else into it. Pretty soon we had a song. The hardest part was remembering what we did so we could play it the same every time and trying to make something in a group of 4 with 4 different opinions on how it should be. As seen by a professional composer we would just be a bunch of kids playing around in a garage. Like when you were 5 and pretended to be Batman. That process is still technically composing even if it rubs Mr. Grey Poupon the wrong way. Probably most of the best rock and roll came about like this. A few guys throwing ideas together. No notation. Maybe a few lines scrawled on a napkin. No DAW for miles. I had a multi track. Our production was US. If we sounded good we could take it to a studio and any decent engineer could obtain a reasonable facsimile of us. If we didn't sound good, nothing you did in the studio could help. We liked playing and just doing that was enough then.....oh sure we had aspirations. Don't we all. Get a group of guys like that together now. If one or two of them own or can use a DAW and knows how to mix....to heck with the studio. Most decent bands have their own studio rigs now. If you go somewhere, save the stems for a larger studio. Production in the classical music scene is a lot different. For one thing they are funded better at the higher levels. A 50 year old who has played violin since they were 4 doesn't even think about a DAW. They make a decent salary to play. Let someone else worry about that. They bring in an engineer who makes the recordings. Someone else sells the music. Composers don't usually play in the orchestra, conductors conduct, promoters promote, accountants crunch the numbers. We aren't talking about 4 guys here we are talking about 50+ musicians who are very good at what they do. It's a whole different ballgame.
  13. I keep forgetting this isn't a serious discussion lol.
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