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Everything posted by Starise

  1. Right click on a cell. Select midi learn and push the key or button on the midi controller.
  2. I will attempt to help as well. You should have software installed specifically for the Focusrite that will allow you better control over the hardware. If you don't have it check HERE This works as a way to adjust the Focusrite directly. There are ways to boost the level using the existing Pro Channel. Tube amp in the Pro channel will boost levels if you move the gain control. Also can adjust compressor makeup gain, so you have two gain stages in the Pro Channel if needed. Best to know the levels and adjust accordingly. Not over 0 db on master buss or signal will clip. Below -12 is usually low in the initial mix. A nice free way to look at levels can be downloaded HERE. There are lots of free limiters to be had online. HERE is just one example. Limiters can make material much louder. The sounds you hear in your studio might not be matched well to the way your track is played in other systems because you might have your monitor volume too high in relation to the actual sounds. Your monitor volume should be set to the same volume other will have their systems at when they play the track. Limiters can be over used. Compressors can be over used. Mixing just takes time to learn but not as difficult as it might seem. Hope this helps.
  3. Great jumpin' Jehosefat....I see Micheal has a 12TB as a storage drive in his sig! You go big down under!
  4. Crikey sakes!!!!! the bagles. ?
  5. Might be as simple as a loose connection in the interface cord or female connectors????? If it were me I would be shopping a new HDD for transfer. I don't like finicky drives.
  6. I remember playing Atari video games. The ones you fed quarters into. Were you writing midi on an Atari computer?? I once drooled over one . Managed to get that cleaned up.
  7. They look ugly but I would still eat one.
  8. I just went to see Natalie McMaster in concert with her family. She doesn't play in this video but they all can play well......Lots of great talent and people in Canada! The music from their area has blended with Traditional Irish and Scottish folk music and has become it's own genre.
  9. Tell me if I am wrong. Software will NEVER be stagnant in any way shape or form. Sometimes the changes are purely cosmetic, sometimes the changes are necessary updates, improvements to glitches. Changes are going to happen though because they need revenue. Some customers unrealistically expect eternal use of a plugin free. If you saturate a market that means you can't sell any more unless you collect revenue through improvements, bug fixes and revisions. This is why I see plugin ownership as an ongoing periodic expense. I wait as long as I can between changes though which is why I'm not in a hurry to load the latest Waves portal. The home mixing engineer can slide by this if they download free plugins and/or use the ones provided by their DAW(s). This isn't to say a plugin you bought and never updated won't work in 10 years. It's more like an insurance policy. Similar to small local businesses, these companies will go the way of the dodo bird if they don't have any support. Waves makes great plugins. May I ask what you are replacing Waves with ?
  10. I guess I'll be waiting ( from a distance) when that deal hits the fan. I picked it up for 9.00 on sale Flatulus thanks to the deals thread and cclarry. I did actually use it to compliment augment a Beethoven piece. Gave a really different sensation to the whole thing. There are some real whoppers in that library. I could imagine a guy on roller skates going sonic. Back to the Hyperion deal. I get the amount I spent on micro deducted from the total For Hyperion Elements. In my case 49.00. Sweet. Thanks Soundiron!
  11. I hope we still get Canadian posts after this.
  12. I have a high degree of tolerance for everyone. I even eat Canadian bacon.
  13. I know that was last year, but still. HYPERION I was given the option for a 10% coupon since I own micro. If you are a customer already just maybe........ I emailed them to see what my upgrade price would be to elements. No reply yet. I looked on my account and was forced to admit that I actually bought the Flatulence library last year on sale.....hey it was on sale what was I supposed to do? I don't think there is an upgrade path for that one.
  14. I don't think we should bully Canadians. They are nice folks. I mean, unless they bully us. Then all bets are off.
  15. And 10 dollars then is like 30 dollars now.......or more. At today's prices those would be some salty HDDs indeed. No room for GAS....heck the systems wouldn't handle a plug in then.
  16. You are dating yourselves here. Don't worry I'm old too if that helps...ok it doesn't.
  17. Starise

    CbB Updated

    pwalpwal I can't deny the inevitable. I reckon there is no getting around it. I have no less than 4 Alexa devices, oh wait that's 5 because I have the Alexa TV remote with the Alexa dongle plus one Google home in the same house . This doesn't include my android smart phones. Google Home has the most info for calling phone numbers and doing things like ordering pizza. Better weather and traffic info which is surprising because Alexa is the product that is catching on the most. The good news is you can get Google home for a great price now. Alexa doesn't seem to know as much about the things I want to know, like my commute time in the morning. Maybe this is because I'm primarily tied into the Google browser, Google drive etc. My home automation is mostly controlled by Alexa. Alexa is great for adding shopping lists like "Alexa add bread to my shopping list". I then get that on my Alexa app in my smart phone. No wonder kids can't write any more. I became involved in Google Home because I received color changing smart bulbs for Christmas I put in my studio. An app in my phone changes the colors. I have them on a nice purple color right now. The person who gave me the bulbs didn't know they were Google. I seen a great deal for a Google Home AND two more smart bulbs. They were almost giving the Google home away with the bulbs, so I bought it. There is an app you can get that allows the two to cross pollinate but Google keeps changing the code on it because the two companies hate one another....a developer had it working until that happened. I don't doubt that they probably listen when they shouldn't be listening. One day that might become very important since I could yell Alexa call 911 or Hey Google, call the police.....just a thought.
  18. This might apply to a few who jumped ship when they thought SPLAT was forever gone. Luckily things took a turn for the best and the rest is history. In this case the backup plan was updating Acronis to the most recent 2020 version. My backup drive is 1TB which wasn't large enough to back up my system using Acronis. Remember when hard drives were 500mb?
  19. Those Canadians get up at the crack of dawn. ....................imagine being that stone mason, " Hey Lupo we have a job for you".
  20. Starise

    CbB Updated

    Alexa, Google and an unnamed android walked into a bar........................
  21. Haven't tried the demo yet. The thing is, there are so many other good software synths out these days that are on par or better for less $$. Unless someone specifically wants the Triton experience in software there are plenty of other options along the same lines as the Triton if we are only looking at sounds and sound quality. Is that a pessimistic view? It wasn't intentional.
  22. I know. So did I. Chomping at the bit and missed the deal you got. Might still be some benefit to the HD when not using the consoles. Prolly not. I could go back and try to get the other deal. I'm not going to bother. I'm ok with my 58 and change. Would have been better with 41 and change.......I'll just back off the coffee next week? When they said a one day sale they weren't kidding. No mo. Like my good friend Mo when he left....ain't no Mo no Mo.
  23. I'll roll with that.
  24. The HD version says it's VST and AAX. That's the one I bought. I maybe falsely assumed that it was a higher resolution. In any case it's still a good deal so long as it plugs into my system as vst. It is advertised as such.
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