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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha

    Moving On

    Nice and clean. Rich sounds. Well mixed. Very well done all around. Great work.
  2. Well put together with an informal feeling. Nice playing. Miracles are good. Very nice.
  3. I like the guitar work a lot. For me the vocals are a little low to understand for most of it. I think the remix is better. I like the odd things that come in. Interesting parts and different as you say. Good use of fx for atmospheres. Sounds sciency. I know about the seven sisters, maybe 2 of them fled?
  4. Up fun song. Lots of story telling in there. Sounds great. It is a great time of year to go out and see lights in some places. Nice that you found the studio tapes.
  5. treesha


    I listened to the full version. It sounds good, lots of good playing and instrumentation. Good mix. Since the message is important, the vocals could come up just a bit more. Yes, so much trouble in the world.
  6. treesha

    Dreams of You

    Very lovely song, Romantic and sweet. Good vocals and piano. Mix is good. Nice washes. As Jim Fogle said, swoon worthy ha.
  7. Well the OB-X is breathing in my monitors, definitely intense, should I be worried? payback for my vertigogo video disorientation? I like the moody mood of this and the mix of high and low elements and the tempo changes. Clean. Nice chord choices too
  8. Nice piece. I like all the rhythms of the drums and other parts, how they work together. Sounds like the Raven is still trying to fly and getting too tired so resting here and there. Would be interesting to see how it is if you do add bass parts, I like what you have in the song but more bass is always appealing to me.
  9. treesha

    Over the Edge

    Congrats on the album completion and release, better late than even later ! Wishing you much success with it. Sounds great. Everything well done as you do. I played it loud and did enjoy it. Yes alive and free and helping oneself is a pretty good place to be.
  10. Hi Nigel, thanks for checking it out and your comment. I appreciate the positive feedback and glad you enjoyed it ! Treesha
  11. Nice, makes me wonder how many of those toys are active during the song since I know nothing about your style of working. I do agree with pwallie about the low end. I guess I was coming to listen with the idea of dub as in the reggae dub sense of the word. So not that. But yeah some real heavy lows in your style would add to the range of the song. Big fan of lows here. Good luck with the new studio !
  12. treesha


    Really good mix. Overall sounds great, complex and rich sounds. I like the changes that come along. Sounds a bit ancient at times, medieval at times, modern at times. Does have a mysterious quality too. Enjoyed it !
  13. Sounds great, very clean. 1723 wow, still works today. The chorus and instrumentation are nice when you fill the song out. Enjoy your nice memories !
  14. Been a really really REALLY long time since I heard this song. It’s very beautiful. You did a really good job of covering such a classic. Nice video too.
  15. “you cannot petition the lord with prayer” Doors. Some very universal issues. Always appreciate your openness and unusual music.
  16. Well this made me smile. Unexpected sounds from my expectations from the title. I like the message. Very original piece. Moments reminded me of Zappa. Thanks for sharing
  17. Hi MKBPresents, Welcome to the forum ! Thanks for listening and your feedback. This was my first song video that I made assembling and fx-ing free clips I found on various free image sites. I made the piece in the intro with the boots which I am more used to doing. It was a bit challenging to learn enough about the software to make something, but fun and I hope to make more videos. I'm happy to know it inspired you as it is my first and I didnt expect it to be inspiring. I was just hoping it would be ok ! Good luck with your projects and thanks again
  18. Hi Steve, thanks for listening and your really really REALLY cool message! I think I know why your mind went in several directions ha. Interesting combination of directions! I will check out the Waitresses song. On the "no thank you", glad you liked it. I kinda wavered if I wanted to say that or not because it's kinda polite and maybe too nice for such a nasty thing as vertigo. But I put a lot of fx on the 'no thank you' so it was less polite. Thanks again.
  19. Try the video on a 43" 4K monitor, eh what where am I Oops. Nice stuff. Ha thanks Wookiee, glad it sounds nice to you, I was working under very adverse conditions ! Hope you got your bearings back
  20. treesha

    What's What

    nice music, nice scenery, enjoyed both, well done, thanks for sharing!
  21. 1. What genre does this song belong to? Is it indie rock? soft rock? singer/songwriter? Not sure but rock of some type. I think its more produced than singer songwriter. But Im not good with genres! 2. What is the mood/vibe of this song? is it sad? Its sad in the way that some 50s 60s love songs are sad. Sad in lyrics but not so much sad in the music itself. Kind cute sad that way. I like your voice and playing. Good song and nice mix although the lowest low notes are a bit distorted or just louder than the rest of the low notes.
  22. treesha

    Started Taken Me

    Interesting as usual. Sounds cathartic
  23. Spacious. Love the guitar. During the main part, it overpowers some of the other elements. Enjoyed the video too. Nice piece
  24. Im coming in at version 8. I like it, evocative and interesting. I think as for the mix, some things are too prominent to me. Like the shakers seem too loud. Some of the hi things sound bit harsh to me. I love the low end and the vocals, if I was mixing this I would start with the low end and vocals most being most prominent, then add in the other tasty stuff behind those. Reminds me when the male voice comes in of the album by Gaudi + singer Nusrat Fateh Ali Khan ‎on the album Dub Qawwali. I like how Gaudi mixes. I believe he made the album after Ali Kahn had passed making the songs around his previously recorded vocals. Anyways, you might get some ideas from that album’s mixing. Keep working on it, its worth it.
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