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Everything posted by treesha

  1. Wrote this one before hurricanes became as destructive as they are now, so its missing devastation. Just wanted to do something a bit more fun after my last two. Thanks for listening and any feedback ! Happy Thanksgiving to anyone who is celebrating it.
  2. Ha yes losing interest in the first 8 bars is not a good sign, maybe put the black sheep out to pasture for a while
  3. Thanks so much Larry T ! I appreciate the listen and your positive feedback. I hope you got to enjoy a lot of the beautiful area here and nearby (sedona, flagstaff) and fun stuff to do while you were here and that no ghosts messed with your installation work
  4. I will be paying more attention to this now, seems it is not common at all. Thanks for the editing tips too. I also have melodyne studio which has the nice make loud notes quieter / make low notes louder feature that i think is great. I overdo saving copies of projects until the song is done so yes I do have copies of things I might occasionally destructively edit but a good point for those who don’t.
  5. thanks ! i will pay attention to if it happens with other changes besides gain and volume ? I haven't used revert, news to me. BTW when I say gain, i mean destructive gain, process - apply effect - gain menu, not the gain fader. But in the example above, I had not moved any markers to edit - undo.
  6. Hi Mark, thanks for listening and your feedback and your story, interesting! I really enjoy messing with backing vocals and kinda had set a personal goal to finish by Halloween but you’re right its kind of a local legend thing too. The cello was old from the first recording I made of this it may have even been a soundfont ! I still liked it so used it in this version.
  7. Thank you Boomin36Beatz! Glad to know the mix sounds good to you and the emotion came through. Appreciate it!
  8. Like just now, I did a gain increase I wanted to undo, and when I went to edit-undo, it said I could undo moving a marker I think it was. Anyone else have this? For me it's longstanding but I never asked about it before. I'm currently on 4.21 but it predates this and other installs for me.
  9. Really great song and very well done ! Has a great atmosphere, like the sum of the parts together make it even stronger. I'm not up on metal mixing, for me if the lyrics weren't written here I would have missed some of them and they are good. The vocal is great in tone and expression, as are all the parts, maybe just a little up in the mix would be clearer ? guitar slightly lower at times? Maybe just my listening space. Love the drums. enjoyed this song very much ps I have one called Babylon is Falling from my reggae band days ha.
  10. Thanks for listening and your comment ! appreciate knowing you liked it and that the music matched the mood of the story. I always struggle with drums I seem to be missing the drum gene so I will check out the beats you mention.
  11. Hi Nio, i know what you mean about voice insecurities! All we can do is try, so good luck !
  12. yes do sagittarius, my birthday is soon, no pressure lol
  13. Im not sure i fully understand your post, so i was just addressing the concern that you would like to open a saved project and be able to access and edit the midi data in the project in the future. I was suggesting that you preserve a duplicate of a midi track in the project before you render the midi into audio. Then it is there as midi when you open the project in the future. You can archive it, hide it, put it in a folder in the project to be out if the way but its there if you want it someday. Its really not a mess, you can bounce to audio using the midi and its vst, and keep a copy of the midi. As for long term storage i keep my song project folders on 2 usb external hard drives saved as .cwp I dont do midi only recordings so have never saved a project as midi. Are you short on space that keeping instrument vsts on your computer is an issue? The ones you mention dont seem overwhelming. As you say to work on a song later and play the midi or redo the midi and bounce to audio anew you need the ones you used to be installed or reinstalled. I think its common to use multiple vsts in a project and reopening later goes fine if they are installed or reinstalled. (I would be surprised if ppl uninstall vsts after finishing a project. I think ppl keep installing more of them myself included ha). So save the project however you choose (midi only or midi/audio or only audio) and keep the vsts installed and all should be fine to reopen revisit. Hope that helps
  14. One idea re preserving your midi, you could duplicate the midi track before doing any rendering etc, and keep it as is. You could archive it, hide it out of the way, put midi duplicates in a folder. I never freeze so cant comment on freezing. I have opened very old projects and found fx or instruments missing that i no longer have installed so i get your concern. For me i have better instruments and fx now so don’t mind, but every now and then i like the old sound better.
  15. Really like this song, a good reminder to set troubles free ! I think you captured the passion in both the singing and the instrumentation. Mix is good. Enjoyed the video. Gotta check if you did Sagittarius yet ha, havent been on here in a while.
  16. Wonderful execution and mood, love your guitar playing as usual. Enjoyed reading about your process.
  17. treesha


    Ha, the dialogue in old movies is so funny. Good job with the ambience you added
  18. Just lovely, I havent heard this type music in a long while and is nice to hear. As Tom said I think the peaks at times are a little uneven in the midst of the reverby-ness, but thats just a taste thing. Personally I would like to behold a miracle or two ! thanks for the reminder. I was jolted back to 2021 when Solitary Man followed ha
  19. Very pleasant piece, not sure if the new version is up yet or not, great playing and energy. More drum volume would be good I think.
  20. Very creepy as intended ! wow. sonic nightmare stuff. Well done ! really like it, just smashing. The video didnt work for me but honestly thats ok so close to bedtime ha
  21. Really well done, love the guitar and drums, good mix and interesting changes. Has a great sense of movement and energy as a highway should !
  22. I do enjoy it, has a force feeling to it. Adding another something would be good if you are still working on it. Like the drums.
  23. Interesting changes, spacious and fuller, nice mix. Nice guitars. I agree the bass could be brought up a bit.
  24. Thanks Bjorn, guess its fitting that its "haunting " ha, The thing is around here the focus is on the woman who killed herself at the hotel, and very little about the man that broke her heart, so its a different perspective and a different view of the event that includes a more complete picture. I guess with most "hauntings" the focus is on the ghost/spirit and maybe not so much on what the story is behind the unrested spirit. Honestly, I never had any poltergeist experiences till our sunday music performances at this hotel, cant say where I stand on these issues, but do know we saw some stuff as do others there that cant be explained. Thanks for listening and glad you found it beautiful ! appreciate it
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