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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Wookie, Thank you for listening and commenting! Glad you enjoyed it and that the mix worked well! Trying to forget 2020 events….. what a year ha
  2. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Jim, thank you for listening to a song of mine for the first time, and commenting, I appreciate it ! Very interesting feedback about it sounding sparse and full at the same time and has a mood to it. And thanks for commenting on the use of effects, its fun and good to hear that I am doing it with some competence. And glad you thought it was interesting throughout. Means a lot to me !
  3. Would this be useful for compression or just eq?
  4. John, yes when i apply melodyne as a regional fx and check my help for version it says studio 5 point something. But i only get the this may take a while box no algo choice. Odd i know.
  5. John the mp3 sounds good to me, I like ample bass too. Its funny I never get the box with the algorithm choices before it renders just the one telling me it will take a while, and I have studio 5, never explored why not and i can always change it later. Look forward to your conclusions.
  6. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Johnbee58, Thank you for listening and commenting, happy to know you found it relaxing and wow mesmerizing, thats a really special thing to say, and thank you for appreciating my voice and the atmosphere. What else can I say but thank you ! I really appreciate it and feel very encouraged.
  7. John, yes i use the melodyne created midi files from guitar ( or anything really) on other instruments. Like the guitar part from the older song i midied i have changed the strum pattern a bit and am using that to play a kontakt organ. I shortened the midi notes and am triggering a kalimba for some short melodic sounds behind the rhythm guitar. I play guitar some, mostly rhythm a little lead and my electric guitar is old and needs work so i got ample strat and generation and several free guitar vsts to play around with. I like ample best. I use melodyne in some creative ways and really love it. Like i just melodyned the bassline and made it more interesting by creating different phrases here and there. I may midi it because my real bass is so low it might not cut through, so then i will create a second bass with higher tones or just a completely new bass vst bassline. I am just a hobbyist so just making music for my own fun.
  8. John, wondering what you think about how the rendered midi sounds to you when you play it with strum session? You say its about 70% accurate and has artifacts and jumped octaves. Since it is a clean guitar recording with no fx ( unlike mine) i just wonder if how it sounds at 70% is acceptable to you?
  9. Last night i opened a 12 yr old song to redo and i melodyned the guitar chords to see what chords i had used as my written notes were unclear. It is 4 chords simple ones like c dsharp d c sharp according to melodyne studio 5 findings, but the blobs are everywhere. This is electric guitar with many fx so I wanted to comment that i think the nature of the guitar part will also matter very much when rendering in melodyne, like this one with blobs octaves both up and down from the main notes are likely representing reverb distortion etc. i think a clean guitar part would render much better.
  10. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Bjorn..thank you for listening and your comments! My issues about my singing are about how i sound before many hours of working on the lead parts to get them ok and using some intention in the backing vocals to mask stuff. Im glad you enjoyed the results which also means i did a good job working them ! I just opened a 12 yr old kinda fun song project to work on after this deep one and my voice then is so noticeably different. Miss it ! Anyways i am totally illiterate about keys. For decades i have tried to learn certain music theory stuff and it never sinks in or sticks. I think i create from the other side of the brain as is said, just playing around really not with a plan or knowledge of basics even. So i hear you about minor being common for a moody song. I would have to ask melodyne what key or keys this one is i have no idea. I put the chords together first, thinking its another instrumental until feelings that i have been dealing with lately wanted words so the words came after. Thanks again !
  11. I have studio and have used it to turn guitar audio parts into midi. I agree with post that its not great and does depend on the guitar parts complexity and which algorithm you use. I use it not to preserve guitar parts but for the opposite, to take a guitar sample into melodyne it to make something else out of it so I don’t mind that it isn’t great, sometimes the “mistakes” are good. For simple chords it might be ok but for phrases its not great.
  12. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi whoisp, thanks for listening and for your comment, happy to know you love it and the quirky key change. I really enjoyed making the music parts of this one and the backing vocals.
  13. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    HI KurtS, thank you for listening and commenting. I normally used to be ok with my voice, it just changed and the allergies and smoke are so bad here ! I think we all may have that weird thing about listening to our own voices unless like a superstar vocalist ! The groove is not like what I would normally do, I was trying out the Rast Designer Drums I got a while ago, and its a different feel for me. I began thinking this would be a kinda dancy song, but then the words arrived and this is where it went ha. Thanks again !
  14. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi AndyBO1, thanks so much for listening and the very positive feedback ! I am really moved by the positive feedback and very encouraged about my music making! I really appreciate the comments and was not expecting such amazing things !
  15. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Nigel, thanks for the 2 reallys, I appreciate you listening and your feedback, happy to know you think it is one of my best, it sure is the most personal and emotional song I have posted here! So its great to be so well received.
  16. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Lynn, thanks so much for listening and your comments, glad to know you love it and think it is lush! And haunting too, just in time for Haloween season ha. I appreciate your post very much.
  17. I use melodyne a lot and have never had this happen. The only time i have had a clip go silent or render a flat line is if it is muted which i can do by the shortcut k. Its weird if you remove it then undo it behaves normally. Good to know if i ever have this happen.
  18. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi Larry T. , Thanks for listening and for your very positive feedback ! I am self taught and yes rely on taste and feel quite a bit, and play around quite a lot, and so I really appreciate your comments and comparisons to some whose music is so rich ! I am really encouraged by the folks on this forum who take the time to listen and comment. I feel "heard" and nurtured on my musical journey. Thanks again
  19. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Hi noynekker, Thanks so much for listening (a few times !) and for your words of support. It feels good to create something important to me and to have others appreciate it too. And that I got the technical stuff and the feelings across too. I hope to keep posting too ! Thanks again
  20. I just got this in the Humble Bundle sound forge sale but haven't tried it yet.
  21. Really beautiful and moving, I enjoyed all the instruments and the percussion is nice. As for the mix, I agree with jack c to bring up the other instruments for a better balance between the prominent lead string, and a little more volume and definition in the lower parts would add some more drama. But that's just a taste thing, its great as is !
  22. I really enjoyed the song and the video too. I really like the vocals and the way they change throughout the song, and the fx changing on them. Fun bass. Serious subject matter. Sometimes all one can do is make a song and this is great.
  23. treesha

    into your eyes

    Hi Jack, yes I think your mastering is going well ! I really like the bass in this one, and it really seems like a musical play. Very nice mood and movement.
  24. Sounds so fun, an interesting mix of instruments and sections. They all sound real good, love the twang and the slide. Well produced, I really like everything about it. It would make some movie better.
  25. treesha

    Walk A Mile

    Ha, thanks for listening t, I had to work on the lead vocal a lot to make it work, its funny that I never used to think about my voice one way or another, never thought of myself as a singer though, I just sing songs I write when they need vocals ha. But now that my voice has changed and I am stuck with allergies the last 5 years I really miss my normal voice! And all this smoke out west...worse than playing in bars ever was. Thanks for letting me know you enjoyed it and for the support.
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