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Everything posted by treesha

  1. I got hornet songkey mk4 free at some point and used it last night. I don’t have a large monitor but it was easy to see sizewise for me. Their ad says it can be resized even up to double.
  2. Melodyne has a feature that has 2 functions- make loud notes quieter , make quiet notes louder, each with a slider to refine how much of each to do. I have melodyne version studio 5 not sure if other versions have this. I think it works well.
  3. Keni, The facebook picture of young you playing your guitar is precious! Long journey. You must have had understanding parent(s) or guardian, I say that as a somewhat discerning mom who raised 2 electric guitar playing sons ha, piano lessons 6 years for them, one also played saxophone and violin and both played the flutophone (?). The learning curve can be trying.
  4. It looks like all your tracks have names, did you name all the tracks like clean reverb, robot, telephone? Is this a template ? Track 1 it looks like there are 3 fx in the fx bin I don’t know if any are reverb.
  5. Wishing you well on your health journey! Changes can be challenging but may be rewarding. I am not able to have a strong amount of caffeine like in coffee, but i do enjoy and appreciate the small amount in dark chocolate which also has compounds that some say are beneficial. Dark chocolate is not to everyones liking, especially very dark but for me its tasty and a nice little boost.
  6. That is exciting and good! Congratulations and good luck!
  7. I think some ways to make the bass heard are eq as you suggest, boosting some of the higher frequencies, and adding saturation or distortion.
  8. Theres a setting in Kontakt you might want to check too. I have had to uncheck this box as described below in addition to changing the zero controllers setting in cakewalk. Here is the info from the NI site- https://support.native-instruments.com/hc/en-us/articles/115003479549-KONTAKT-s-Volume-Resets-When-I-Press-Play-in-my-DAW KONTAKT's Volume Resets When I Press Play in my DAW Symptom - KONTAKT's Instrument volume is reset when you press play or stop in your DAW. Cause - Some DAW's are configured to send MIDI commands CC7 and CC10 when you press play or stop. KONTAKT can be configured to respond to these standardized commands to reset the loaded Instrument's volume. Solution Follow these steps to prevent KONTAKT from reacting your DAW's play / stop commands: Load an instance of KONTAKT in your DAW. Load an Instrument to KONTAKT's Rack. Press the wrench button on the upper left side of your KONTAKT Instrument. Click Instruments Options. In the Controller tab, disable the option Accept Standard Controllers for Volume and Pan. You can alternatively configure your DAW not to send the standard MIDI commands CC7 and CC10 when pressing play or pause. To learn how to do so, please consult your DAW's documentation.
  9. To get audio recorded in the track receiving the sound you arm the track to record and then hit the record button. Then that track will record the incoming sound as audio. Sounds like it is working right for the overheads but still not routed right for the rest of the instruments. If you checked all the inputs for the tracks maybe check the outputs in the ad mixer section for each instrument.
  10. Cakewalk has virtual midi controller if you go to view menu you should find it listed there. I think this would work well for triggering a simple vst bass instrument. So you don’t have to purchase anything to try this out. There is a video on youtube I couldn’t add a link but the name is How to Use Virtual Midi keyboard In Cakewalk by Bandlab By audio tech tv
  11. How to use Addictive Drums 2 in Cakewalk by Bandlab By creative sauce on youtube goes into detail. I couldn’t get the link to insert here but google should get you there. You can find an ad drum map there too.
  12. If you render it to audio you can use melodyne to stretch it. I just stretched out the final bass note at the end of a song last night using melodyne. It turned out very well. If you have melodyne you would make the note you want to stretch a clip and put melodyne on that clip then in the melodyne window lengthen it as needed. I think i hold the alt key as i drag out the right end of the blob. Then render that melodyne clip.
  13. If you haven't figured out what to try, here is the heading of a post that might give you some ideas. I couldn't remember out how to link the post here so you will need to use the forum search to find it. There are a few settings to check that will turn off the sound as you describe, one in cakewalk settings and another one in the Kontakt instrument. Komplet Kontrol Krap By Count Vlad, May 12, 2021 in Instruments & Effects
  14. Not at my computer so won’t be as detailed but at the top of most of my kontakt instruments is a place to set the incoming midi like omni etc. Check to see if your drums are set to the right input. Another thing I would check is if the midi is in the right octave for this drum instrument. I would go into piano roll view and start testing the keys all over to see if any of them trigger a drum. Sometimes drum midi is not in the right octave or position eg not mapped to that particular drum instrument.
  15. Yes I have. I reopen the project, hit play, and yikes! Whats that! And check it to see it changed patch. I don’t use it much so just note the patch name and re select it.
  16. I have read posts about the crazy stuff ripple edit can do so the 2 or 3 times I have ever used it I am diligent about turning it immediately off. For me I doubt it is ripple edit related since I have rarely used it and know to turn it right off. I suspect it has something to do with selecting somehow more than the one you want to convert. My life crazy stuff is getting done so I can get back to music and my curiosity is intrigued again about this.
  17. I'm wondering about why this happens too ! Its odd but from posts it does seem to happen to some people. I have converted many myself with no issues before this started happening. I haven't had much time for making music in many months so haven't tried it lately, but it was consistently happening. When it does happen its a sight to see. The receiving track just starts loading overlapping clips/tracks and for me they load right to left from the end to the beginning, all over and on top of each other and I have no idea how to make it stop so waiting seems the only option. So I started moving what I want to convert to past the end of any tracks and it works normally. Maybe its a simple misstep in the process and I would like to know myself.
  18. Yes I have had this problem and its been discussed on the forum before. What I do as a work around is copy or move the audio way beyond the end of the projects tracks where it is alone, convert it to midi, then put it where you really want it to be. Its a pain when you have many tracks and the conversion does them all on top of each other in the same track! Ill look for the previous discussion on this and see if there were other things I forgot.
  19. Christopher Meredith, one of the most prominent Bass players in reggae music, has died, according to multiple social media posts. A cause of death was not provided. “Chris” Meredith gained international acclaim by touring with reggae greats like Gregory Isaacs, Dennis Brown, Israel Vibration, Jimmy Cliff , Ziggy Marley and the Melody Makers, Mutabaruka, Lauryn Hill and many more. You may not know his name but you probably have heard him play. Very sad to hear this, we were acquainted from meeting in DC in the late 80s and hung out a few times when he was on tour in Sedona and Phoenix AZ several years ago. RIP
  20. I tried it several times with varying results but mostly good. Finally got to sort out what was going on between a snare and guitar track in the Live song Iris.
  21. Yes i think i have used rx connect to send a clip to be edited in rx and then sent the edited clip back to cakewalk. I will check out the steps i used and post later on edit post with steps : ok so here are the steps Right click on the clip – process effect – audio effects – RX 8 connect RX 8 connect opens – choose repair- ok RX 8 audio editor opens – do the editing – choose SEND BACK in upper right corner Message says waiting and to open RX connect again, so go back to the original clip in cakewalk and again do this - Right click on the clip – process effect – audio effects – RX 8 connect RX connect opens in cakewalk and says press process to commit changes, but there is no process button, press ok to commit to the changes and cakewalk will now have the newly edited clip replacing the original clip nothing intuitive about this process ! but i have used it successfully
  22. I haven’t received any feedback on my specific internal error message so I rolled back and all is well. I haven’t tried updating again but will at some point.
  23. Hi. I was just updating to 2022.06 build 28 and at the end of the installation process I got this error message. I opened a project and it seems ok but want to check if the install went ok or not with this message coming up. At least it's cheap at only $0. Thanks for any suggestions !
  24. Yes on upgrading to 5 I’m glad I did. I’m also interested to see where melodyne goes next so want to buy their product
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