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Everything posted by treesha

  1. treesha


    Yep. I hope creating this song and video was cathartic. Well done.
  2. I think the Anderton IR files are in this AndertonCollectionSetup_1.0.0.25.exe I own platinum, not sure when or how I got this file but I think they are in there
  3. treesha

    June 21

    Hi FreeEarCandy Thanks for listening and for your positive feedback and question. I often struggle with reverb so I'm glad to know you think I got it right here. I think I love reverb so much I would overdo it, so then I underdo it so I dont overdo it. As for Melodyne, I really use it on anything and everything both creatively and correctively. In this song I know I used it to change some bass and guitar notes to other notes, to make some counter melodies/harmonies to the original ones, to stretch out some of the weird effect noises/tones and ending bass note because I wanted them stretched out longer, it always surprises me when I use a vst synth and then look at the audio track in Melodyne that the notes are not 100% in tune which is fine sometimes but I think I did put the synth notes in tune, to clean up any weird noises like here the generation guitar has some squeaky noises that I think are supposed to be fret noises, I tried to take them out but it was not good, so I used melodyne to turn them down and fade them a bit. I definitely use it on lead and backing vocals in other songs, but do use it extensively on just about everything I might want to play around with, its really fun. Thanks again
  4. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Andy Thank you for checking out my song and for the positive feedback, I appreciate both ! Yes I wanted this song to express stress and intensity and there is definitely chaos involved. I agree the drums hold it together as it is pretty piecemeal. Thanks again
  5. treesha

    June 21

    Hi t, Thanks for listening and your ??. Today I learned where those are ha. Maybe I will start using them now... heres one for you ?. Thanks again
  6. Great song, I think you nailed the mix, and the production. Great vocals. It sounds very professional in all respects. Wonderful.
  7. I really like this, the song, the video and the concept. Fun. A bit ominous menacing dark and heavy with a floaty video. Just love the marching pulsing multiplying sea urchins and the arrival of the big closeup. Very much enjoyed the rhythm, instrumentation, tones, guitar work. well done!
  8. treesha

    June 21

    Hi freddy, Thanks for checking out this song and leaving feedback for me. I'm glad to know you enjoyed it ! It was a lot of tracks to manage, with clips all over like a patchwork quilt, but I worked on the basic part of this a long time here and there so knew a good bit of it well. I am affirmed that you felt this mishmash of clips worked and that the creepy, tense, intense mood was conjured from them. Thanks again
  9. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Bjorn, Thanks so much for listening and your very interesting imagery. I will now join you in thinking of pagans dancing around a fire at Stonehenge on the summer solstice. Yes mysterious doings! I especially enjoy feedback that is what a listener saw from the music, so nice to know. I appreciate your feedback and this fascinating diversion from other less pleasant things on my mind. Off to the gathering !
  10. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Ross, Thanks for listening and your comment. I can see how you could liken it to prog rockish style, I have listened to lots of that in my life along with many other styles and it all bumps around in there. I'm glad to know you enjoyed it and felt it was unique and creative and even though tense found it to be in a good way. I appreciate your comment !
  11. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Nigel, Thanks for listening and your feedback. I'm glad you enjoyed it even though the mood/atmosphere of it is what it is. I appreciate your comment!
  12. treesha

    June 21

    Hi noynekker, Thank you for listening and the very affirming feedback. Thanks for listening on headphones as well as speakers, I think some of the sounds were enhanced on headphones. I'm glad you liked its different feeling, even if it is stress and uneasiness because that was my intention. I googled modal vs tonal and the variety of descriptions leave me unsure how to understand the concepts. I would say the song just turned out the way it did as I played around with it. Try as I have over the years, I am quite uneducated about music even basic stuff like keys I have to ask Melodyne etc. I would say I am more of an intuitive and play around with stuff songwriter. Thank you for your supportive words ! It means a lot to me
  13. treesha

    June 21

    Hi mark, Thanks for listening and sharing your feedback. It was challenging to keep track of the tracks! it helped that i had worked on it intermittently for many months so I kinda had a grasp of stuff, and then added more stuff. It was a nice break from singing !!!! I will check :22 thanks for the tip on that. I'm glad to know how the mood came across because that was my intention. I'm flattered you were impressed, thank you it means a lot!
  14. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Steve thanks for listening and your supportive words! I appreciate both. I too am amazed by Melodyne and wind up using it on many types of tracks for correction or creative stuff sometimes changing a clip into something unrecognizable from what it was. Its tons of fun! Thanks again
  15. Primitive, evocative, then rhythm explosion, dark, eerie, familiar, unfamiliar, love the rhythm guitars, would enjoy hearing the bass more. Interesting happened.
  16. Very good original song and playing, really tells a story and the video/images bring it alive. Good experiment !
  17. treesha

    The Open Road

    Beautiful piece, guitar rich and lovely. My absolute favorite roads are in Arizona and Utah! Nice work on this companion to all the beauty here.
  18. I listened to And I Go, I enjoyed it. Interesting and different sounds and changes throughout. I like your voice and the melody and would like it a slightly bit louder more out front in the parts it gets quieter. Mix sounds good.
  19. treesha

    The Day Will Come

    Nice P, interesting and emotional. I was drawn to a timing thing around 3:43 ? maybe just me. Anyways, keep em coming !
  20. treesha

    June 21

    Hi Larry T. Thanks for listening and your feedback. Glad to know I got across the stress and intensity and the out of normal worldness. This song project had so many tracks with just one or two clips here or there because it was like a patchwork quilt of pieces of sounds. It was a bit challenging to keep track of which little clip did what. I was poking around in AAS looking for things that were different but might fit together, thank you for affirming my choices. I appreciate your comment very much.
  21. treesha

    June 21

    Hi jack c., thank you for listening glad to know you think its cool. I will listen with the intention of listening for where tightening might help. This song was one of those that you find a thing or two has shifted a bit and I hoped I had found all the misfits ! thanks again
  22. treesha

    June 21

    This is an instrumental I played around with over 2022 and never had time to finish until now. So again probably way overheard this one. It started with a free Kontakt instrument called signal. Used another free one Hypha, I used SI bass, generation electric guitar, about 5 or 6 different aas sounds, Steven Slate free drums. Some fx I used were Green Oaks Tungsten (free), Wider (free), Pancake (free), Bass Professor II (free) Sound Particles Energy Panner (free), bx shredspread, I mutated a few things with Sandman Pro, used MAAG 4 EQ, Neutron, Ozone and as always Melodyne. Some of those free ones maybe aren’t free anymore but were when I got them. The mood is intended to be stressful and hopefully a bit intense. Feedback welcome !
  23. I bought this too and like how it can be pretty simple ( which is helpful for me) or can get more complex. Great price!
  24. Another dontknowgenre song, I think you made your own genre now. After about .22 the mids lows instruments could be more distinct (maybe more eq separation?) to about 1.10 . Nice horn riffs. Good singing. More guitar riffs would be nice. Good song. Enjoy your all caps enthusiasm ! Enjoyed it
  25. Very relaxing yes tropicalish. I agree with JohnB that some up front stuff would add to the presence. If I was working on this I would have some pretty high stuff come in like high strings or synth at times or something like that, just to break up the tonality and add a few surprises. Nice piece !
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