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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. any time i hear playing back at different speeds on export..i think sample rate. Try a test by removing that one audio file you didn't record in cakewalk to see if that is the problem. If it is, try bouncing that track using Bounce to tracks and remove the other one. remember we are only testing here to see if that's the problem so i wouldn't save the project after these tests.
  2. You will be better off storing all the midi notes on one track/one file unless they are 3 different drum VST's. Use one midi track routed to multiple track sources which can be done in the insert synth options menu.
  3. Audio or midi ? Midi- You might be better off using a midi source track and keeping all your drums on one track. Audio- You might be losing instrument sounds due to drag and drop options. Try selecting "Blend new with old"
  4. Having a hard time warming up to the selection process as well. I wish there was a way to turn it off. I'm also using CTRL+SHIFT+A to (select none) like its going out of style. I do use CTRL +Click on clips though to deselect. that has been my new go to method as of late.
  5. FWIW, i never save my project after using Fit to project. You can also save a screen set and lock it for a fail safe way to return to default track height.
  6. There isn't a way, per say..To set all tracks to their default height again (that i know of). The work around i just wrote should get you where you want.
  7. - Expand Track 1. - Highlight all Tracks/SHIFT+A. - Hold down SHIFT and ADJUST Track 1 height.
  8. Next time you do this, just hit ALT+Z. (That's a Redo view shortcut).
  9. I bought a portable interface for my old laptop, it was sometime back in 2010 (Alesis I o2). I was unimpressed to find out their driver download link was for ASIO4ALL. I used it sparingly for travel purposes and was able to get passable results that were not bad but not as good as my in home studio unit (Focusrite 18I8). I did find several oddities with the driver though, causing conflicts with other hardware, sometimes random crashes, loud bursts of white noise and even oscillation due to my onboard PC speakers (even though not used for DAW). I think its important when buying a device to make sure the manufacturer has a good reputation with not only its current drivers but also its updating drivers. I know some have mentioned Focusrite driver updates have given them some issues but i've been rock solid with that unit for almost 7 years now.
  10. Hold down the ALT Key and then click
  11. Is your Hard drive almost full ? And are you running the Driver from Behringer (Asio) and set to Asio in preferences ?
  12. Yes. 1- Right click on the FX chain and select "Extract FX chain". This will open all the plug ins in the FX bin. 2- Delete the ones you don't want anymore. 3- Repackage it up by right clicking and selecting "Create FX Chain". The whole thing is very simple once you get the jest of it.
  13. You might try disabling your wireless network connection in control panel. doesn't mean you have to uninstall drivers or kill it for good, just to do a test and see if its interference.
  14. What kind of external noise is it ? Is it from your room ? White noise ? Crackling ?
  15. Most of them if not all should work. im not sure how many are linked to the previous Sonar plug ins but i do know i use them a lot creating my own FX chains. the cool thing is that they remember preset values. So you can save your stacked plug ins and their presets. https://www.cakewalk.com/Documentation?product=SONAR&language=3&help=Browser.09.html
  16. I would first uninstall the focusrite driver. Then go to preferences in Cakewalk and make sure your device is selected and ASIO is chosen.
  17. I've seen this happen as well. However i cant reproduce it consistently. It might be user error on my part as im now watching closely every time i turn on clip fades. But ive turned it on and each clip on a track has manual fades added anywhere there is a split. I'll keep trying to repro this.
  18. I was just about to say what mark just did. Drag to select/then drag up or down. this is using the smart tool.
  19. Are you using any plug ins that are free trials ? Have a demo mode ? Are the dips always in the same spot ?
  20. Which USB codec are you refering to ? And do you have the ASIO4ALL driver installed for this unit ?
  21. Are you recording to an external audio drive ? How old is the SSD drive you are using ? Is it close to being full ?
  22. Ive been using Focusrite for years for years and never had a problem. i know some have mentioned they have but i haven't.
  23. Dont trust windows media player for any kind of measuring stick. Mix to -3db peak. Then master it. Which should bring the level up to -0.3db (for digital overs never mix to 0db). Mastering is the process that gives you the loudness while still retaining dynamics.
  24. I would like to see some improvements to the way in which Cakewalk handles naming clips. One idea would allow for Markers to be linked in the clips name. For example, i create a marker called: "Chorus". Ideally the clip would then be named after its track (Example- Guitar lead) and the clips title would be "Guitar lead/Chorus".
  25. Now days, almost every single plug in has input control, as long as you recorded at a decent level and are not blowing meters up, you shouldn't have to use clip gain a whole lot unless you are using it as an effect. That's just my 2 cents anyway. The days long ago when some plug ins had no way to control their input gain was essential.
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