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Everything posted by chuckebaby

  1. This happens to me as well. I dont believe it has anything to do with Cakewalk as much as it is the Speakers/monitors built in protection circuit. Even using stand alone plug ins (Guitar rig for example) i have 1-2 seconds of silence before my speakers are activated to normal mode. What kind of speakers are you using ?
  2. Its basically a new Sonar. No learning curve. Its the same DAW with added features and updated bug fixes. Keep your old Sonar installations where they are, don't remove them as Cakewalk by bandlab will work side by side still allowing you to use all the plug ins you had in Sonar. Its really that easy
  3. Users have made note in the past freezing too many region FX/Melodyne edits has caused instability. The original wave is always stored in your projects working audio folder. The way i have always looked at Melodyne clips is something close to fixing something that's not right. I'm not worried about using Melodyne on something that needed to fixed in the first place. In most cases, i'd rather re-record a track if its that bad, however i can re-open a Region FX clip as many times as i want so how necessary is it to go back to the original wave file ? Unless of course i am experimenting on a clip and screw it up so bad I need to restart all over, how many times has that happened to me ? 1 out of 100 times. And more often than not i realize how foolish the melodyne edit sounds before i close the project and undo everything.
  4. 2 words.... "Ripple - Editing" Turn on Ripple editing and Grab the whole group and shift it to its new home. EDIT Oh yea... and don't forget to turn it off when your done.
  5. We posted at the same time. Glad its solved.
  6. You might get a better solution by listing your audio device. If your using onboard audio or some driver this "Mic" has, also list the driver mode you are using (WASAPI, ASIO, MME).
  7. That would be the video i made. What's the difference between the original track and one that has melodyne edits done to it ? There's no degeneration between the original clip and a Melodyne clip. Unless you just feel more comfortable using the original clip (which are saved in your projects audio folder by the way. Freezing multiple melodyne region FX is only going to cause problems down the road, You'll see. There's a good reason The "Bounce to clips" and "Render Region FX" option is there. If it was useless, everyone would be freezing their tracks instead. Once you close the project there's no more undo.
  8. Load up your old DAW or do a custom installation and point Cakewalk to the plug in folder (I believe its the same folder as Cakewalk by bandlbad defaults to). Most of these plug ins can be used but your previous DAW needs to be installed, or as i said, a custom install of plug ins only.
  9. No i'm using the PRV with 1/4 notes. The names of drums load on the left hand side as normal. The drum pane has different look to it, i'll try to post a screenshot later. I tried using using @scook suggestion yesterday and its a good one. I just just prefer working in PRV.
  10. I appreciate the suggestion. i just cant stomach that drum pane. Maybe its just my personal preference where PRV notes are easier to see on the eyes.
  11. The other method is using the Drum pane. Which for me anyway, is a bit difficult, you are grabbing those little triangles which i can not always grab in one click unless my Zoom is maxed in. Using 1/4 or 1/16 notes are easier to grab and lets you work in a wider field.
  12. Yea wish i had some words of encouragement. For what it's worth, i've never heard of anyone (actually ever) disabling their cd/dvd player to improve latency. Is your audio interface bus powered ? or plug in (AC) ? I actually like what Reaper has to offer (especially in its way to manipulate audio speed). But i find Cakewalk with more features and easier to use. for what i do anyway (typical project is 30 audio tracks/5 midi tracks/50+ plug ins/Region FX). I've had good results in both DAW's (Cakewalk+Reaper). I switched to Reaper for a while when Cakewalk went down. But came back as soon as Cakewalk did. I have an Intel I7 AsRock mobo, 16 GB of ram. Nothing crazy. And a 1st gen Focusrite Scarlett (actually I've never even updated the drivers before LOL).
  13. Did you go to preferences and select your soundcard ?
  14. I've always deleted orphaned envelopes using Delete special. Just like this.. http://forum.cakewalk.com/FindPost/3073546
  15. You can always select that one area and the choose Edit/Delete Special. When presented with the pop up deselect all except track automation. or select the whole track and use Delete Special to remove all nodes, automation
  16. I'd like to move this thread to a better place. this doesnt seem to be a feature request, it looks like a possible bug.
  17. You can draw tempo in the tempo view but i wouldn't mind seeing an update to tempo view like automation lanes and even something preferably to export tempo map.
  18. Yea i'm not sure you read my whole comment. Referring to this...
  19. I dont use the drm pane for editing notes in the PRV. I use the PRV itself. Excuse me if im not understanding but with drum maps you can sort, arrange those midi notes in any fashion you want. Dont get me wrong, Drum maps need an update, i would love to see that. but its never been a show stopper for me, only time consuming. But what isnt time consuming when your customizing something you are going to use over and over again. This is how i use the PRV for drum editing. I made this video years ago (around 7 years ago i believe) but i still use the same technique today.
  20. you might want to begin by adding - how did you add this delay to your tracks ? Did you put it in the FX bin ? OR as Clip FX ? Did you possibly use a BUS to add the fx ? I would check the master bus first.
  21. I would make sure your "new project" template wasnt over written/replaced, even make sure your not loading a project from template. EDIT- Never mind, just read Marks post.
  22. All above advice is great. Your other options are Audiosnap, Melodyne. But if the whole clip is slightly off, turning off snap will help you move it easier. Jon's idea is very effective when you want pinpoint precision. If i may make a suggestion, Turn your input level up on that guitar. Your wave form looks like its comming in around -12db.
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