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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. garybrun


    Me like. Beautiful
  2. Thank for taking the time to listen and comment Gary
  3. Congrats on your first mix1. Congrats on your first use of the cowbell ? VSX are great. Bought mine when they first came out and its great to see how the product has developed. On the mix side (we all paint very different pictures) Nice vocal. Your drums a little bit woolly, need more power and attack. (come forward) Well done. Gary
  4. I listened first... then watched the video. Nice little funky tune. I also edit video... there's a lot of work gone into that. Well done.
  5. garybrun


    Fantastic well done Jerry. I personally love this kind of music and am blown away by the skills to create such a composition.
  6. garybrun

    Red Tide

    Very nice production and tones.
  7. Well done Kevin. Put a little parallel compression on you vocal... and then blend it in. Or a little saturation. Reckon your vocal will then pop! Vocal to vocal buss. New buss... vocal crush.. send vocal from you vocal track to vocal crush (smash the hell out of it) then blend in.
  8. Thanks mate... and thanks for all the listens and comments. Hope the journey was helpful to others. Gary
  9. Cheers Steve. Thanks for all the comments and help. Gary
  10. Many thanks Kevin for taking the time to listen and comment. Appreciated.
  11. Thank you to everyone that helped and contributed to bring this project to the finished line. I am now done and time to move on. Many Thanks, Gary
  12. Thanks Steve. I've now had enough and finished it to the best of my ability.
  13. Thanks so much for the feedback mate.. I need it LOL
  14. Well after much thought, listening and revisions I decided to strip the song down. I thought it was too over crowded and needed more clarity. Could I have your opinions on this version. Thanks In Advance, Gary
  15. Nice vocals. Like the piano panning too. Well done.
  16. You do produce a lot of stuff Jake. So many different styles... Well done.
  17. garybrun


    I couldn't here your mix LOL
  18. Here comes Jessie!! Its been a while. You have a unique style and vibe mate.
  19. Hi Steve. Nice track. I personally found it a little hard to hear the lyrics.. had to listen hard. Is that a compression problem?? Maybe bring the vocals up a little?
  20. garybrun

    Love is Real

    That surprised me. I wasn't expecting that genre from you.
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