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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Thanks for taking the time to listen.
  2. Thanks Mark for taking the time to listen and comment.
  3. garybrun


    Your mixes are always very clear with a great sound stage. Love the sax (do you use an auto pan on stuff or manual)? Nice guitar work. Cool base line.. (I could never work out a line like that) I always listen to the music first then listen a second time watching the video. Its amazing how the whole thing changes when watching the video.
  4. WOW!! Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Larry. If I am honest, my horns are not that good and should have a more live sound. You can tell they are computer generated. What I find amazing is the things that are available t o us these days for people who own home studios. Imagine how much it cost for Roger to make his song in the studio. Once again thank you for the feedback
  5. Thanks for taking the time to comment and listen.
  6. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. Its a little bit of a challenge trying to recreate and cover some of the old songs that hold so many peoples memories of their relatives. The reverb was very different years ago (this how I remember it. Music is very dry today.... I'm still influenced a lot by my sound from those days. I'm 60 in February and this reminds me of my Grandparents. ?
  7. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Lynn. Appreciated. Gary
  8. Thanks for listening Bjørn and commenting.
  9. Sorry I missed this Michael. Well done.
  10. garybrun


    Very nice. Well done pal. Will listen again later when I have a little more time. Gary
  11. HI Andy. Great to hear from you again. I also am busy and don't check into the "Song" forum as much as I would like too. When I do I take time to listen to quite a few tracks (dont think it fair just putting my own stuff up for comments) Also Im working on a few projects for other members and took a break and added one of my own. Thanks for taking the time to listen and too comment. I used to live with my grandparents when I was young and they would listen to Roger quite a lot. He was a great artist R.I.P.
  12. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Steve. Appreciated. Gary
  13. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. I notice a few things I need to fix later..
  14. Ooops. I hear some distortion now... sorry!! Will repost tomorrow.
  15. My cover of Roger Whitakers song "The Last Farewell" All comments welcome. ? P.s. Added a Master now. Really pleased with the feedback on the mix. Checkout the word file if you want to know more. Last Farewell vs2_@Easy_Listening_Male.doc
  16. Very nice Mark. Sorry for the delay in replying.. I have always loved your vocals and guitar playing. We all paint different pictures... but I would like to hear more low end and a few more instruments. Its not often vocalist puts himself higher than everything else... they usually shy sway ? Its the first time I have heard your mixes do this. Would love to have a go at this one... I love this kind of style. well done mate.
  17. Thanks so much Tom. We all worked very hard on this project.
  18. Thanks for taking the time to listen Paul. Appreciated.
  19. I am a member of the band but FOH Sound Engineer.
  20. Well done... Sounds very Scandinavian to me.
  21. Thanks Steve.. they all worked hard.
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