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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. Thanks for the listen and comments John. Gary
  2. Thank Timbo. And I agree... Its just Ive improved over the years and not remixed it. I will give it ago. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment. Gary
  3. White Christmas I post this every year 🙂
  4. Very hypnotic at the beginning- Bass sounds nice 🙂
  5. Hi Ross. I enjoyed that and thank you for posting. Piano samples are good!!
  6. It fixed my problem. Why are you using Asio4 all? That could be your problem.
  7. I have the apollo 8xp and have had the same problem you had with one of their updates. I would uninstall the software from UA connect and then reinstall. Windows update caused a few problems for me and the UAD drivers... but I am running windows 11.
  8. Hi Lummy. You have a nice voice mate. I would say it was a sad song. 🙂 I wouldn't know were to put its genre..
  9. Yup.. Mike is good and his presentation/video skills have improved over the years. In fact I think I wrote to him a long time ago and complimented him on those. I see the reason for buying a Mac... also own one myself. 🙂
  10. I have been a cakewalk user for over 25 years... infact longer I think. I still have all the original cds and downloads. Years ago there wasnt the instant fixes we have today... we had to wait for a new version to come out and download the cd image. Now we have very quick rebuilds and patches. How much did we pay for each version of Cakewalk before?? I have invested a lot of money over these years and still have (and its working) Sonar V-Studio 700 system. Some people on this forum I have known for decades. 🙂 I have Studio One 7.. Dont use it (but I do have the presonus 64 channel mixer. Cubase 14.. have that too... dont use it. ProTools... tried dont like it. Luna... use it a little but not mcuh as I have the Apollo X8p (preamps just died) 😞 Sequoia Pro ... use it a little for mastering... but again do more in Cakewalk. Its what you know and what you are used too. I know Cakewalk, know the developers and will stick with them. Yes... people can throw their rattles out the pram and vote with their feet. There are new uses joing all the time and us old fogies are out numbered.. (we usually dont like change) 🙂 What I really like about Sonar is I can still use my out dated V-Studio console and still load up old projects files from decades ago 🙂 Im a happy bunny.
  11. Thank you Michael for the taking the time to comment and listen. Gary
  12. Thanks Nigel.. There where a few things niggling me (there still is) 🙂 Jim Foggle nailed it!
  13. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment Andrew.
  14. Well done Jane.. I would bring the guitar up in the mix-
  15. Thanks for commenting and taking the time to listen Larry. Appreciated.
  16. Thank you for taking the time to listen and comment. Gary
  17. Well this worked for me... You can see al the stuff in this thread.. Fix latency problems. Regards Gary
  18. Hi Jim. Thanks so much for taking the time to listen and comment. You are spot on with your comments and it is what we as a band are working on with the mix. Thomas (lead singer) likes Rascal Flatts songs. 🙂 Kristin (Left) Laila (Right) needs some automation. We plan to have another mix session later... and release on Spotify. We have one track out there and need to follow up quite soon. The Song - Hobo Train Thanks again for the comments and listen.... you have a very good ear!! Cheers, Gary
  19. garybrun


    Great mix and production. Very good instrument separation. I liked the fade out too.
  20. Thanks for taking the time to listen and comment.
  21. Hi Jerry. I'm sorry I mentioned it now.. Not many listen the way we do Go with your gut!
  22. Hi Jerry.. Depends what you want to do with it. I don't think it distracted from the artist communication at all. If you want to send me the vocal.. I might be able to fix it for you. Gary
  23. Hi Jerry I'm just listening on my Focal Trio system. So you knew it was there... I didn't until I heard it 🙂 I checked again... without the hard disk going at the time as I was copying something to HDD My C drive SSD so I wont get it from there. (That's good... shows my system is working well 🙂) I am learning how to critical listen. I didn't want to detract from your composition.. and my question about your reverb was because I liked it. I also agree with your comments on your singers ability. Great job and I have always liked your work. Gary
  24. This is an opinion. Focal Trios and tuned system... your guitars are louder?
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