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Everything posted by garybrun

  1. garybrun


    Its very sad!
  2. This document shows you the improvements etc. Sonar
  3. Think I remember this one.
  4. You will find we are all very polite on here.. Why did you ask for feedback?
  5. I also think les verb would be better... except it makes your trumpet sound a "little more real"... is that why you chose it? Spitfire Audio Labs Trumpet Fields is free and will sound better than the one you have.
  6. I am not a "competent audio wizard".. wish I was though!! Just learning new things and experimenting. I learned everything I know on here... and other courses etc. One advice is... "If it sounds good... it usually is" and you don't need all the meters. I use the meters as the last part of my chain just to check. But it helps a lot when you have good recorded and worked out mixes (your good at that Mark) The saying "crap in and crap out) is spot on and you cant polish a turd!! You should post the before and after so people can learn and hear the difference. Banldlab would be good for that... I can do it if you like?
  7. Windows 11 works fine and I have had no problems whatsoever. I even installed Sonar 8.5 and it worked too.
  8. @noynekker... Thank You. I mastered it privately for Mark as I love his sound.. and he asked if he could publish it. Just purchased the ARC Studio and this was the first song I have ever tried it on.. and I am pleased with the result. Some of the comments have mentioned adding a melody. I think it doesn't need it personally. I really like Marks music and his voice.. so I have great picture in my mind when I listen to it. I haven't listened to it on headphones yet.. will give it a try now.
  9. Hi Pete. Great tracks and great mixing skills too. Sounds fantastic on my Focal Trio 6. Everything is very clear and has its own space... especially the percussion side of things. (I would struggle with that myself). Guitar tones are excellent. (I bought the Kemper for my son and his Sandberg bass... amazing piece of kit). Reverb is perfect too. Too be honest I cant find any constructive criticism for this mix. Regarding video.. you have some skills there too. What cameras are you using? I use Premiere. Had Vegas years ago.. but then beta tested for Adobe for a number of years and stuck to that. Anyway.. lot of effort has gone into that production and it sounds great. Well done. Gary
  10. Its not just the author I have followed I've checked around. Forget the HT... it all works and I have a massive improvement. The secret is to take what you can use and what you can not. the proof of the pudding is in the eating. Im stuffed ? Gary
  11. Hi Mark. I think sounds great pal. Nice panning and you've nailed the eq on that kick sound...
  12. Hi @Wookiee I just bought this too.. you happy with it? I find it really brings my bass and vocals more forward. Also I have it on the default curve after correction... do uou? Don't need my Sonarworks and mic anymore.
  13. garybrun

    Off My Mind

    Hi Jack. You mixing skills are improving mate. Well done. Gary
  14. I also do the same.. I thought I could here different reverbs.. that's why I asked.
  15. Nice Jerry. I have a question regarding reverb spaces. Are they all in the same space or are using different ones?
  16. Well done Paul. Lyrics are great. Somehow reminds somehow of Glen Cambell ?
  17. Love it Mark. Brilliant pal.
  18. Congrats on your Album Steve: Well done mate... I even struggle to finish one of my own songs let alone an album full, ? If I could pick three my favs in the list are: Fallen. Are We Lovers (anymore) Grey Your manage to get emotions and truth in your vocals. Brilliant pal.
  19. And that's why I ordered it. I don't need to add any plugins or forget to switch them off when bouncing ? I can also hear everything at calibration level, YouTube Spotify Bluetooth etc. I was looking to get the Trinnov... but I don't need that now. ? I believe this will sell a lot of product for them.
  20. I was Ruffin it on the streets last night. Also a met a Fats Domino player and tripped on a Rare Earth magnet because the Foundations where not good. Met a black guy called James and a Gaye guy called Marvin. Stevie wondered why Gladis was eating all the pips in the melon. While Charles was a Ray of sunshine. BUM BUM!!
  21. Very nice Steve. There has always been something about your voice that captivates me. Love the guitar work and panning in this track. Well done mate.
  22. Very nice. Lots of things going on to catch your attention all the time. Well done.
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